Pakistan – a State that should never have been
In a couple of weeks’ time, India and Pakistan will celebrate their independence from the British Raj three scores and ten years back. In some paradoxical way, Bangladesh may also join in that celebration as that was also the precursor to its own independence some 24 years later on 26 March 1971.
A Two-Nation Theory (TNT) which Muhammad Ali Jinnah adopted and promoted in the late 1930s and 1940s with so much hullabaloo that not only Indian National Congress (INC) but also the British Raj, shaken and grievously harmed and weakened by the WWII, had to cave in. The strident call for a separate state for the minority Muslims comprising some 24 per cent of Indian population in the 1941 census was nothing but Jinnah’s Machiavellian ploy to achieve his political ambition. After spending the formative part of his political career in the Congress, Jinnah realised that his ambition to reach the highest rung of political hierarchy in the talent-strewn Congress cannot possibly be achieved. So, he had to find other avenues to achieve his aims.
For centuries Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Christians, Zoroastrians and all other religious mixes had been living together sometimes under Muslim rulers, sometimes under Hindu rulers, sometimes under Christian rulers and many a times under an admixture of rulers. But never before the subjects had to be segregated under the pretext that minorities would not receive justice under the unified government. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the INC president for a number of terms, Mahatma Gandhi and many others tried to persuade Jinnah offering various options such as federated state for India with all administrative powers except foreign and defence being vested in states, Jinnah’s choice of first cabinet etc. But Jinnah would have none of it.
The subcontinent was forked out into two States – one for the Muslims and the other for all religious denominations in India. Pakistan was formed by putting together two Muslim majority areas – West Pakistan on the west and East Pakistan on the east – separated by nearly 2000 km. There was no common ground between these two peoples, except the tenuous link of Islam. If Islam could be the glue between various peoples, then the whole of Middle East would have been a unified state, which it is not!
However, Jinnah won the day, not so much by the strength of his political argument but by sheer communal barbarity. When sectarianism is stoked up by politicians to gain currency, race riots follow. More than one million people – men, women and children – died in race riots immediately pre- and post- independence and 10 million people had been displaced.
That the new state would look after the interests of the Muslims sounds totally hollow. More than 30% of Muslims remained in India despite most horrendous race riots triggered by politicians to polarise the country. Jinnah used Islam for his political purpose, but he was not a practising Muslim at all. He belonged to Ismaili sect (also known as Aga Khani) – a subset of Shia sect in Islam. He was a thorough-bred western educated lawyer with western lifestyle. When he formed the first government in Pakistan, his first foreign minister, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, was an Ahmadi (also known as Qadiani), another sect of Shia, now regarded by Sunnis as heretical. His law minister was a Hindu. Jinnah’s second wife was a Zoroastrian, an ancient religion predating all monotheistic religions. So, religion was definitely not the deciding factor, although the state was created on this basis.
However, within a few short months of creation of Pakistan, Islamists led by Jamaat-e-Islam saw the opportunity. The first step to transform Pakistan into an Islamic state was taken by Liaquat Ali Khan, the first prime minister, by “Objective Resolution” which declared that the sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to God Almighty! All non-religious activities were gradually discouraged in both wings of the country. Within a few years, Pakistan was declared an Islamic Republic.
Religious fanaticism had completely taken over Pakistan. If such fanaticism would have existed in Pakistan when it was created, then Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, would have been declared non-Muslim and expelled from the country. Mohammad Zafarullah Khan would have been relieved of his duties as UN representative and imprisoned as being heretic. Prof. Abdus Salam, the first and only Muslim Nobel Laureate in Physics from Pakistan, had actually been stripped of his nationality and declared non-Muslim as he was an Ahmadi. His tombstone had been desecrated by removing the word “Muslim”.
The very ideology of two-nation theory is now totally discredited. Those two nations have now spawned into three nations, Bangladesh being the latest one. As it stands now Baloch, Sindh and border regions in Pakistan are asserting their rights based on their ethnicity, cultural identity etc., as Pakistan asserted its right on religiosity. If you open a can of worms, it is very difficult to put them back again.
