The Complex Nature of Middle Eastern Problems
In the aftermath of World War II, several changes had to be made to the map of the world. For example, the boundaries between Germany and Poland were adjusted, and...
· by Jacob Thomas · 4 Dec, 2014
In the aftermath of World War II, several changes had to be made to the map of the world. For example, the boundaries between Germany and Poland were adjusted, and...
· by Jacob Thomas · 26 Nov, 2014
The world in recent days has been shocked to learn of the decapitation of two American journalists and one British aid worker, all of whom had been held captive by...
· by Hamid Zanaz · 25 Nov, 2014
By Hamid Zanaz Translation & Comments by Jacob Thomas Hamid Zanaz is an Algerian intellectual who posts articles on the Arabic online journal, Al-Awan. He has taught in Algeria and...
· by · 25 Nov, 2014
Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the “radicalization” of Muslims within its border. Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic...
· by Imran Firasat · 18 Nov, 2014
Dear Norway, In June 2014, I made long and perilous journey passing through five countries to reach your territory. Fleeing from years of persecution in Spain and risk of being...
· by Merrick Coswell · 15 Nov, 2014
Phobia (noun) : A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not...
Dear Ali “The Purpose of Life” another great topics you have touched, many many thanks for that. I think in your article, the spiritual explanation of life is very soothing...
· by Phyllis Chesler · 6 Nov, 2014
For years, many of us have described Islamist terrorists as “barbarians.” And for years, we have been attacked as “racist Islamophobes” for doing so. A barbarian is someone who...
A couple of years ago, someone asked me this question and I replied him from a materialistic point of view. Now that I read that article I see how I...
· by · 3 Nov, 2014
Reza Aslan effectively provides us with an almost pure Marxist (or at least materialist) analysis of Islam (if not of other religions). Or at least Aslan does so when he’s...
Is history repeating itself? Muslims have invaded the west again, this time under the guise of immigration and westerners are drunk or sleep. This invasion is lot more dangerous, because...
· by · 27 Oct, 2014
By: Raymond Ibrahim Yet one more piece of evidence tying the United States to the Islamic State recently came to light. In a new video interview, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one...
By Roger Kimball: No doubt many of my readers know about the encounter about Islam [1] between Ben Affleck, the Hollywood actor, and Sam Harris, the “New Atheist” writer and...
· by · 21 Oct, 2014
The rules of what is haraam can, in principle, proliferate almost indefinitely when you realize that one principle as to what is haraam (not allowed) is that “which leads to...
· by · 19 Oct, 2014
Islamic apologist Reza Aslan says that no one Islamic group or Muslim individual can ever be deemed to have the last word on Islam. Thus the Islamic State (IS), for...
Dear friends and supporters of You should be aware that Imran Firasat may be deported from Spain to his death in Pakistan or Indonesia at any time. We are...
The debate between Sam Harris and Ben Affleck on Bill Maher’s Show generated a lot of controversy. Harris said Islam is the mother-load of bad ideas and Ben Affleck retorted...
Spain does not have death penalty. And recently, dozens of Spaniards blockaded the house of an Ebola-infected nurse for saving her Ebola-infected dog after a court had ordered the dog...
The Left’s mantra is that socioeconomic conditions determine cultural, political and even intellectual conditions of a society. This dogma is based on Karl Marx’s materialistic interpretation of history, who in...
· by Jake Neuman · 11 Oct, 2014
“Was,” “Is” and “Are” – three words that define 1400 years of Islam. All the actions of ISIS: mass beheadings, mass murder, mass rape, the taking of sex slaves, all...
Recently, a friend of mine who is a respected author and journalist asked whether I would be interested to co-author with her a book about women victimized by Islam. I...
The hatred of the Jew is embedded in the Quran and no Muslim is immune from it. If a Muslim claims he does not hate Jews, he is either ignorant...
· by Eric Allen Bell · 4 Oct, 2014
Eric Allen Bell discusses the coming Islamic Caliphate, Progressive enablers and the strange allegiance Obama has with those who share with him a common enemy. Fascinating interview with Brian Kilmeade...
· by Eric Allen Bell · 3 Oct, 2014
Eric Allen Bell used to be as liberal as they come. He is a filmmaker and blogger who has worked for uber-liberals like Michael Moore and Markos Moulitsas, founder of...
· by Martel Sobieskey · 1 Oct, 2014
I requested RSN to republish “At War With Islam” written in 2007. No nation can survive if it does not clearly identify an enemy invader. Islam is an enemy invader a...
· by · 1 Oct, 2014
Many leaders have been stating that the Islamic State’s actions are ‘unprecedented’, ‘extreme’, ‘unique’, or even ‘eccentric’. Western leaders who are intervening in the Syria-Iraq conflict justify their actions by...
Mr. Mohsen Amiraslani Zanjani, who had been found to b guilty of “crimes of opinion” and had been detained in Iran prison, was executed. Mr. Amiraslani was executed on charges...
In his speech addressed to the UN general assembly, Barak Hussein Obama said, “ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones killing innocents.” He also stated, “ISIS is hiding behind a...
World leaders demanded Security Council reform during their addresses to the UN General Assembly, calling for the addition of more permanent and non-permanent seats on the council and the elimination...
· by · 25 Sep, 2014
By Raymond Ibrahim In light of the ongoing nightmare that is the Islamic State, Foreign Policy, a magazine somewhat reflective of the establishment, has published an article that once again...
· by Eric Allen Bell · 25 Sep, 2014
by Eric Allen Bell The mandate of Islam is to force the world to submit to Islam. Our leaders tell us that Islam means peace. But lying about something does...
While political leaders and the mainstream media in the west is in denial that IS and terrorism have anything to do with Islam, a heated public debate is being waged...
· by Martel Sobieskey · 24 Sep, 2014
by Martel Sobieskey The die was cast in 632 AD when Mohammed built the first mosque in Medina. It became an inviolable and enduring precedent. Using the mosque as a...
· by Martel Sobieskey · 23 Sep, 2014
This article was sent in by fellow anti-Islamist Martel Sobiesky. As usual Martel hits the nail on the head. “Moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue. By Martel Sobieskey...
· by · 13 Sep, 2014
Warning: Images of Muslim Barbarians in action are included in this article To understand why the Islamic State not only decapitates its “infidel” captives, but also mutilates and mocks their...
· by · 11 Sep, 2014
Often we hear from so called “moderate Muslims” that “fanatic Muslims” or “extremists” or “fundamentalists” like ISIS, Boko Haram, Talibans or Al Qaeda are not real Muslims, rather they have...
· by Jake Neuman · 11 Sep, 2014
911 – The greatest victory in the history of Islam and the greatest defeat for USA and the west When you belong to an evil ideology you are as evil...
· by Michael A. · 6 Sep, 2014
Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog Winston Churchill I. A History of Violence During the 2014 Super Bowl broadcast, Coca-Cola company aired a controversial...
· by Jake Neuman · 5 Sep, 2014
(On August 31st Imams of Britain issued a fatwa Following is an answer to their fatwa. Due to recent events in the Middle East and their impact on...
· by Richard Butrick · 3 Sep, 2014
SOURCE One face is for Islam’s useful idiots the other is for Islam’s faithful. The Koran is not arranged in chronological order. When it is arranged in chronological order it...
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