




 Leaving Islam





Extracts from the Ali Sina’s article mentioned above.  

A narcissist is a person who has not received enough love in his childhood, who is incapable to love, but instead craves for attention, respect and recognition. He sees his own worth in the way others view him. Without that recognition is nobody. He becomes manipulative and a pathetic liar.  

Narcissists are grandiose dreamers. They want to conquer the world and dominate everyone. Only in their megalomaniac reveries they find their narcissistic supply. (…)Their goals always have to do with domination, power and respect. They are nobody if they are neglected. Narcissists often seek alibis to impose their control over their unwary victims. For Hitler it was the party and race, for Mussolini it was fascism or the unity of the nation against others and for Mohammad it was religion. These causes are just tools in their quest for power. Instead of promoting themselves, the narcissists promote a cause, an ideology, or a religion while presenting themselves as the only authority and representative of these causes. (…) Muhammad could not asked anyone to obey him. But he could easily demand his followers to obey Allah and his messenger. Of course, Allah was Muhammad’s alter ego so all obedience was for him in the final account. (…)  

Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of ‘’Malignant Self Love – Narcissism Revisited’’ explains: ‘’Everyone is a narcissist, to varying degrees. Narcissism is a healthy phenomenon. It helps survival. The difference between healthy and pathological narcissism is, indeed, in measure. Pathological narcissism and its extreme form, NPD (Narcissistic Pathological Disorder), is characterized by extreme lack of empathy. The narcissist regards and treats other people as objects to be exploited. He uses them to obtain narcissistic supply. He believes that he is entitled to special treatment because he harbours these grandiose fantasies about himself. The narcissist is NOT self-aware. His cognition and emotions are distorted.’’    

The above perfectly describes Muhammad. Muhammad was a ruthless man with no human feelings. When he decided that the Jews are no more of use to him and he needed their wealth for the advancement of his plans, he stopped kowtowing them and eliminated them all. He massacred every other Jew and Christian from Arabia . (…)  

Muhammad was an emotionally sick man who was not in control of himself. He grew as an orphan, changed five foster parents before he reached the age of eight. As soon as he came to be attached to someone, he was snatched and given to someone else. This must have been hard on him and was detrimental to his emotional health. As a kid, deprived of love and a sense of belonging, he grew with deep feelings of fear and lack of self-confidence. He tried to make up for it by becoming a narcissist. (…)  

Muhammad was a man with profound emotional scars. Dr. Vaknin writes that a narcissist ‘’lies to himself and others, projecting ‘’untouchability’’, emotional immunity and invincibility. For a narcissist ‘’everything is bigger than life. If he is polite, then he is aggressively so. His promises outlandish, his criticisms violent and ominous, his generosity inane.’’ Isn’t it the image the Prophet projected of himself? (…)  

How could I blame those ignorant Arabs for failing prey to a man like Muhammad when only in the last century, millions of Germans fell prey to the charisma of another narcissist who like Muhammad gave them big promises, who was ruthless as him, as manipulative as him, and as ambitious as him? (…)  

It was then that my anger gave way to a profound feeling of empathy, compassion and love. I made a promise to myself to fight this ignorance that divides the human race. We paid dearly for our disunity. This disunity is caused by ignorance and the ignorance is the result of false beliefs and pernicious ideologies that are concocted by emotionally unhealthy individuals for self-serving purposes.

       ----- The End. ----

This article will refer to the following sites:

From Belief to Enlightenment by Ali Sina

Dr. Sam Valkin: Malignant Self Love –Narcissism revisited:

Koenraad Elst: -Wahi: the Supernatural Basis of Islam.

Under the fair use agreement.                           

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