News Blog

Is Russia Banning Islam?

Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the “radicalization” of Muslims within its border. Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic...

The Myth of Islamophobia

Phobia (noun) : A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not...

Why is there suffering?

Dear Ali “The Purpose of Life” another great topics you have touched, many many thanks for that. I think in your article, the spiritual explanation of life is very soothing...

What is the purpose of life

A couple of years ago, someone asked me this question and I replied him from a materialistic point of view. Now that I read that article I see how I...

Saving the west from the virus of Islam

Is history repeating itself? Muslims have invaded the west again, this time under the guise of immigration and westerners are drunk or sleep. This invasion is lot more dangerous, because...

Islam’s ‘good cop/bad cop’ routine

By: Raymond Ibrahim Yet one more piece of evidence tying the United States to the Islamic State recently came to light. In a new video interview, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one...

What is Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam & Why?

The rules of what is haraam can, in principle, proliferate almost indefinitely when you realize that one principle as to what is haraam (not allowed) is that “which leads to...

Sam Harris is wrong about Islam

The debate between Sam Harris and Ben Affleck on Bill Maher’s Show generated a lot of controversy. Harris said Islam is the mother-load of bad ideas and Ben Affleck retorted...

Islam = ISIS

“Was,” “Is” and “Are” – three words that define 1400 years of Islam. All the actions of ISIS: mass beheadings, mass murder, mass rape, the taking of sex slaves, all...

Are you a woman victim of Islam?

Recently, a friend of mine who is a respected author and journalist asked whether I would be interested to co-author with her a book about women victimized by Islam. I...

Kill the Jews

The hatred of the Jew is embedded in the Quran and no Muslim is immune from it. If a Muslim claims he does not hate Jews, he is either ignorant...

At War with Islam

I requested RSN to republish “At War With Islam” written in 2007.  No nation can survive if it does not clearly identify an enemy invader. Islam is an enemy invader a...

Iran: Hanged for Crime of Opinion

Mr. Mohsen Amiraslani Zanjani, who had been found to b guilty of “crimes of opinion” and had been detained in Iran prison, was executed. Mr. Amiraslani was executed on charges...

In Defense of Islamic State

In his speech addressed to the UN general assembly, Barak Hussein Obama said, “ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones killing innocents.” He also stated, “ISIS is hiding behind a...

The Islamic Jihad Lottery

911 – The greatest victory in the history of Islam and the greatest defeat for USA and the west When you belong to an evil ideology you are as evil...

The Two Faces of Islam

SOURCE One face is for Islam’s useful idiots the other is for Islam’s faithful. The Koran is not arranged in chronological order. When it is arranged in chronological order it...