Islamabad Trying to Silence Me?
The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has recently spearheaded an international campaign to silence all criticism of Islam worldwide. This bold move is no departure from Islamic law (Sharia) or the teachings of their prophet, a seventh century pedophile, slave trader, warlord and village idiot, named Muhammad.
So it comes as no surprise that sooner or later I would find myself in the cross hairs of such a campaign. WordPress, whom I pay to host my blog, recently emailed to inform me that Pakistan demands that this American citizen obey Islamic blasphemy laws. Failure to do has a penalty of life in prison or death.
To their credit WordPress has not demanded I do anything, one way or another. Rather they just sent me the information. But in doing so they are breaking formation from the anti-free speech zealots in Silicon Valley, those who control what is said and not said in the digital town square. WordPress is appropriately not getting involved. Although, I cannot help but wonder if one day soon they will be forced to.
Last year I was banned from YouTube for my criticism – not of a group of people – but criticisms of the belief system called Islam. I was banned for “hate speech”. Those videos have reached millions of people, with the truth about Islam as a threat to human rights. Soon after my Twitter account, which had 98,000 followers, was banned – also for “hate speech”. It is worth mentioning that Vimeo has not sought to punish me for exercising my free speech in criticizing Islamic terrorism.
Several years ago I received well over 100 death threats, mostly on Facebook, for criticizing Islam. During one of my many ensuing conversations with the correct authorities, I discovered that Facebook usually will not cooperate with them on matters such as these.
After going so far as to publish many of these Islamic death threats, to this day most of those Facebook accounts continue to remain active, even here in the United States. Facebook was notified over and over again, even by the FBI. However, no action has been taken against those devout Jihadis who use Facebook to threaten the lives of Americans like me. It’s not that no one is paying attention. Mark Zuckerberg, the leader of Facebook found time to offer his support to those who follow and endorse a book that says to “strike terror into the heart of the unbeliever” (Yes, it really does say that. For a quick CRASH course into Islam, click here).
This is not only happening to me. Many who have found it necessary to warn the world about Islam, and its attempts to infiltrate and control Western Civilization, have found themselves in similar situations. The Islamic world seeks to silence us and the Silicon Valley billionaires are only too happy to seize the opportunity, to experiment with how far they can go, in exercising more control than the First Amendment will allow.
Part of how Facebook and others do this is by employing SJWs who alter the corporate culture. In time there exists the tyranny of mob rule. Many FB employees have reported they are afraid to step out of formation, with regard to embracing far Left sensibilities. As those SJWs take on the role of deciding which content constitutes “hate speech” Islamic death threats get a free pass and articles exposing the dangers of Islam are either shadow banned or banned entirely, often suspending the accounts of those who posted them.
Take for instance Dr. Jamie Glasov. Having fled the Soviet Union, Dr. Glasov is painfully aware of what happens when power gets into the wrong hands, or is controlled by a harmful ideology, and seeks to expand. He even wrote a book about this, called “United in Hate” specifically shedding a light on the Left, Islam and their unholy alliance.
I was still recovering from being mugged by reality when he reached out to me back in 2012 – specifically the reality of Islam, its brutality, its agenda and its unholy alliance with the Left. I had left the Left and was at that time a frequent guest on Glasov’s radio and YouTube shows.
Dr. Glasov is also the Editor of Front Page Magazine, a publication of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, (where I had authored many articles). If you haven’t already heard of him, Mr. Horowitz is a brave and outspoken critic of Islam. So naturally the PM of Pakistan has targeted Dr. Glasov, the editor of Front Page Magazine.
The Islamic Republic, trying to silence Dr. Glazov, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, myself and others – they simply will not succeed. Others have tried and failed. I do not speak for anyone but myself. However, anyone who has found the moral clarity and the courage to call out Islam publicly, telling the truth about Islamic brutality, it is unlikely that we will ever back down. Others have tried to silence many of us. But in the era of the Trump presidency there are just too many of us to ever stop the truth about Islam from getting out. The cat is out of the bad and going viral.
