




 Leaving Islam




It will be clear to any reasonable person, through an objective, contextual reading of the Qur'an, hadith, and shari'ah (along with the daily news), that the infidel is an inferior being to be despised, shunned, subdued, killed, or converted. The position of Islam, vis-à-vis anyone or anything non-Islamic is one of intolerant hatred (for God's sake) and violence. Such is the anti-human message of Islam's hateful deity, as manifest and promulgated in the brutal jihad lifestyle of a hateful, bloodthirsty desert sheikh, whose life is emulated by Muslims to this day. The hateful book which laid the groundwork for the fourteen centuries of violence and subjugation visited upon the infidel—and the obliteration of infidel culture—has never been revised or considered anything less than God's immutable word for all men at all times. Those who have challenged this view have paid dearly, and still do.

There is no tolerance where Islam reigns. The Jews and Christians who have been unfortunate enough to live as second-class dhimmis ("protected" or "guilty" people) under the Islamic state were routinely humiliated, overtaxed, derided, dispossessed, and were helpless to defend themselves from Muslim wrath or cruelty. This is the fulfillment of sura 9:29 which we saw above, and it is a matter of historical record22, contrary to the modern multicultural facade of an Islamic tolerance that simply did not exist in Muslim occupied Spain, Egypt, the Balkans, Greece, Israel, and beyond. The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) who scraped by under their Muslim overlords weren't "living in peace," as today's Western useful idiots for Islam claim. They lived in fear and misery. The money extorted from them—the jizya poll tax—in exchange for being allowed to cower in their homes, practicing their faith out of sight, was used to fund the jihad war chest. When they couldn't pay the jizya, they were sometimes compelled to give up their children who were converted to Islam or enslaved. If they were found guilty of breaking their covenant of "protection" with the Islamic state (a guilt which was all but assured, seeing as they had no standing in a shari'ah court against a Muslim), they were executed or sold into slavery. This is all in accordance with God's writ in the Qur'an, and Muhammad's degenerate example in the sunnah, and it continues today.

In the last two centuries, the world has undergone tremendous and tumultuous change, much of it for the better. Islam hasn't changed with the it. Most of us have left the Middle Ages far behind where they belong. We've learned, and are still learning, that our faiths, our laws, and our ways of thinking can be amenable to pluralism, progress, and forbearing brotherhood with our fellow human beings, irrespective of race, sex, creed, or ethnicity. Those of us who are religious have discovered such qualities to be consonant with the principles of our respective faiths, affirming them even. Those of us who are of a more secular bent find that this new and positive position of tolerance is simply noble and just. This is the wheat we have begun winnowing from the chaff of our pre-Enlightenment/pre-American democracy history. The progress is not as quick as some would like, but it is progress nevertheless.

By contrast, Islam's inflexible, retrograde dogma still nurtures xenophobia, gender apartheid, hatred, and violence against the unbeliever wherever it gains a toehold in a society's consciousness. Its totalitarian program for God is totally hostile to the most fundamental principles of Western liberal democracy, which is self-evidently the fairest and most beneficial way of life yet conceived. This is not bigotry or islamophobia (especially seeing as it is a line of argument against Islam, not Muslims). It is an objective assessment of Islam's past, present, and certain future if it is not challenged from without and radically changed from within.

The longer we abide Crusades guilt-stricken academics and America-hating überleftists apologizing for Islam in its current (ancient) unreformed state, the more it will threaten our hard-earned and fought for way of life. More infidels will die for being "the basest creatures in the sight of God," and more Muslims will suffer and die for not being the right kind of Muslim. Now is the time for those of us who can be truthful and compassionate to confront Islamosupremacy, to repel the ideological jihad which has vitiated our media, our universities, and even our governments. It will not go away if it is ignored or placated. 20+ current jihad fronts in the world today, not to mention the Arab and Ottoman subjects of old Europe, northern Africa, and south Asia attest to that.

1The Life of Muhammad, trans. A. Guillaume, 1955, Oxford University Press, Karachi
2Qur'an [The Koran, With Parallel Arabic Text, trans. N.J. Dawood, 2000, Penguin, London] 33:26-27
3Luke 20:25, KJV
4Qur'an 9:29-30
5Qur'an 9:33
6Qur'an 38-39
7Qur'an 9:41
8Qur'an 9:73
9Qur'an 9:111
10Qur'an 9:122-23
11Sahih Bukhari 9.84.59
12Sahih Bukhari and Muslim
13Sahih Bukhari 5.59.572
14Sahih Bukhari 4.52.256
15Sahih Muslim 57.20.4712
16Sahih Bukhari 4.52.311
17Sunan Abu-Dawud, 40.4582
18Qur'an 8:55
19Qur'an 2:193
20Qur'an 3:110
21Qur'an 5:51
22The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam, Bat Ye'or, 1985, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press


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