Islamic State in the Grand Scheme of Things
The Sunni Jihadist ‘Islamic State’ or Dawla Islamiya is the manifestation of what Sunni Islamists have been striving for for a long time, especially groups like Hizb-ut-tahrir and many other...
The Sunni Jihadist ‘Islamic State’ or Dawla Islamiya is the manifestation of what Sunni Islamists have been striving for for a long time, especially groups like Hizb-ut-tahrir and many other...
· by Jake Neuman · 27 Aug, 2014
· by Ibn Kammuna · 24 Aug, 2014
Introduction I was reading an article written by Islamic critic Mu’min Salih about how the Arabs did not think highly of the language of the Qur’an, while, at the same...
· by Jake Neuman · 13 Aug, 2014
Time for universal application of the ‘life, liberty, pursuit of happiness’ clause of the Declaration of Independence Denying Women Both Muslim and Kafir The Mothers of All Mankind Their Humanity...
· by Ibn Kammuna · 11 Aug, 2014
Background The world is up in roar. Israel is attacking Hamas and inflicting serious structural damage to its operations. The Islamic influence on world opinion is huge. It is not...
· by Jake Neuman · 7 Aug, 2014
Muhammad was Allah and Allah was Muhammad God cannot have as his prophet – a criminal receiving divine teachings otherwise God is equally guilty in all the crimes committed by...
Dear Mr. Sina, One of my friends whom I know from a Polish discussion board (he’s a Roman Catholic) claims that Islam has absolutely no respect of work and prefers...
· by Ibn Kammuna · 27 Jul, 2014
The country of Sudan introduced Islamic Law in 1983. It was a time of political unrest. One of the great Sudanese thinkers of the time was Mahmoud Muhammad Taha. He...
· by · 23 Jul, 2014
Sam Solomon, a former Islamic jurist, born and raised as a Muslim, had trained in Sharia law for 15 years before converting to Christianity. As a leading experts on Islam...
· by Jacob Thomas · 19 Jul, 2014
By Jacob Thomas للمسيحيين في الموصل: الإسلام أو الجزية وإلا حد السيف On Saturday, 19 July, 2014, the widely read online daily Elaph published at 11:33 (GMT) a report...
· by Jacob Thomas · 9 Jul, 2014
On Monday, the 7th of July, 2014, the French online website, Riposte Laïque, posted a brief commentary by the French human rights activist Christine Tasin, about the demonstrations in the...
· by Jacob Thomas · 3 Jul, 2014
By Jacob Thomas Everyone who is following international events can see that dreadful things are taking place in the countries impacted by the Islamic faith. When I began writing this...
A Young Muslim living in Australia sent me the follow list of question. He probably thought I am a still Muslim. My name is … and I am a Year...
Jon MC As before the sources for all these quotes are on the internet, links correct at date stated. . On non-Muslims. 2014, 27th Mar. Abstracted “BosNewsLife”. A Pakistani court...
· by Jake Neuman · 16 May, 2014
In part one of this two part article we used the hadith to show that: Angel Gabriel (supposedly) fought for Muhammed in his attack on the Banu Quraiza. That despite...
A Muslim asked me regarding the Trinity. The concept of trinity is one that Muslims can’t get their heads around. It is not because it is difficult to understand but...
· by Jake Neuman · 10 May, 2014
THE IMMORAL EVIL PERFECTION OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Part 2 of Series “Prophet Muhammad – An Epitome of Moral Perfections or Paragon of Evil?” exposing the Immoral Evil Perfection of Muhammad....
These days the discussion everywhere is about the 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria and offered for sale by the Muslim terrorist group Boko Haram. And guess who the media is...
· by Mohammed Asghar · 1 May, 2014
First published in FrontPage Magazine in 2008 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Mohammad Asghar, an ex-Muslim who came out of Islam after discovering its true teachings. Together with studying the...