If you care about human rights and the future of freedom on this planet, if you care about your fellow man and woman who still suffer under Islamic tyranny, I urge you to take action. Send an email. Post a link on social media. We all must do our part, big or small, to combat the rise of this toxic and deadly ideology called Islam.
Remember, the enemy of Islamic brutality is information. That’s why they don’t want such information to get out. So I urge anyone reading this to spread this information. Join the expanding number of keyboard warriors in spreading the truth about Islam. Spread it far. Spread it wide. Spread it like Napalm.
The future and Islam simply cannot coexist.
Sanatan Dharma is an ancient philosophy,those who have born in that philosophy, never invaded another’s abode in their entire History .The recent terrorist attack in New-Zealand’s mosque by a christian man shows how morally bankrupts are the followers of this religion stands for.How much development one may find from science ;if there is no development of sound mind,the ensuing violence will wipe out one day entire living beings from this earth ,may be in a short period.
There is no connection between science and Christianity,science do not endorse ‘the earth is flat, and it is six thousand year old” theory.The Christians tried to suppress science by persecuting scientists, example :Galileo Galilee and Copernicus.Whereas Santana Dharma allowed expansion of mind,thus made advances in surgery (susruta) and medicine ,mathematics etc. The millions of books were burnt down by primitive Muslims in their invasion of India in Taxila and Nalanda,where as intellectuals in Constantinople carried all the books in the library to Europe and so the age of science begun independent of bibles law.
A Need to Face the Truth
By Late Ram Swarup Agarwal
The article “Hideaway Communalism” (Indian Express, February 5, 1989) is unusual. It discusses a question which has been a taboo and speaks on it with a frankness rare among Indian intellectuals.
Similarly, in his articles “The Tip of An Iceberg” and “In the Name of Religion” (February 9, May 21) Sita Ram Goel brings to the subject unequalled research and discusses it in a larger historical perspective.
In the history of Islam, iconoclasm and razing other peoples’ temples are not aberrations — stray acts of zealous but misguided rulers — but are central to the Christian and Islamic faith(s).
Muslims derive their justification and validity from the Quranic Revelation and the Prophet’s Sunna or practice.
It is another matter though that these could not always be implemented in their full theological rigour due to many unfavourable circumstances — an exigency for which Islamic theology makes ample provisions.
Shrines and idols of the unbelievers began to be destroyed during the Prophet’s own time and, indeed, at his own behest. Sirat-un-Nabi, the first pious biography of the Prophet, tells us how during the earliest days of Islam, young men at Medina influenced by Islamic teachings repeatedly crept into a house every night and carried its idol and threw “it on its face into a cesspit.”
However, desecration and destruction began in earnest when Mecca was conquered.
Ali was chosen to destroy the idols at Ka’ba which, we are told, he did mounting on the shoulders of the Prophet.
Umar was chosen for destroying the pictures on the walls of the shrine.
After this, as Tarikh-i-Tabari tells us, raiding parties were sent in all directions to destroy the images of deities held in special veneration by different tribes including the images of al-Manat, al-Lat, and al-Uzza, intercessories of the Satanic Verses. Sa’d was sent to destroy the shrine of al-Manat, the deity of the tribes of Aus and Khazraj.
When the shrine of al-Lat was invaded, devotees of al-Lat resisted.
But finding themselves overpowered, devotees of al-Lat surrendered and became Muslims.
The women-worshippers wept to see how their deity was “Deserted by Her servants, who did not show enough manliness in defending Her.”
Similarly, Walid was sent by the prophet to destroy the idol of al-Uzza at Nakhla, venerated by the tribes of Kinan and Nadar.
Overawed, the guardians al-Uzza left the deity to defend herself.
They called out:
O Uzza! make an annihilating attack on Khalid,
O Uzza! if you do not kill the man Khalid
Then bear a swift punishment or become a Christian.
The word should have been Muslim.
It seems the tradition belongs to the very early period of Islam when at least, on the popular level, Christians and Muslims were mistaken for each other.
