




 Leaving Islam



Page 3

The left has pretty much silenced rational discussion of any kind with its knee-jerk over-reaction to anything that might possibly offend any groups’ delicate sensibilities. Now making sensible observations or drawing correct inferences based on pure fact is 'Islamophobic'. Challenging questions are dismissed as "Muslim bashing" or, even more absurdly, as "racist" (as if religion were a race). To smug self-righteous elitists, the rest of the world must forever bow to the ‘Politically-Correct Gods’ and forever put up with Islamic inspired murder without complaint. The Sept 11 commission found faults everywhere, except with any part of pure Islamic religious philosophy and its role in brainwashing those acting or acquiescing in its name. In politics the saying is: "It's the economy, stupid!". While the world pretends that Islam is a non-violent religion, modern and ancient history begs to differ, screaming: It's the religion, stupid! This macabre Islamic act of terror in Russia is both immoral and illegal. Article 51 of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Convention prohibits combatants from using civilians to: "shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favor or impede military operations." Moreover, the International Criminal Court considers "conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 years, or using them to participate actively in hostilities in both international and non-international armed conflicts" to be a war crime. Thus, even if other attack that deliberately slaughter civilians are excluded from the equation, Islamic terrorist organizations, and the Muslim leaders and lay people (read: the nearly invisible ‘Moderate Muslim’ having no tongue) that tolerate them, are war criminals twice over. It is long past time to unbind the corset of political correctness that suffocates so much of our public discourse, and to state some self-evident truths. How can any human being with a shred of conscience dismiss what occurred in that school as anything less than pure evil, scorned though the word may be by our own elite? At its root, the attack in Beslan was not really about Russia 's war against noble separatists in Chechnya fighting for an "Islamic" state. Words like 'separatists', and 'freedom fighters' simply provide the immediate 'feel good' cover words accepted by sympathizers in the media worldwide. In fact the fight is all about simple, profound religious bigotry and the rule of the Caliphate, versus Russian nationalism and territorial integrity and the rule of democratic law based (mostly) on equality and human rights. Its not about intolerant and undemocratic Russians trying to prevent Chechens from practicing religion or be free, …but it is about intolerant and undemocratic Chechens trying to eliminate all religions but Islam, to conquer and govern the land and enslave infidels. In other words, Russia is fighting the same threat faced by non-Muslims all over the world, with full moral, national, and territorial justification.

Schoolyard children seek to end all arguments with name-calling. It is disappointing that Islamists of all creeds continue to hide from rational debate by raising ever-higher walls of verbal abuse and spin. How is it that most Muslim leaders and institutions can claim to oppose intolerance, then in the same breath attack those who expose extremism of any Muslim brother, calling them bigots and ‘Islamophobes’. Dare complain about a very real history and culture of intolerance, and be called intolerant for speaking at all. Playing the injured party, and thereby sweeping the real issues under the carpet in a barrage of name-calling is tactical, but meaningless to the issues at hand. The poor Muslim ‘victim’ is thereby not required to engage in any real debate having to try to defend the indefensible. Muslims play the ‘race’ card to deflect honest and fair debate as well as any group ever has. All the while Islam continues to persecute and subjugate people around the world, using the pen to project a false image opposite of reality, with the sword in the other hand cutting down new victims daily. As in all times, today there is great conflict between the sometime opposing principals of ‘free speech’ and ‘political correctness’. For some reason, our society obsessed with both these values can not yet call a Muslim bigot a bigot, or a Muslim liar a liar, or a Muslim anti-Semite an anti-Semite, or a Muslim murderer a murderer, or identify Muslim hypocrisy no matter how obvious, nor call Muslim traitors treasonous, and on, and on, and on... Free speech has become subservient to our cultural ‘thought police’. Heretics who dare buck the trend are sanctioned and attacked relentlessly by powerful groups supported by a Judiciary leaning further left every day. It is a sad reflection of American politics that many left-leaning Americans out of pure ignorance would call any bigoted simply for citing pure Islamic scripture, outlining factual events in history, or re-quoting recent news events. As Hollywood icons, media elitists, liberals, and self described intellectuals willingly operate as unwitting tools of the Islamic misinformation campaign, remaining blissfully oblivious that in the Islamic vision of the final world order they would be the first targets. Should Islam ever take power in this country, they would be offered neither gratitude nor mercy for their earlier collaboration. For the safety and survival of our children, the brave must ignore the shrill name-calling based on ignorance, and persist in shining a bright light on all religious and historical facts.

Vernon Richards can be contacted by this email:

[email protected]

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