The Steady Rise of Conversions from Islam to Christianity
The Steady Rise of Conversions from Islam to Christianity
By Jacob Thomas
2 November, 2016
As we glance at the news media’s coverage of the Islamic World, we are struck by the number of conflicts that are raging on!
During the battle to liberate Mosul from the grip of the Islamic State, some inhabitants have managed to flee the city. However, many more are still in Mosul. It’s feared that in the final stages of the battle, ISIS may use local people as “human shields.” As to Syria, we can hardly believe the ferocity of the battle in Aleppo. Another civil war has been raging in Yemen, where Sunni and Shi’ite forces are battling, with the daily number of casualties mounting.
However, the above-mentioned conflicts are not the only events that are happening in Islam. It may surprise many that a new phenomenon has been quietly going on: “The Steady Rise of Conversions from Islam to Christianity.”
On 25 August, 2016, Brother Rachid dealt with this phenomenon on the Satellite TV Station, “Al-Hayat.”
Brother Rachid began: “When I converted to the Christian faith in the 1990s, the number of converts was in the tens; perhaps it may have been in the hundreds. That was before the rise of the Internet, Satellite Television, and the prevalence of the social media.
“Now thanks to the wide use of these new media, the number of converts has been steadily increasing; especially in lands where no native Christians live. It’s taking place among the Islamic Diaspora in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia, as well.
“Islamic authorities are bent on stopping the growth of this movement. They regard it as a serious threat to the national security. In Egypt, a special branch has been established within the State Security Office, to combat this perceived “threat.”
“A main feature of this phenomenon that surfaced in 2007, is its spontaneity. It’s not organized nor initiated by Western groups. What had enabled it to gain momentum, is modern technology! “For a very long time, Muslims were imprisoned within their own countries and their religion. Now, thanks to the new means of communication, they can listen to criticism of Islam, and to expositions of Biblical Christianity.”
In 2009, I became aware of the growing numbers of Muslims coming over to the Christian faith, through articles posted on Arabic-language websites. Recently, the well-known ex-Muslim author, Ibn Warraq, published an essay, “Conversions from Islam to Christianity,” in the February, 2016 issue of the “New English Review.”
Here are some excerpts:
“In the last fifteen years, there has been a spate of books, published in the West, by Muslims who have converted to Christianity, and many anthologies of testimonies of former Muslims, and even former Muslim terrorists. I remember being startled when I came across an article in the French journal Courrier International of January, 2001. …the article that first appeared in the Algerian daily newspaper, Al-Yawm in late December 2000… ‘In Kabylie, people of all ages are converting to Christianity. In certain towns and villages of Greater Kabylie, there is at least one church, as for example at Ouadhias, Draa Benkhedda, Ain el-Hammam, and Boghni. In the latter village, for instance, two churches have opened their doors during the last two years. Although the original builders of these two churches had worked in absolute secrecy, the number of citizens who have embraced Christianity has grown rapidly.’”
Ibn Warraq turned to another North African country:
“An article published in 2006, on the Moroccan website, Ya-biladi, gives the reason for this modest but nonetheless remarkable movement towards Christianity, ‘The Arab press has been quick to accuse the US evangelists for the massive conversion numbers, therefore playing into the hands of the Islamists who advocate an end to the semi-freedom of religion in Morocco. But this assumption is wrong because as many observers emphasized, some Muslims are disillusioned by the crimes committed in the name of Islam, especially in Algeria by the Islamists and al-Qaida’s terrorist acts and are looking for something else.’”
Ibn Warraq discussed the work of Brother Rachid on Al-Hayat TV:
“Since the launch of his show on al-Hayat TV, Rachid has devoted his life to defending the rights of Muslims to convert to Christianity, or simply changing their religion as they see fit, particularly in his native Morocco. Brother Rachid is not all afraid of criticizing Islam, or pointing out the virtues of Christianity over Islam, and has interviewed controversial figures such as Robert Spencer, and Christoph Luxenberg. He believes that there have been probably somewhere between 40,000 to 60,000 converts to Christianity in Morocco alone in the last ten years. He receives nearly 13,000 emails per month since he started broadcasting in 2007. In an article in Morocco World News, we learn that Rachid “has recently posted videos on YouTube translating the Quran into Moroccan Arabic dialect. His initiative was viewed by many Moroccan Muslims as provocative.”
A Note
I was surprised to note that Ibn Warraq had read my article on Algeria which he referenced. I had posted it on a website in 2013:
To read the entire essay of Ibn Warraq, please go this URL:
Ibn Warraq’s latest book with New English Review Press is Sir Walter Scott’s Crusades and Other Fantasies. His webpage is here.
Thank you so much for this site! I’ve left Islam as well due to a variety of reasons, but what galvanized my decision to seek a way out was ISIS. I cannot ever back a God or be associated with violent acts in the name of one.
I support refugees of any faith (but without criminal record/ties) to emigrate here in the West (families preferred) because here in our free West they have a chance to convert to Christianity which is not possible, difficult or punishable in many countries including all the Muslim countries, India (many states of India), Turkey, North Korea, China etc.