For, both shared a common outlook, both indulged in forced conversions and both destroyed shrines belonging to others.
The fact is that the Revelation of the Prophet of Islam does not stand alone.
It is rooted in the older Judaic Revelation from which Christianity also derives.
The two Revelations differ in some particulars, but they have important similarities.
The God of both is exclusive and brooks no rivals, no partner.
He demands exclusive loyalty and commands that his followers would “worship no other God.”
But though so demanding in their worship, he DOES NOT make himself known to them directly.
On the other hand, he communicates his will to them indirectly through a favourite messenger or prophet, or a special incarnation.
This God is so different from God in other religious traditions.
For example, in Hindu tradition, a God is not exclusive.
He lives in friendliness with other Gods.
In fact, “other” Gods are His own manifestations.
In this tradition, He also has no rigid form and is conceived in widely different ways: plurally, singly, monistically.
He also recognises no single favourite intermediary, but reveals Himself to all who approach Him with devotion and in wisdom.
No Semitic protocol here.
The Hindu tradition also accords fullest freedom of worship.
Not only every one has a right to worship his God in his own way, but every God is also entitled to the worship of His own devotees.
Freedom indeed, both for men as well as for Gods.
It was on this principle that early Christians enjoyed their freedom of worship.
The other side of the coin of a “Jealous God” is the concept of a “Chosen People” or a Church or Ummah.
The chosen God has a chosen people (and even his chosen enemies).
Both assist each other.
While their God helps the believers in fighting their neighbours, the believers help their God in fighting his rival-Gods.
It is common for men and women everywhere to invoke the help of their Gods in their various undertakings, big or small.
But the God of the believers also calls upon them to fight for his greater glory, to fight his enemies and to extend his dominion on the earth.
In short, they are to become his swordsmen and salesmen, his “witnesses”, his martyrs and Ghazis.
They must fight not only their unbelieving neighbours but also, even more specifically, their (neighbours’) Gods.
For these Gods are not only the Gods of their enemies, but they are also the enemies of their God, which is even worse.
The believers have taken this god-given mission seriously.
The Hedaya (Guidance), the Muslim Law Book par excellence, quotes the Prophet and lays down:
“We are directed to make war upon men until such time as they shall confess. There is no God but Allah.”
However, it is not all God and his glory all the time.
The undertaking has its practical side too.
The Christian Crusaders are not without their earthly rewards.
Christian Crusaders work to extend the sovereignty of their God the Father and, in the process, their own too!
A pious tradition proclaims that the earth belongs to Allah and his Prophet.
Therefore, the inescapable conclusion is that the infidels are merely squatters, and they should be dispossessed and the land returned to its rightful owners, the believers.
Today, the intellectual fashion is to emphasize the political and economic aims of imperialism and to neglect its theological component.
But history shows that the most durable imperialisms have been those which had the support of a continuing theological motive.
Such imperialisms dominated without a conscience — or, rather, whatever conscience they had supported their domination.
The power of faith killed all possible doubts and self-criticism.
“Hideaway Communalism” quotes extensively from the Foreword of Maulana Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi which he contributed to the book, Hindustan under Islamic Rule.
These quotes show that in its self-estimation and self-righteousness, the white-man’s burden of civilising the world is a poor match to Islam’s responsibility of bringing the earth under Allah and his Prophet.
Semitic “My-Godism” described as Monotheism has another dimension: Iconoclasm.
In fact, the two are two sides of the same coin.
When worshippers of the Semitic God came into contact with their neighbours, it was not clear what they abhorred more, their Gods or their idols.
In point of fact, they made no such fine distinction.
Trained as they were, they made war on both indiscriminately.
The Judaic God commands his worshippers that when they enter the land of their enemies, they will “destroy their altars, and break their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graves images with fire” (Bible, Deut. 7.5).
Perhaps the Judaic Revelation was meant to apply only to the territory of the Promised Land; but when Christianity and, in due course, Islam became its proud inheritors and adopted the Biblical God, its operation became university.
