Islam and the Clash of Civilizations
Hundreds, if not thousands of books have been published on Islam and the threat that it poses to the western civilization since the aftermath of 9/11/ 2001. While many of...
· by Ali Sina · 13 Nov, 2015
Hundreds, if not thousands of books have been published on Islam and the threat that it poses to the western civilization since the aftermath of 9/11/ 2001. While many of...
· by Mumin Salih · 9 Nov, 2015
Introduction The war that has been going on between the West and Islam is obvious to all except those Westerners who live in denial and refuse to believe their...
One of the problems of Islam and ironically a key to its success is that its holy book, the Quran is a confusing and tedious book that most people don’t...
· by Howard Pond · 28 Oct, 2015
By Howard Pond Jihadis are not Radical I love the story told by a writer by the name of David Wallace: “There are these two young fish swimming along, and...
Indonesia is allegedly a moderate Islamic country and arguably it is but only in comparison to other Islamic countries where minorities are systematically persecuted and killed. The moderate Indonesia however,...
· by Nadir Balouch · 27 Oct, 2015
By Nadir Baloch “Shariah for the UK” depicted a banner during a demonstration held by Muslims in London to condemn blasphemous publications. Such calls have sparked concern and distress...
Sign the Petition The scenes of the sea of refugees escaping from the devastation brought on them by the religious zealots of the Islamic State are heart wrenching. It is...
· by Mumin Salih · 30 Sep, 2015
Introduction The Quran describes Muslims as being nice to each other and harsh against the unbelievers (Q. 48:29 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful...
· by Louis Palme · 24 Sep, 2015
A firestorm has erupted in the 2016 US Presidential election campaign over whether a Muslim could become President. Technically, the answer is “yes” because the Constitution says there shall be...
· by Fozol Oviovi · 16 Sep, 2015
By Fozol Oviovi By long and intricate ways of evolution, we, the human have developed our brain, our creativity, our power imagination & critical thinking more than any other species...
· by Robert Spencer · 15 Sep, 2015
BY ROBERT SPENCER Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe...
· by Ali Sina · 15 Sep, 2015
Hello Ali, I finally joined your website as a registered member. I just wanted to let you know how my journey began and how your website was largely responsible for...
· by Mumin Salih · 1 Sep, 2015
Experts in the UK expressed opinions suggesting that the Quran manuscript of Birmingham may be older than Mohammed. Historian Tom Holland, one of the most celebrated historians in the UK,...
· by Mumin Salih · 1 Sep, 2015
Most people in the civilized world must have noticed that individuals who convert to Islam, and the ‘Muslims by birth’ who suddenly turn religious, develop new tendencies, such as: *...
· by Junaid A Malik · 15 Aug, 2015
By Junaid A. Maik “Islam; the religion of peace” a favorite narrative of apologists, quite often repeated despite all the historical evidence which goes against it. Unfortunately these apologists are...
· by Babs Baron · 3 Aug, 2015
(This was originally written in 2013. I have little reason to believe that circumstances have changed substantially – indeed I suspect that they have become worse). I know that I...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Aug, 2015
The discovery of an old artefact is always a welcome addition to our knowledge since it boosts, or modifies, our understanding of history. From this perspective alone, the discovery of...
· by Babs Baron · 1 Aug, 2015
By Babs Barron (This was originally written in 2013. I have little reason to believe that circumstances have changed substantially – indeed I suspect that they have become worse)....
· by Junaid A Malik · 28 Jul, 2015
by Junaid A. Malik Being a student of Islamic theology for last two decades, I can categorically tell you that ideology (Islam) cannot be amended or reformed. The only way...
· by Jake Neuman · 23 Jul, 2015
WHY THE QURAN IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD: WHY ALLAH IS NOT GOD 1100 Plus Reasons Islam is Fraudulent By Jake Neuman The news media was awash with the...
· by Martha van der Pol · 23 Jul, 2015
By Martha Van Der Pol Maajid Nawaz, self avowedly an ex-extremist, now advises David Cameron on tackling extremism. His key message to the PM is that a distinction MUST be...
Dear Mr. Ali Sina I’m an ex-Muslim girl form Indonesia. I’m 20 years old but I’ve been questioning about god and religion since I was a kid. I was born...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Jul, 2015
Introduction Muslim scholars still claim that the Quran contains numerous scientific miracles. Many Muslim Arabs regard those claims as the most important reason why they accept Islam as the true...
· by Ali Sina · 1 Jul, 2015
Hi Ali, Thanks for your previous reply to my email. Honestly, I left Islam thanks to your website a couple of years ago and thanks to my little understanding of...
· by Babs Baron · 30 Jun, 2015
Or: How the West is duped by “The Religion of Peace” Given the encroachment of Islamism into the UK and Europe and its effect on far too many decisions made...
In the immediate aftermath of the ISIS-claimed massacre of civilians in Tunisia David Cameron, the U.K.’s Prime-minister has once again assured the British public and non-Muslims worldwide that the attack...
· by Louis Palme · 28 Jun, 2015
FFI Editor’s Note: Since the advent of Muslim Brothers in the 1920s and after, Muslim loyalists developed a specific concept of Islam, and a longing to go back to the...
· by Mumin Salih · 15 Jun, 2015
Introduction After 9/11, America discovered that most of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia but pretended not to notice anything. Instead of punishing the Saudis, America attacked Afghanistan and then...
In a video posted to YouTube on Sunday, former Iraqi member of parliament Taha al-Lahibi said he thinks Barak Hussein Obama is a Shiite claiming he is “more cooperative with Shiite...
· by Louis Palme · 6 Jun, 2015
By Louis Palme The Quran makes three bold statements: “Our God and your God is one.” (Surah 29:46); “The Quran confirms the Scriptures that came before it.” (Surah 5:48); “If...
· by Ibn Kammuna · 5 Jun, 2015
Introduction In this study, I will discuss the genocide of the Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayza by the prophet of Islam and the consequent moral implications. I will organize the...
· by Ali Sina · 17 May, 2015
K.M. Lessing, the author of God Failed Me, sent me a digital copy of her book wondering whether I would review it. I generally don’t do reviews. I am a...
I had a discussion with a Muslim who argued, “Muslims don’t worship black stone of Kaba. They worship only Supreme God, Allah. Black stone is foundation stone of Ka’ba. It...
· by Phyllis Chesler · 13 May, 2015
The long arm of American justice has reached right into Pakistan, where a heinous overseas revenge-for-honor killing was perpetrated—one that was orchestrated by cell phone from the front seat of...
Dear Ali Sina, thank you for all you are doing to bring truth to the world. I really admire your work. I am desperate and don’t know what to do,...
he Middle East refugee camps have become shopping centers for rich men, where young girls are being sold for a cheap price. Arab men buys Syrian teen girls for marriage...
A Muslim wrote to me saying he read some of my articles and believes that I got it all wrong. He advised that I should read the Quran to have...
· by David Wood · 8 May, 2015
Following the recent shooting at a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, media attention has once again focused on Islam and the First Amendment. In a discussion with Pamela Geller,...
· by Mumin Salih · 7 May, 2015
Introduction Unlike the hadith collections, which were subjected to thorough scientific scrutiny by different scholars in different places and at different times, the Muslims never subjected the Quran to any...
· by Eric Allen Bell · 3 May, 2015
Liberty and Islam cannot coexist. Free Speech and Islam cannot coexist. Women’s Rights and Islam cannot coexist. Human Rights and Islam cannot coexist. Critical Thinking and Islam cannot coexist. Weapons...
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