




 Leaving Islam





To Honourable Ali Sina 

Dear Sir My Name I Andy 17 from India..I M daily Reader Of Your Website and i like your website very much. I Think What You Did Is Perfectly Correct..My Friends also like ur site very much. They are Really Your fans. Sir I Am Sure You Wont Believe that my friends like you as much as muslim fundamentalists like osama bin laden. They can even give their life for you. Sir I Would Like To Tell You About Some Things Which You Have Written In Your Site Which Is A Bit Offensible. 

I Think What You Wrote Is Correct Saying That you Were A Buddhist but you left buddhism because the meaning of buddhism is to be like lord buddha. Sorry To Ask But Is It Wrong for A Person To B Like lord Buddha?  

Sir I Would Like You to Do Some Favour For Us. Can You Hav An Open debate With Mr Zakir Naik ( www.irf.net ). He Is What Ppls Call As Defender Of Islam. Please Hav A Debate With Him. 

Sir I Am Your Well Wisher So i Would Like To Give You An Advice (though i know that i m no-one to give advice to a scholar like you) that you should read Bhagwad Gita Once In Your Life. that Does not mean that u will read it like any hindu(i.e. just for spirituality)  but read it will full concentration and i promise you sir after reading BHAGWAD GITA you will really feel the peace of mind.  

Sir I Hav A Question To Ask From You...  One Of My Friends Who is Hindu Loves A Muslim Women and wishes to marry her. but the muslim women has a trouble for changing religion. so sir what do you suggest should he marry her. I Told Her To Visit www.faithfreedom.org but she don’t believe in what you say (even though she never read Quran).  

Sir With Due Respect i Want To End My Letter In here. I Will Wait For Your Answer. But Sir I humblely Request You To Read Bhagwad Gita Once.. I Assure You that My Advice Will Not Go In Vain. 

Thanking You

Andy Jones 


Dear Andy,

Thank you for your kind comments and thanks to you and your friends for your support. No one should give his life for another man. That is of course silly. All you have to do is to strive and excel and even surpass your heroes. In fact you should doubt them and question their assertions.

No it is not wrong for anyone to be like Lord Buddha. In fact we all have to strive to be like him and even surpass him. Buddha was an enlightened man, but anyone can become enlightened. If there is any station any human being has achieved, it means that others can achieve it too and surpass it. Of course people have different capacities. Not everyone can become a Mozart. But this does not mean no other person can ever reach him or surpass him. All records can be broken and people can surpass even Buddha who was just an ordinary man with great wisdom and enlightened. I strive to be a Buddha unto my own and so should you and everybody else.

As for Dr. Zakir Naik, any time he is ready, I am ready to debate with him in writing. This is the only way scholarly debates can take place. We don’t want showmanship and theatrics take the place of logics and sound arguments. The invitation has gone to Dr. Zakir Naik a long time ago but as you can see he evaded. Here is the correspondence: http://faithfreedom.org/debates/ZakirNaik.htm

Okay, I promise to read the Bagawad Gita once in my life. I have read parts of it but not all of it.

As for your friend wishing to marry a Muslim woman, I don’t see any problem. She must not be a fanatic Muslim to begin with or she would not marry a non-Muslim. However, if she insists that your friend convert as a condition for marriage, then your friend is better advised to leave her. This marriage would be a hellish one.




Dear Ali,  

I got worried whether you are fine? You understand that this job is not safe play and we all know about this that is why we all worry about you. Who is going to stop evil in the world if you are not there? If I were a president of some country I would have supported you whole heartedly. I think there is every reason for nations to support you in your mission which endanger our civilisation. I guess once your voice reaches their ears then we all will see a turning point. As Salman Rushdie says with current Islam there will be no peace. It has to be reformed to be compatible with the current civilisation of the world.

Good to hear that people have started supporting you. I wish we could all see a bright future for all of the mankind.  