Wherever the two creeds went, temple-razing followed.
Today, CHRISTIANITY SEEMS TO PRESENT A DIFFERENT FACE, but during the better part of its career it was stoutly iconoclastic in the Mediterranean countries, in Northern Europe, in Asia and in the two Americas, it destroyed shrines of the Pagans with unparalleled thoroughness and perfect self-satisfaction.
When America was discovered, the Benedictine monks who came in the train of Christopher Columbus boasted of having destroyed single-handed 170,000 images in Haiti alone.
Juan de Zummarage, the first Christian Bishop of Mexico, writing as early as 1531, claimed that he destroyed 500 temples and 20,000 idols of the heathens.
In our own country, in Goa, Jesuit fathers destroyed many Hindu temples!
Wherever it went, it carried fire and sword and destroyed the temples of the conquered people.
Sita Ram Goel has documented some of the cases, but as he himself says they represent merely the tip of an iceberg!
Like its monotheism, Semitic iconoclasm too was essentially a hegemonistic idea.
People who retain their religions, their Gods, and their priests make poor subjects and remain potential rebels.
Islam knew this and it developed a full-fledged theory of Religious domination.
Temples were destroyed not for their “hoarded wealth” as Indian “Marxist” historians propagate — who ever heard of Hindus being especially in the habit of hoarding their wealth in their temples? — nor were they destroyed by invaders in the first flush of their victory.
On the other hand, these formed part of a larger policy of religious persecution which was followed in peace-time too when the Muslim rule was established.
The policy of persecution had a purpose — it was meant to keep down the people and to disarm them culturally and spiritually, to destroy their pride and self-respect, and to remind them that they were Zimmis, an inferior breed.
According to this policy, Zimmis were allowed to exercise their religion in low key so long as they accepted civic and political disabilities and paid Jizya “in abasement”.
There were many restrictions, particularly in cities.
The Muslim Law (Hedaya) lays down that “as the tokens of Islam (such as public prayers, festivals, and so forth) appear in the cities, Zimmis should not be permitted to celebrate the tokens of infidelity there.”
Some of these restrictions placed on Hindu processions and celebrations still continue. This is a legacy of the Muslim period.
The same law laid down that the infidels could not build new temples though they could repair old ones.
Probably this explains why there is no record of a worthwhile Hindu temple built since 1192 in Delhi.
The first such temple Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, inaugurated by M.K. Gandhi, came up in 1938, after a lapse of more than seven hundred years.
I heartily recommend the following book to anyone who believes in the falsehoods of Judaism, Christianism and Islam.
Please look for it in your local public libraries or local university libraries.
Ram Swarup Agarwal, “The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods”, New Delhi, India, Reprint 2001
Christianity is the fastest growing religion in China despite the Bible and the internet being censored.
Even in Kashmir where the Hindus are steadily leaving the valley. Christians are staying put and spreading the gospel among the Muslims and Hindus alike. If this is not encouraged then India will most likely lose Kashmir either to independence or to Pakistan if plebiscites are held.
God has given free will to all humans.
History has always seen a trend that when these erstwhile Christian nations proceed towards atheism, liberalism, socialism, materialism and forget Christ and Christian values they degenerate and become very susceptible to domestic threats and easily fall prey to dangerous ideologies and worldviews like ISIS and new-ageism, paganism, Buddhism, Hinduism, sodomy etc. At the same time countries where Christianity increases the progress also increases.
Jesus alone is the way, the truth and life
e.g. Mongolia and China
There are almost half of the population in Western Europe and in North America who have rejected Christianity for Christianism being inherently the junk of past 2000 years!
The Western Christian Powers colonized major parts of the world where the local population was Muslim, Tribal/Animist, Buddhist, Hindu/ Pagan (where they worshiped animal headed gods with multiple arms and multiple heads or worshiped nature Sun, Moon, rain, river, animals etc.).
They easily defeated these Pagans because they (Western Powers) always had Christian Pastors/Priests/Chaplains go with the Army and never started hostilities without praying.