· by Jacob Thomas · 29 Apr, 2014
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the Great War; lectures and books have appeared on a... writes, “Over the last year a quasi-religious turf war has sprung up on the streets of London. Young radicalised Muslim patrols are enforcing Shariah law in the capital. In...
· by Ibn Kammuna · 21 Apr, 2014
About more than a year ago, a young lady at a prestigious high school contacted me with a set of questions about Islam. She was taking a graduation credit course...
· by Jacob Thomas · 20 Apr, 2014
Chrétiens d’Orient : l’exacte préfiguration de ce qui nous attend Translation and Introduction by Jacob Thomas Near the end of March, radical Jihadists in Syria attacked Kessab, a town...
· by Jahanshah Rashidian · 19 Apr, 2014
Since people under the Islamic and totalitarian regimes are kept unaware of their right, complicated set of mechanisms emerge against their own collaboration or passive attitudes because the ruling...
· by Robert Spencer · 14 Apr, 2014
SOURCE Brandeis University had planned to award an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali at its commencement ceremony this year, but after a smear campaign led by the Hamas-linked Council on...
· by Diana West · 12 Apr, 2014
SOURCE When Brandeis University withdrew an honorary degree for Ayaan Hirsi Ali after a student-professor firestorm branded her an “Islamophobe,” the campus in effect declared itself an outpost of Islamic...
· by · 11 Apr, 2014
SOURCE “The songs of praise to God are banned here.” — Police officers to Christians, Turkmenistan. “Meanwhile, an increasing number of people are being incarcerated for crimes of opinion and...
· by Jacob Thomas · 9 Apr, 2014
La percée du FN, coup d’arrêt à l’islamisation de la France ? Salem Benammar Riposte Laïque Translation and Comments by Jacob Thomas The results of the recently-held municipal elections...
· by Rami Rustom · 5 Apr, 2014
Source This question — Is Islam a religion of peace? — has recently been hotly debated [1], and it’s an interesting question because the controversy that has surfaced around it...
· by Jacob Thomas · 3 Apr, 2014
Source My interest in the life of Dhimmis (Christians and Jews) under Islam goes back to my childhood. I am an Eastern Christian from the Levant and I was a...
· by Jacob Thomas · 2 Apr, 2014
“Radical Islam Is the True Islam, Moderate Islam is Pseudo-Islam” الراديكاليون”، دعوة إلى الإسلام الحق وزيف الإسلام المعتدل” By Jacob Thomas When anyone in the West unveils the true...
· by Jake Neuman · 22 Mar, 2014
Introduction For Islam to be true, both Muhammad and his supposed God must be of moral perfection as conceived by the human conscience. In fact, the Quran, the holy book...
Jon MC As before the sources for all these quotes are on the internet, links correct at date stated. On non-Muslims. 2014, 14th Feb. Abstracted “Pakistan Today”. The Kalash people...
Why Diss Islam* In the name of Allah (subhana wa taala), the Most Gracious and Most Merciful… Dear Ali Sina, I’ve watched your website and it was seemed informative, and...
· by Jacob Thomas · 17 Mar, 2014
On Sunday, 2 March, 2014, the French Website Riposte Laïque, published excerpts from the Journal Réforme where the late French Intellectual and academic, Jacques Ellul had commented in 1994, on the...
Jon MC The above is a hand-written note given by Michael Adebolajo aka “Mujahid Abu Hamza” (translated “Allah’s soldier [and] father of Hamza”) to a passer-by after he and Michael...
· by Ibn Kammuna · 15 Mar, 2014
Introduction It is no surprise that a simple name won’t attract much criticism or analysis. A complicated one does. It is the nature of things. The more attributes you mention,...
· by Rami Rustom · 11 Mar, 2014
Introduction There is a lot of debate between Muslims and non-Muslims about wife-beating. Something I’ve noticed a lot is that people are often talking passed each other on the issues,...
First published in Dec. 2010 Introduction Since thanks to Islamic terrorism the interest to know Islam has peaked and Islam has come under scrutiny, the westerners began asking, where are the moderate...
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