Read this article and see how many Muslims after seeking refuge in the West have become Christian.
Only those who believe Jesus is the Lord God will be saved, others will go to hell. Those who say doing good can be saved are Liar. All human beings are no good.
The way for a person to discover the truth concerning the nature of Jesus is found in the Bible verse Isaiah 8:20. This instructs “To the law of the testimony. If they do not speak according to the word, it is because there is no light in them.” [N.K.J.V.] In other words, if a religious teacher has teaching that are in contradiction to the Word, the Bible, then that teachers is a false teacher who teaches false doctrines. The Muslim clerics, as the imam and mullahs, teach and speak doctrines about God from the Quran .
As the Quran in 112 teaches “He is God alone: God is the eternal begetteth not…” Likewise, this religious book which is the entire foundation of and for Islam further teaches in 19:35. “It is not befitting to God that He should beget a son.” In great contrast the Bible teaches in John 1:14. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory , the glory of the only begotten of the Father ,full of grace and truth.” Likewise John 3:16 teaches “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son… Then just a little further in verse 18 it is written about Jesus Who is “the only begotten Son of God. “ Other places in the Bible further teach that Jesus is the Son of God as in Matthew 16:15:16. Luke 1:35. John 3:36. First John 4:14. 15. 5:14,15. Moreover to be even more clear the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God, Who is God the Father. As found in Matthew 3:16,17. First John 2:22,23. 4:14,15. Of course , it ,very much, needs to made even more specific . The Bible teaches that Jesus is also God the Son. As seen in Hebrew1:8 and First John 5:20. The imams and mullahs as well as the other apologists for Islam will try to “explain” this all away. As in they will try brush off all those Bible verse off by making the claim that the Bible had been corrupted, through time, by Christians and that’s why the Bible reads as it does. That claim they make actually underestimate the Power of God to protect and keep His Word safe and intact ,through time, and away from the corruption of men.
In conclusion ,with the above instruction of the way to find doctrinal truth in Isaiah 8:20 and in the light of the Bible verse provided it may be clearly seen, by all those who are willing to see, that Islam is in terrible doctrinal error and it is therefore a false religion, Proverbs 14:12. John 14;6.
First, In the Bible it gives the account of the Prophet Elijah declared “If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal be ,then follow him.” First Kings 18:21.[N.K.J.V.] In other words follow one of the other. Not both.
Second, many people say that the God of the Bible and the god of Islam are one the same. Is the majority always right? That’s not always the case. As an example the Christian pastor and scholar, Michael Youssef, who is also an Arab in his book entitled JESUS, JIHAD AND PEACE on page 69 informs the reader that “The name Allah comes from pre-Islamic times, and it corresponds to the Babylonian mane Bel or Baal. According to the Middle East scholar E.M. Wherry, pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped gods they called Allah. Both pre-Islamic Allah-worship and Baal –worship involved worship of the sun, the moon and the stars, which is why they are called astral religions. The crescent moon, the symbol of pagan moon worship, is also the symbol of Islam. It is printed on flags of many Islamic countries and placed atop minarets and mosques.” Likewise, a former Muslim who is now a Christian, Dr. Daniel Shayesteh, who used to live in the Middle East but now he lives in America . In his book ISLAM AND THE SON OF GOD. On pages 7,8. Reads “Allah is the generic term for God in many Middle –Eastern cultures. Allah is identified as one of the 360 or so idols worshiped by the Arabian people for centuries before Muhammad was born. Many do not know that Allah was the good god of the Arabians. This explains the crescent moon found on minarets and mosques and the flags of Muslim nations. .. .Historic writings also identify Allah with Baal.” It’s also worth mentioning that the Bible condemns such astral religions. As in, for example, Second Kings 23:5.
Therefore, now in modern times, it may be rightly said “If Yahweh Lord of the Bible , be the one True God follow Him. Yet if Allah the lord of Islam be the one true god then follow him.” The case is very clear cut.
The God of the Bible is not really Allah the god of Islam. To explain, through the passing of time it has become widely accepted that the word “Allah” is just the Arabic word for God. This started when truth compromising Bible “translators” substituted the word Allah where the word God should have had been uses in the Arabic translation of the Bible. Furthermore, in the glossary in the book ASSASSINS! By Dr. Haha Lung it defines Allah as the “Pre-Islamic Lunar god : the god of Islam. “ Likewise, in the book entitled INSIDE ISLAM by a former Muslim who is now a Christian, Reza F. Safa on pages 22, 23 it reads “In pre-Islamic times both Allah –worship and Baal-worship involved the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars which h defines them as astral religions. [Which are condemned in the Bible, Second Kings 23:5] The crescent moon, which was the symbol of moon worship, is also the symbol of Islam.” In conclusion the Islamic god, Allah, is not the God of the Bible.
The words in brackets are my own. In addition other some other books that expose this little known truths are WHO IS THIS ALLAH ? by G..J.O.. Moshay also UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet caner and Emir Fethi Caner and THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey . There is also PHILISTINE by Ramon Bennett
Just believe Jesus is the Lord God in your heart, you shall be save from doom to hell. John 3:3, 3:16, Romans 10:9