News Blog

Quran Deception

The number 1 verse that is quoted by the Muslims to deceive the non-Muslims is the following: “There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2.256) There is compulsion in following...

Slay the idolaters….but which idolaters?

In the counter-jihad world it is widely taken as unquestionable that the jihad verses of the Koran sanction eternal warfare against non-Muslims until the whole world is converted or subjugated....

The Most Evil Teachings

The most evil teachings are as follows: 1. Slavery. 2. Taking females captive and raping them (in war or out of war). 3. Intolerance and Hatred for others. 4. Stoning...


It has been announced that the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will include a new condition, Islamopathy, which displays elements both of sociopathy and...

Sharia Law and Jihad

Jihad is often portrayed in the West as a “struggle” (the literal meaning of the Arabic root jhd) against one’s evil intentions and Satan and it is true that “jihad...


WHAT KIND OF GARBAGE CAN COUNTRY HAVE WE DESCENDED INTO Second article in the series THE BARBARIC ANIMALISM OF MUHAMMAD For First Article go to: What kind of animals...

A Celebration of Liberty

A Celebration of Liberty By Jacob Thomas Fourth of July 2018 It is fitting on this Fourth of July 2018, that I share the message received from this brave Swiss...

What Does Islam Stand for?

This is the most accurate definition of Islam, based on the Quran teachings. Intolerance – (Quran 3.85, 3.19, 8.39, 48.28, 98.6, many others) Sex slavery – (Quran 23.5-6, 33.26, 33.50,...

Pick your Koran

I still come across people whose only source for the Koran is the paperback Yusuf Ali translation they bought in 1985, unaware that there are many presentations of the accursed...

Snakes will Always Bite

A young boy walking on a path heard a voice ‘Please help me.’ The boy looked down and saw a snake. The snake said: ‘Please help me. A mongoose attacked...