




 Leaving Islam




Dr. Sohail wrote:
Bismilla Hir'Rahman Nir'Raheem,
(In the Name of Allah Most Beneficent, Most Merciful)

Mr. Sina,

I wrote to you some of my queries to answer. I believe
it's over more than a week, yet haven't received any
reply from your so-called scholarly intellect.

If you don't know the answers to the questions why
don't you just quit & admit his failure?

Here're my questions to you, again (just as a

Still awaiting, your response...

Thank U & Allah Hafiz,

Yours truly,
Dr. Sohail

1) How did the NOTHINGNESS give birth to the matter with which you were created?

Read this for my response.

2) Why weren’t you created as an animal or an inanimate object?

This is a moot question. Nothing is being created and there is no “reason” for anyone to be here. We are here because of the natural laws. An island is born because of eruptions, the island is not created for any reason. It just happens as the result of earth's activity. Wind scatters pollen and some of them fall on blossoms from which a fruit grows. What is the purpose of the "creation" of the fruit? None! It just grows. Its very existence is its purpose. Many animals then take advantage of it and eat it. Some animals nourish on other animals. Can we say that those animals that became food were created for that purpose? The purpose of life is to live. Humans are endowed with rational faculty to make this life pleasant. Through stupidity and false doctrines they can make it a hell.

3) After death if you’ll become nonexistent then how can you become immortal?

We all perish at death. I spoke of immortality in a figurative way, through our deeds. I do not believe that we will survive our death in spirit. Now, I could be wrong on that. The truth is that Islam does not believe in the survival of the spirit either. So in that we both agree. Muhammad believed that dead people will remain in their graves until the Day of Judgment to rise again from dust in their present form and then they will be sent to hell or heaven not in spirit but in body to be punished physically or enjoy food and sex. It is in this belief that we disagree. See my debate with Mr. Ghamidi and Dr. Zaheer where I showed the fallacy of Islamic belief in regards to the afterlife.

4) How can you be immortal when you know from science that this world will ultimately end, like every other thing?

I do not believe in immortality. When I spoke of immortality I meant leaving a trace of ourselves. We will perish but the effect of our deeds, whether good or bad, will last a long time after we die.

5) Can you name a couple of immortal things that exist as NOTHINGNESS?

Socrates, Buddha, Galileo, Da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein and many other great men and women who are dead, are living through what they left behind. One does not have to be famous to be immortal. Whatever we do, whether good or bad, has its effect. Therefore we live though our deeds.

6) What’s the purpose of your creation?

There is no purpose for our creation. What is the purpose of the creation of a cat? The purpose of a cat’s life is to live. We humans are just another animal species. It is we who should find a purpose for our lives and make it meaningful. I have found a purpose for my life that satisfies me. My purpose of life is to be an instrument of peace. I am happy with that. However, this has been a conscious choice. Some people choose to become terrorists. So they become instruments of destruction and grief. We both leave our traces. The trace that I leave behind is life and comfort – the trace that a terrorist leaves behind is destruction and death. I prefer my choice.

7) What’s your definition of good & evil &, how do you know that your definitions are universally acceptable?

Good is what helps others and makes them happy. Evil is what hurts them and makes them grieve. The measure of good and evil is the Golden Rule. This concept is alien to Islam, because Muslims follow a psychopath narcissist who did not practice the Golden Rule.

The concept of the Golden Rule is simple. Treat others the way you wish to be treated and do not do to them what you won’t like yourself. Through the application of the Golden Rule, any sane person can find what is good and what is evil. Muslims (along with neo-Nazis and the followers of other fascistic doctrines) are the only people that have no understanding of this simple rule that is self evident. They are the only group that thinks they have the divine right to abuse other humans, including raping and killing them, while they do not like to be treated in the same way and demand especial privileges everywhere they go.

Any sane person knows the definition of good and evil. Imposing ones faith on others is evil. You won’t like it if someone does that to you. Terrorizing people, killing them for what they believe or don’t believe, raping their wives and enslaving their children are evil. Anyone who does these things is an evil person. Such a person cannot be a good human, let alone a messenger of God. Having sexual feelings for a child is very evil, let alone acting on that. It is inconceivable that the wise maker of this world would send a pervert criminal such as a pedophile to guide mankind to the right path. How can a person who had no moral compass and had lost his way guide others? Such a thought is the acme of stupidity.

To know what is evil all you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of others. Ask yourself, how would you feel if someone does to you what you intend to do to others.

Imagine if someone invites you for a debate having in mind your assassination. You won't like it. That would be an evil thing. So by that token what you have in mind is evil too. Many children understand the concept of the Golden Rule, and yet Muslims can't even if they carry "doctor" title in front of their names.

8) Do I’ve to refute one charge or multiple charges against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) before you present yourself to die?

It’s good that now you have taken off your mask and are no longer offering “guarantees for my safety,” but clearly stating that you want to kill me. Assuming you are a medical doctor, what happened to your Hippocratic Oath to save life and not take it? Methinks Muslim doctors take Hypocrisy Oath, instead!

You are so desperate to find a way to lay your hand on me that you are not realizing you are making a total fool of yourself and your religion. I have made several grave charges against your pedophile prophet. If only one of those charges is true then he cannot be a prophet. You disregard that fact completely and hope to see which one of my charges against him you can refute to then ask me to come to my rendezvous with death. Isn’t that pathetic? Doesn't this mean that Islam is Satanic?

Notwithstanding, just to show to the world that Islam is a lie, and hopefully make Muslims see that this cult is evil, I agree to come to anywhere you say despite being aware of your macabre intentions, should you prove any of my charges against Muhammad are wrong. This is the ultimate offer one can make.

I am accusing Muhammad of being a terrorist, a mass murderer, an assassin, a liar, a pedophile, a rapist, a thief, and more. I have proven all these charges. If you can disprove anyone of them, I will come to anywhere you say.

This challenge is open to all the Muslims who lust killing me. If no one can refute even one of these charges, isn’t this enough proof that Islam is a lie? And if Islam is a lie, why do you want to kill someone for it and go to hell? Isn't that stupid?

Islam is dying. Not all Muslims are fools. Good people who up till now thought Islam is a religion from God, are waking up and are realizing that it is not so. They are leaving Islam in droves.

The exodus from Islam is gaining momentum. Those who read FFI and even those who don’t are finding out the truth. I have promised that in the coming quarter of century, Islam will be no more. The foundation of Islam has been exposed and people are seeing that it is nothing but a big lie. With the release of my book, the world will learn that Muhammad was nothing more than a psychopath cult leader. A time will come when Muslims will be leaving Islam so fast that no one can imagine it at this moment. Islamic nations will declare themselves secular one after another and no one will be left calling him or her self Muslim. Even you, who today are consumed with the thought of killing me, will be embarrassed of being called a Muslim.

When six year ago I said, in about thirty years Islam will fall, few people believed. I am glad to see the result of a poll that someone took in our forum. Today, half of the people visiting FFI think this is going to happen

The death of Islam will be sudden, not just because it is a lie, but because it is extreme evil.

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