With kind regards



Dear Rajesh,  

Wow! that is so great. Since childhood I always wanted to be some sort of superhero and save mankind. Maybe I can be Batman. "Saving mankind!" That is quite mouth filling. I like that! :)  

Putting jokes aside, you have two choices. Either run for presidency in your country, or write to your president, politicians and the media and make them see the truth about Islam. Many, genuinely still don't know the truth. It is not their fault. It is the responsibility of those who know to inform those who do not know.  




Dear Mr. Sina,  

I'm an American and I was married to a Syrian, Muslim.  The ex appeared to be very nice as we dated once we got married I was living in hell.  I was not allowed to hang crosses in my home nor have pork in the house.  He was backward, lazy and stupid as was I for being with such an animal.  I was a very liberal open minded person before I met the Syrian. Now everything has changed.  I'm very afraid for humanity due to Islam and it's barbaric evil ideology.  I'm still left with many emotional scars from the abuse I endured being with the animal.  I thank you Mr. Sina for your effort to warn the world of this evil thought process that makes no sense.  You are a good man and reading your web site has given me insight to what happened to me in those horrible 7 years of hell.  Thank you and keep up the good work.     



Dear Mosmom,  

Unfortunately you are not alone and your case is not an exception. In fact I have not heard one single happy marriage with Muslims yet, unless the Muslim had converted to Christianity or had become an atheist. Happy marriages with believing Muslims are rare or perhaps inexistent. Only a Muslim woman who accepts to be humiliated and beaten and is psychologically co-dependent and brainwashed and does not believe in equality, can be happy in such abusive marriage. My advice to non-Muslim women is, leave the Muslim men to marry the Muslim women who are happy to be called deficient in intelligence and even “private parts”. If you can’t stand that kind of treatment, if you respect yourself and have any dignity, stay away from Muslim men.




Hello Dr. Sina, 

Now on the incident of the Qurayza massacre, the Quran justifies it through saying the Jews aided the Quraysh, but in the hadith (musnad ahmad) it says the Jews rejected the proposal of the Pagans.  My question is we have a contradiction in historical claims, where the hadith and Quran dont agree.  So according to your method are we to reject the hadith? Or does your method only apply to Islamic rituals and practices vs. historical events? 





Dear Reza,

In this case the hadith is true and the Quran is false. Why? you ask. Well it is simple. Muhammad lied to justify his crime while the historians wrote it as it happened. There is no reason to assume that the historians would lie but there is reason for Muhammad to lie.  

I don’t have a “method”. All I use is commonsense. On one hand we have a charlatan who lied to deceive people around him and on the other hand we have a bunch of defrauded fools who recorded everything they saw faithfully. Sometimes they exaggerated and used hyperbole to emphasize their faith in this man. This is normal. Believers often like to attribute miracles to their gurus. With that in mind anyone can see which hadiths are true and which ones are false. All the hadiths that talk about miracles are false because Muhammad in the Quran confessed he can't perform miracles. It is not that the Quran is more credible than hadith. But here we have the confession of the criminal and that is what counts. All hadiths about Muhammad's crimes are true because there would have been no reason or gain for the believers to fabricate hadiths that would depict their beloved prophet as a monster.



Dear Ali Sir,

I am a daily reader of your brave site which is exposing the true face of Islam, by reading your site and confirming it with Koran book every body will get convince that Mohammad is not a gods prophet but a satin’s prophet. He takes birth to spread evil on this earth, making life miserable for billions of people. Your team is writing so much about the terrorism in west and Middle East but there is hardly any reference to India . India is facing Muslim terrorism in Kashmir from the last two decades .thousands of people are killed unto now, nearly one million peoples (i.e. Hindu) are displaced from there homeland by Muslim terrorism. They are living as refugee in there own country. Most of the west media and governments are biased against India in these years and they never acknowledge terrorism faced by India . Now they are facing Muslim terrorism in there home country and realizing the effect of Muslim terror on there people, which are faced by India from the last 20 years. I as an Indian believing in secular values, I ask you and your team to highlight the terrorism in India . one thing I want is please start your Hindi version also so that 700 million people will be benefited and see the real cause of terrorism worldwide.  

With best regard



We have versions in a few languages but that is all done by volunteers. If anyone wants to develop an Indian version of FFI, I would be glad to give him space.