Of course they were technologically advanced (in spite of their opponents having ancient religions which boasted of scientific, nuclear and medicine and surgical technology) but they were smaller in number compared to the locals and they had to rely on ships for supplies. Nevertheless they defeated their enemies as they prayed to the real God and not some animal headed false god or demon.
The inquisition was done mainly by the Portuguese and Spanish and was not right. But remember it was against the teaching of Christ and it was the act of men. They were not following the examples of Christ.
Christ clearly forbid violence and the early Christians spread the gospel (by love, compassion and doing miracles as they worshiped the only true Creator God (Jesus) ) in spite of persecution.
Jesus said in Mathew 10:7-15. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, a drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. 9“Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting if the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
Jesus further told them after his resurrection
Matthew 28:19-20 New International Version (NIV)
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Today Christianity is rapidly increasing in places where there is high persecution like China, Mongolia, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and India also. Miracles are happening and no power on Earth can stop miracles from happening and the message of Christianity reaching to people.
Look at this church: More people come to this one church than more than ten temples in the neighborhood. They started 10 years back with only 3 members and now they are growing exponentially to….
Most of the Churches in Goa today were built on top of Hindu temples that were razed during the Inquisition of Goa in the 16th century. Few artifacts remain from those ancient temples, the most famous being the headless ‘Nandi’ bull of the preexisting Shiva temple, located in Chandor.According to Christian historian, Dr. T. R. De Souza at least from 1540 onwards, ‘All the Hindu idols disappeared because all the temples were destroyed and their sites and building materials were fully utilised to erect new Christian Churches and chapels. Various viceregal and Church council decrees banished the Hindu priests from the Portuguese territories; the public practices of Hindu rites including marriage rites, were banned; the State took upon itself the task of bringing up Hindu orphan children; the Hindus were denied many types of employment, while the Christians were preferred; it was ensured that the Hindus would not harass those who became Christians, and on the contrary, the Hindus were obliged to assemble periodically in Churches to listen to preaching or to the refutation of their religion’.
We can see from Dr. Paliwal’s book that a particularly grave abuse was practiced in Goa in the form of ‘mass baptism’ from 1510. This practice was begun by the Jesuits and was later followed by the Franciscans also. The Jesuits staged an annual mass baptism every year on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25), and in order to secure as many neophytes as possible, a few days before the ceremony, the Jesuits would go through the streets of the Hindu quarter in pairs, accompanied by their Negro slaves, whom they would urge to seize the Hindus. When the blacks caught up a Hindu fugitive, they would smear his lips with a piece of beef, making him an ‘untouchable’ among his people. Conversion to Christianity was then his only option. This kind of barbarous treatment was specially reserved for the Brahmins!
The Goan inquisition is regarded by all contemporary portrayals as the most violent inquisition ever executed by the Portuguese Catholic Church. Its most virulent phase lasted from 1560 to 1812. The inquisition was set as a tribunal, headed by a judge, sent to Goa from Portugal and was assisted by two judicial henchmen. The judge was answerable to no one except to Lisbon and handed down punishments as he saw fit. The Inquisition Laws filled 230 pages and the palace where the Inquisition was conducted was known as the Big House and the Inquisition proceedings were always conducted behind closed shutters and closed doors. The screams of agony of the culprits (men, women, and children) could be heard in the streets, in the stillness of the night, as they were brutally interrogated, flogged, and slowly dismembered in front of their relatives. Eyelids were sliced off and extremities were amputated so carefully that a person could remain conscious, even though the only thing that remained was his torso and a head.
James Madison (American Statesman, 1751-1836, Co-Author Declaration of Independence) declared in 1810 ‘during almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution’.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809), the American Statesman wrote: ‘What is it the Bible teaches us? — Rapine, cruelty, and murder’. Dr. Paliwal has documented the glorious Church record of rapine, cruelty and murder in Goa from 1510 to 1960.
‘The Christian God is cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.’ – President Thomas Jefferson
‘Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it’. – Charles Dickens.
