‘Islamic Jihad’ by M A Khan available for free download in Malayalam
There are some very important books written by ex-Muslims which are a must-read for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A book written by M A Khan, editor of www.islam-watch.org titled “Islamic Jihad- A Legacy of forced conversions, Imperialism and Slavery” is one such.
This book has been translated to Malayalam language, and is now available for free download in Malayalam from here https://www.mediafire.com/file/irseugwo8xbjwqc/Islamic_Jihad-A_Legacy_of_Forced_Conversions%252C_Imperialism_and_Slavery_by_M_A_Khan%2528Malayalam%2529.pdf/file
or here https://www.pdfdrive.com/islamic-jihad-by-m-a-khan-malayalam-e201523806.html
Like Ali Sina’s “Understanding Muhammad“, this book will make Muslims leave Islam, at least those who are humanitarian, and do not support rapes, massacres, forcible conversions, slavery, sex-slavery etc. This book was published in early 2009, and very generously made available for free download from March 2013 by M A Khan, on islam-watch.org.
M A Khan liberated himself from Islam after studying some of the canonical Islamic texts. For a few years before writing that book, he had done extensive research on Islamic theology, as well as history: from Prophet Muhammad to modern times. Islamic history has been a harrowing tale of inhuman brutality of innocent people: forced conversion, brutal imperialism and devastating slavery. It’s a saga of great human tragedy and all these were perpetrated by Muslim invaders and rulers over the centuries in the name of Islamic holy war or Jihad, the foundational creed of Islam. This tragic tale is the subject of his book.
From the title, it becomes clear that it is about Jihad and its history, a common topic these days. But readers will find this book interesting and even essential for making a complete grasp of the issue, even if they have already read dozens of books on the subject.
This book can be downloaded in PDF format in English here or here.
It can be downloaded in PDF format in Hindi here or here.
It can be downloaded in PDF format in Bangla here or here.
It can be downloaded in PDF format in Tamil here or here.
Some other books and articles available in Malayalam are:
1- “Mistakes in the Quran which show Islam as false- Part 1” (7 pages) in Malayalam
2- “Mistakes in the Quran which show Islam as false- Part 2” (8 pages) in Malayalam
3- “Paradise (Jannat)- A Mirage for Muslims” (21 pages) in Malayalam
4- “Who will go to Hell” (8 pages) in Malayalam
5- “A Short Biography of Muhammad” by Ali Sina (51 pages) in Malayalam
6- “Debunking the myth of Science in the Quran” by Ali Sina (116 pages) in Malayalam
7- “How I left Islam- From Belief to enlightenment” by Ali Sina (46 pages) in Malayalam
8- “Debate on the infamous Sword Verse- Quran orders Muslims to convert or kill” (37 pages) M A Khan vs Ahmed in Malayalam
9- “Understanding Muhammad” by Ali Sina (319 pages) in Malayalam
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