The vile communal ideology of one state for one religion is not only heinous but positively dangerous also. Pakistan as well as most, if not all, Muslim countries started driving away non-Muslims from the country. The more fanatic the country is, the more ethnic cleansing the country carries out. In 1950 (shortly after independence), West Pakistan (now Pakistan) had 85.5% Muslims, whereas in 2010, the percentage had gone up to 96.5%. In 1947, the minorities (mostly Hindus, but also including Sikhs, Christians, Parsis) were 23% of the population of West Pakistan, with Hindus themselves being almost 20%, whereas in 2011, the Hindus were reduced to less than 2%. In 1947, East Pakistan (Bangladesh) had 29% Hindus, as against 34% Hindus in 1901, but the % of Hindus in Bangladesh in 2011 was only 8.6%. Contrast that with India, a non-Muslim country, where the Muslim population between these two dates had gone up from 10% to 14.23%. In most of the Middle East Muslim countries, Muslim population is 98% to 99%, all non-Muslims had been driven away or eliminated!
Intolerance is the hall mark of Pakistani politicians. In 1971 when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto thundered that he would never play a second fiddle to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (although Mujib had the largest number of elected representatives in the proposed assembly), one cannot miss the echo of Jinnah’s strident call in 1940 Lahore Resolution to have a Muslim homeland for Muslims (with him as the leader). Compromise, goodwill, national unity etc are not within the bloodstream of Pakistani Muslims. Self-interests, personal ambitions, political supremacy etc are driving forces for them.
These streaks of personal ambition are self-evident in Pakistani politics. In Pakistan, not a single elected prime minister since independence had managed to serve his or her full term. The latest prime minister, Nawaz Sharif had been removed by the court order on suspicion of corruption, only a couple of days ago, about a year before the end of his term. The hands of military authorities are present all over the place. Democracy had never been allowed to flourish in Pakistan even after 70 years of independence. Chaos and confusion reign everywhere, law and order is blatantly absent. If this is not the sign of a failed state, I do not know what a failed state is. As the Indian politician Shashi Tharoor once said, “The state of India has an army, the army in Pakistan has a state”.
Bangladesh is fortunate enough to have parted company with Pakistan within 24 years of most unhappy relationship. How dreadful it would be if Bangladesh had been with Pakistan now! I am not trying to scare Bangladeshis, nor am I thinking of giving them undue nightmares. Unless Bangladeshi people wipe out entirely that dreadful association and vouch never to entertain any thought of association with Pakistani Islamists, the nightmare may come back. Pakistan is not going to go away. But Bangladesh must steer a distinct secular path and be vigilant forever.
This tread is originally written for socio-economic-political-religious issues of East Pakistan (i.e., Bangladesh) by Anisur Rahman.
I don’t think the author — Anisur Rahman — wants unnecessary Christian proselytization by posting some bullcrap videos of Christian converts.
So, I confine my posts to the realities of East Pakistan (i.e., Bangladesh).
Bangladesh (or East Pakistan) houses Bishwa Ijtema every year where millions of world’s faithful Muslims from 150 Islamic countries come to pray to Allah and Allah’s last messenger Muhammad the Arabian Bastard.
In Bangladesh (or East Pakistan), all government and non-government activities begin with the recitation of
Auzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Like in West Pakistan (i.e., Pakistan), in Bangladesh (i.e., East Pakistan) if anyone criticizes Islam, Allah or Allah’s last messenger, Bangladeshi Muslims will cut him/her into pieces in broad day-light in front of Muslim policemen standing nearby.
A long time ago, I was distantly acquainted with a promising Bangladeshi scholar named Professor Humayun Azad of Dacca University, who was brutally murdered by Bangladeshi faithful Muslims for criticizing Islam and Pakistan in his published books.
Dacca is the capital of Bangladesh (i.e., East Pakistan), which is popularly known as the “City of Mosques” because any visitor might find an Islamic mosque within every several blocks!
In order to understand Bangladeshi Muslims’ mentality towards non-believers of Islam (i.e., “Hindus”), my readers might click on the following LINK to understand the extent of genocide of “Hindus” in Bangladesh (i.e., East Pakistan).