‘His Majesty the King has ordered that there shall be no Brahmins in his land and that they should be banished.’
‘In the name of his Majesty I order that no Hindu can or shall perform marriages.’ ‘The marriages of the supplicants are superstitious acts or functions which include Hindu rites and ceremonies as well as cult, adoration and prayers of Hindu temples.’
‘I order that no Hindu temples be erected in any of the territories of my king and that Hindu temples which already have been erected be not repaired.’
No one should mistake that the above extracts—savagely anti-Hindu and anti-pagan—have been taken from the Royal Decrees of Balban or Allaudin Khilji or Aurangazeb. Anyone familiar with the brutalisation of Hindu customs and practices, indeed Hindu faith and belief for nearly 10 centuries, can easily be misled to take this view. The wickedness with which suppression is prescribed in these decrees, the callous disregard that is advocated for the other’s feelings and sentiments, the cruelty that is so palpable in both thought and action, suggest that these firmans could have been issued by one of the ‘shadows of God’ who stalked this land, laying to waste Hindu lives and property during 10 centuries of Muslim rule in India. But these are not extracts taken from firmans issued by the known anti-Hindu Muslim rulers.
They have been taken from firmans issued by the Portuguese who ruled Goa from 1510 till 1960 and recognised no religion other than Christianity as the legitimate means of communion with God. It was no secular rule that they imposed, but a ruthless system of pillage disguised as trade and a cruel administration for whom the heathens, especially Brahmins, unless they embraced Christianity, were nothing more than ‘supplicants’ to be crushed into submission or exiled into oblivion.
@Found the Truth
Please tell me Where was your Jecuss before 3000 years before when lord Mahavir taught the world lesson of love, compassion, mercy, non-violence. Where was your Jecuss when Krishna taught the lesson to the commander of Army Arjuna that a commander should not escape from the battlefield. And it would down the moral of rest of army.
There are many mosques all over India which are known to local tradition and the Archaeological Survey of India as built on the site of and, quite frequently, from the materials of, demolished Hindu temples.
Most of them carry inscriptions invoking Allah and the Prophet, quoting the Quran and giving details of when, how, and by whom they were constructed.
The inscriptions have been deciphered and connected to their historical context by learned Muslim epigraphists.
They have been published by [the British Christian imperialists of] the Archaeological Survey of India in its Epigraphia Indica — Arabic and Persian Supplement, an annual which appeared first in 1907-08 as Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica.
The following few inscriptions have been selected in order to show that (1) destruction of Hindu temples continued throughout the period of Muslim domination; (2) it covered all parts of India – east, west, north and south; and (3) all Muslim dynasties, imperial and provincial, participated in the “pious [Islamic] performance.”
1. Quwwat al-Islam Masjid, Qutb Minar, Delhi:
“This fort was conquered and the Jami Masjid built in the year 587 by the Amir, the slave of the Sultan, may Allalh strengthen his helpers. The materials of 27 idol temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Delhiwals had been spent were used in the (construction of) the mosque.” (1909-10, Pp 3-4). The Amir was Qutbud-Din Aibak, slave of Muizzud-Din Muhammad Ghori. The year 587 H. corresponds to 1192 A.D. “Delhiwal” was a high-denomination coin current at that time in Delhi.
2. Masjid at Manvi in the Raichur District of Karnataka:
“Praise be to Allah that by the decree of the Parvardigar, a mosque has been converted out of a temple as a sign of religion in the reign of, the Sultan who is the asylum of Faith, Firuz Shah Bahmani who is the cause of exuberant spring in the garden of religion” (1962, Pp. 56-57). The inscription mentions the year 1406-07 A.D. as the time of construction.
3. Jami Masjid at Malan, Palanpur Taluka, Banaskantha District of Gujarat:
“The Jami Masjid was built by Khan-I-Azam Ulugh Khan… who suppressed the wretched infidels. He eradicated the idolatrous houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols, with the edge of the sword, and made ready this edifice. He made its walls and doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for prostration of the believer” (1963, Pp. 26-29). The date of construction is mentioned as 1462 A.D. in the reign of Mahmud Shah I (Begada) of Gujarat.