Someone proposed to me a conspiracy theory which he reckons is possible. I found it amusing and just wanted to know your reply to it: I have a conspiracy theory about faithfreedom.org.  

Let's say two islamists, decide that one of them is going to challenge the whole world and keep a big prize money of 50,000 against Islam. No one would be able to defeat him. Everyone hating Islam will going to put their hopes on him. Then he finally loses. Every muslim will get new ranting stuff that see no one can stand against the true religion. (not even Ali Sina)  

In other words if tomorrow Ali Sina loses (on purpose) won't it be a big time celebration for Muslims. Everyone is going to come on people like you and me who are basing our things on his theories. Tell me if you are willing to buy it.  

You can also publish this conspiracy theory in your site, perhaps, with your answer.

But I hope it's not offensive to you.



Okay. I have answered sillier questions than this so let me answer this too. Let us assume I am part of a conspiracy and after creating a big hoopla my plan is to eventually declare defeat. Would that help Muslims?  Truth is not as subjective as you think. Everything I say is backed by Islamic sources, logic and evidence. These evidences are independent of me. I am irrelevant to the subject. I never expect anyone to believe in what I say relying on my authority. I never claimed any authority. I encourage people to doubt everything and that includes what I say. Arguments should be proven by the force of their own evidence, not because Dr. X or Prof. Y say so. Relying on someone’s authority is called argumentum ad verecundiam and that is a logical fallacy. I am saying 2 + 2 = 4. This is a self evident fact. I could be a certified liar, but this statement is truth because it is based on logic and commonsense. The reason I win all the debates with Muslims is not because I am smarter or more knowledgeable. It is because I state the truth. Anyone can win when he has the truth on his side. 

Now suppose, as you say, I am part of a conspiracy and one day I enter in a much publicized debate with a Muslim and at the end confess being defeated. Would that be a victory for Islam? Of course not! It would just show I have lost my mind. If one day I start saying I was wrong and actually after much deliberation and investigation I discovered the truth that 2 + 2 = 5 no sane person would believe me. Everyone would laugh at me. Of course Muslims would be much happy. But Muslims never look at facts and logics. They are triumphalists and the conversions of non-Muslims make them happy and validate their faith. This is how Islam grew since its inception. Muslims looked at each other and said: “How can all these people be wrong?”. This is typical example of sheep mentality. You never know who is leading whom. They have herd mentality. Any sheep is a follower and a leader at the same time each relying on others. Schools of fish also navigate in the same way. But we are humans. We should not follow each other blindly. 

If one day you hear me say Islam is true, please take me to a metal hospital. Truth is not subjective. The falsehood of Islam can be demonstrated with almost "mathematical" precision. Think of a rooster announcing the break of the day. Would the Sun stop its appearance if the rooster changes his mind and says he was just lying? The truth is independent of Ali Sina, Ibn Warraq, Syed Kamran Mirza, Abul Kasem, Aisha Ahmed, Sher Khan or anyone else. Even if all the apostates revert to Islam, Islam is still a false religion.  



 dear Ali, 

I have  been an ardent follower of this site for sometime. Knowing these islamic nincumpoops personallly, the only sollution, as I deed fit is another crusade till the kingdom comes.

You have said so much against the koran and mohamad and the eveil which i do not want to say again. please mobilise the entire non-muslim population, who outnumber the muslims.

We need an actual war which will destroy the Ka'bba and the sauudi control .....................etc.........no time ..........tku  


The actual war is precisely what we don’t need. The whole purpose of this site is to avert the actual war. There is no need to kill anyone when it is so easy to win them as friends. Rome was not built in one day. Everything should be done with patience. We are now sowing the seeds of doubt. These seeds will stay dormant for a while but once the Sprint comes, the ice will thaw and all these seeds will germinate and bloom. Humanity has had enough hate mongering and war mongering. Now let us do some peace mongering for a change. This does not mean we should be soft towards Islamic militancy. Islam is a cult. You don't kill the members of cults but try to rescue them. If some of them become militant you have to subdue them. Muslims must be rescued but the Islamic Jihadis must be destroyed.






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