Certainly, Jesus is way to heaven but Jesus is not the only one way to heaven. Indian sages said following as ideal to any holy person starts your journey like to be him. This helps you to remove impurities lie within you because you are following a pure conscious being. Life and characters of this holy being who is your ideal makes you check and mend your ways in life. It inspires you not to succumb before the hardships of life. Jesus came in limelight just before 2000 years before but this world is not just 2000 years old. We are have records of the civilizations which are thousand of years old when Jesus was not exist. How did they become civilized before Jesus arrival? How did they reach to the God without Jesus? We have the Mahabharta which is 5000 years old it shows the culture and great civilization were existed in India. They wrote world largest epic Mahabharta. Geeta is 5000 years old even scientist admitted this fact. Way of living, agriculture, wars, education system of that time explained in these scriptures. How did they got so much wisdom? Jesus is nowhere in the picture here. Jesus was a great spiritual being who was in the sequence of earlier great spiritual beings came before him. But people after departure of these greats made cult on the their name and gave it name like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. and divided themselves in cults.
Truth is anything but Jesus F**king Christ.
Amen to your statement. Yes Jesus is the truth.
This Hindu guy was violent, anti-social and failure in school but gave his life to Jesus, became an Engineer and now converts Muslims to Christ
This full testimony is in Hindu language
Why do not you understand Jesus is Truth and Truth is jesus
This Hindu lady who was moving about naked for decades was healed by Jesus and it sparked a dramatic conversion of villagers to Christ.
When the British left the subcontinent of India in 1947, Christianity was less than 0.5 percent in Nepal behind Muslims, Buddhist and Hindus
Right now Christianity is about 10% of the population and has already overtaken the Muslim population which is still less than 2%.
Despite persecution against minorities specially Christians, the Christian population in Pakistan has grown more than the Sikhs and the Hindus which have actually decreased.
Christianity has historically always grown under persecution.
Jesus is the way, the truth and life
Here’s a writer asking “How did Bengalis become Muslims?”
The author states:
“How the peasantry of Bengal became Muslims is an issue that has not been analyzed deeply.
However, it seems that, with the Mughal conquest of Bengal beginning the last decades of the sixteenth century A.D. their local governors made frenetic efforts to settle land and expand agriculture.
Large parts of East Bengal were nothing but thickly forested swamps in those days!
People staying on the margins of society involved in boating, fishing, etc., who were loosely speaking ‘Hindus’ but actually of no religion became part of this Mughal Islamic imperial design.
They were settled on land and induced to farm and they were socially moored by small mosques led by Islamic preceptors who came into convert the locals to a new way of life.
There was not much opposition, because these were new areas; but, the local ‘Hindu’ communities that existed reacted by closing their ranks and becoming more conservative.
This had the result of expulsion of many ‘Hindus’ from the fold on the grounds that they had been polluted by contacts with the Muslims.
These ‘Hindus’, of course, became Muslims.
The net result was that more people started becoming Muslims.”
In my studies of the “Hindu” Maurya Empire (322 B.C. to 187 B.C.), we observe that in the later part of Emperor Ashoka Maurya, majority of “Hindus” in territories of modern-day Bangladesh as well as modern-day Afghanistan became Buddhists!
Buddhism has no God, as the word “Buddha” literally means the “Awakened One!”
Since most people in any society never actually become the “Awakened Ones”, during medieval time most people in the territories of modern-day Bangladesh as well as modern-day Afghanistan lost touch with a unified mother nation as well as the unified spiritual consciousness of Baharatvarsha.
And, when the sword of Islam knocked at the doors of God-less Buddhists in the territories of modern-day Bangladesh as well as modern-day Afghanistan, there was no military resistance towards Islam from God-less Buddhists.
From the latest Asia Times reports, it appears that the Islamic State of Pakistan is in dire economic strait now:
“Data Suggest Pakistan Faces Prospect Of Financial Meltdown
High imports, driven by CPEC, combined with stagnant exports and a drop in foreign remittances, resulted in a record trade deficit and current account deficit in the fiscal year just ended.
By F.M. Shakil
If structural changes are not enacted to address current trends, Pakistan may well face an impending financial crisis.”
As written by A. Rahman, the above article appears superficial in description of the real history!