4. Hammam Darwaza Masjid at Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh:
“Thanks that by the guidance of the Everlasting and the Living (Allah), this house of infidelity became the niche of prayer. As a reward for that, the Generous Lord constructed an abode for the builder in paradise” (1969, p. 375). Its chronogram yields the year 1567 A.D. in the reign of Akbar, the Great Mughal. A local historian, Fasihud-Din, tells us that the temple had been built earlier by Diwan Lachhman Das, an official of the Mughal government.
5. Jami Masjid at Ghoda in the Poona District of Maharashtra:
“O Allah! O Muhammad! O Ali! When Mir Muhammad Zaman made up his mind, he opened the door of prosperity on himself by his own hand. He demolished thirty-three idol temples (and) by divine grace laid the foundation of a building in this abode of perdition” (1933-34, p.24). The inscription is dated 1586 A.D. when the Poona region was ruled by the Nizam Shahi sultans of Ahmadnagar.
6. Gachinala Masjid at Cumbum in the Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh:
“He is Allah, may he be glorified. During the august rule of Muhammad Shah, there was a well-established idol-house in Kuhmum, Muhammad Salih who prospers in the rectitude of the affairs of Faith, razed to the ground, the edifice of the idol-house and broke the idols in a manly fashion. He constructed on its site a suitable mosque, towering above the buildings of all” (1959-60, Pp. 64-66). The date of construction is mentioned as 1729-30 A.D. in the reign of the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah.
Though sites of demolished Hindu temples were mostly used for building mosques and idgahs, temple materials were often used in other Muslim monuments as well.
Archaeologists have discovered such materials, architectural as well as sculptural, in quite a few forts, palaces, maqbaras, sufi khanqahs, madrasas, etc.
In Srinagar, Kashmir, temple materials can be seen in long stretches of the stone embankments on both sides of the Jhelum.
Two inscriptions on the walls of the Gopi Talav, a stepped well at Surat, tell us that the well was constructed by Haidar Quli, the Mughal governor of Gujarat, in 1718 A.D. in the reign of Farrukh Siyar.
One of them says, “its bricks were taken from an idol temple.”
The other informs us that “Haider Quli Khan, during whose period tyranny has become extinct, laid waste several idol temples in order to make this strong building firm” (1933-34, Pp. 37-44).
Literary evidence of Islamic iconoclasm vis-a-vis Hindu places of worship is far more extensive.
It covers a longer span of time, from the fifth decade of the 7th century to the closing years of the eighteenth.
It also embraces a larger space, from Transoxiana in the north to Tamil Nadu in the south, and from Afghanistan in the west to Assam in the east.
Archaeological explorations in modern times have, however, provided physical proofs of literary descriptions.
The vast cradle of Hindu culture is literally littered with ruins of temples and monasteries belonging to all sects of Sanãtana Dharma — Buddhist, Jain, Saiva, Shakta, Vaishnava, and the rest.
Almost all medieval Muslim historians credit their Islamic heroes with desecration of Hindu idols and or destruction of Hindu temples.
The picture that emerges has the following components, depending upon whether the iconoclast was in a hurry on account of Hindu resistance or did his work at leisure after a decisive victory:
1. The idols were mutilated or smashed or burnt or melted down if they were made of precious metals.
2. Sculptures in relief on walls and pillars were disfigured or scraped away or torn down.
3. Idols of stone and inferior metals or their pieces were taken away, sometimes by cartloads, to be thrown down before the main mosque in (a) the metropolis of the ruling Muslim sultan and (b) the holy cities of Islam, particularly Mecca, Medina, and Baghdad.
4. There were instances of idols being turned into lavatory seats or handed over to butchers to be used as weights while selling meat.
