News Blog

A New Qur’an!

Introduction I was reading an article written by Islamic critic Mu’min Salih about how the Arabs did not think highly of the language of the Qur’an, while, at the same...

Regarding Gaza and Hamas

Background The world is up in roar. Israel is attacking Hamas and inflicting serious structural damage to its operations. The Islamic influence on world opinion is huge. It is not...

Clash of Worlds

A Young Muslim living in Australia sent me the follow list of question. He probably thought I am a still Muslim. My name is … and I am a Year...

The Trinity for Dummies

A Muslim asked me regarding the Trinity. The concept of trinity is one that Muslims can’t get their heads around. It is not because it is difficult to understand but...

On Hate Speech

About more than a year ago, a young lady at a prestigious high school contacted me with a set of questions about Islam. She was taking a graduation credit course...

Enforcing Islamic law at Brandeis

SOURCE When Brandeis University withdrew an honorary degree for Ayaan Hirsi Ali after a student-professor firestorm branded her an “Islamophobe,” the campus in effect declared itself an outpost of Islamic...

Is Islam a religion of peace?

Source This question — Is Islam a religion of peace? — has recently been hotly debated [1], and it’s an interesting question because the controversy that has surfaced around it...

Why Diss Islam

Why Diss Islam* In the name of Allah (subhana wa taala), the Most Gracious and Most Merciful… Dear Ali Sina, I’ve watched your website and it was seemed informative, and...

Wife-beating in Islam

Introduction There is a lot of debate between Muslims and non-Muslims about wife-beating. Something I’ve noticed a lot is that people are often talking passed each other on the issues,...

The Illusion of Reforming Islam

 First published in Dec. 2010 Introduction Since thanks to Islamic terrorism the interest to know Islam has peaked and Islam has come under scrutiny, the westerners began asking, where are the moderate...