5. Brahmin priests and other Hindu holy-men in and around the temple were molested or beheaded.
6. Sacred vessels and scriptures used in worship were defiled and scattered or burnt.
7. Temples were damaged or despoiled or demolished or burnt down or converted into mosques with some structural alterations or entire mosques were raised on the same sites mostly with temple materials.
8. Cows were slaughtered on the temple sites so that Hindus could not use them again.
The literary sources, like epigraphic, provide evidence of the elation which Muslims felt while witnessing or narrating these “pious Islamic deeds.”
A few citations from Amir Khusru will illustrate the point.
The instances cited relate to the doings of Jalalud-Din Firuz Khalji, Alaud-Din Khalji and the letter’s military commanders.
Amir Khusru served as a court-poet of successive sultans at Delhi and wrote a masnavi in praise of each.
Amir Khusru was the dearest disciple of Shaikh Nizamud-Din Awliya and has come to be honoured as some sort of a sufi himself.
In our own times, Amir Khusru is being hailed as the father of a composite Hindu-Muslim culture and the pioneer of Indian secularism!
1. Jhain: “Next morning he (Jalalud-Din) went again to the temples and ordered their destruction. While the soldiers sought every opportunity of plundering, the Shah was engaged in burning the temples and destroying the idols. There were two bronze idols of Brahma, each of which weighed more than a thousand mans. These were broken into pieces and the fragments were distributed among the officers, with orders to throw them down at the gates of the Masjid on their return (to Delhi)” (Miftah-ul-Futuh).
2. Devagiri: “He (Alaud-Din) destroyed the temples of the idolaters and erected pulpits and arches for mosques” (Ibid.).
3. Somanath: “They made the temple prostrate itself towards the Kaaba. You may say that the temple first offered its prayers and then had a bath (i.e., the temple was made to topple and fall into the sea). He (Ulugh Khan) destroyed all the idols and temples, but sent one idol, the biggest of all idols, to the court of his Godlike Majesty and on that account in that ancient stronghold of idolatry, the summons to prayers was proclaimed so loudly that they heard it in Misr (Egypt) and Madain (Iraq)” (Tarikh-i-Alai).
4. Delhi: “He (Alaud-Din) ordered the circumference of the new minar to be made double of the old one (Qutb Minar). The stones were dug out from the hills and the temples of the infidels were demolished to furnish a supply” (Ibid.).
5. Ranthambhor: “This strong fort was taken by the slaughter of the stinking Rai. Jhain was also captured, an iron fort, an ancient abode of idolatry, and a new city of the people of the faith arose. The temple of Bahir (Bhairava) Deo and temples of other gods, were all razed to the ground” (Ibid.).
6. Brahmastpuri (Chidambaram): “Here he (Malik Kafur) heard that in Bramastpuri there was a golden idol. He then determined on razing the temple to the ground. It was the holy place of the Hindus which the Malik dug up from its foundations with the greatest care, and the heads of brahmans and idolaters danced from their necks and fell to the ground at their feet, and blood flowed in torrents. The stone idols called Ling Mahadeo, which had been established a long time at the place and on which the women of the infidels rubbed their vaginas for (sexual) satisfaction, these, up to this time, the kick of the horse of Islam had not attempted to break. The Musulmans destroyed in the lings and Deo Narain fell down, and other gods who had fixed their seats there raised feet and jumped so high that at one leap they reached the fort of Lanka, and in that affright the lings themselves would have fled had they had any legs to stand on” (Ibid).
7. Madura: “They found the city empty for the Rai had fled with the Ranis, but had left two or three hundred elephants in the temple of Jagnar (Jagannatha). The elephants were captured and the temple burnt” (Ibid.).
8. Fatan: (Pattan): “There was another rai in these parts, a Brahmin named Pandya Guru, his capital was Fatan, where there was a temple with an idol in it laden with jewels. The rai fled when the army of the Sultan arrived at Fatan. They then struck the idol with an iron hatchet, and opened its head. Although it was the very Qibla of the accursed infidels, it kissed the earth and filled the holy treasury” (Ashiqa).
9. Ma’bar: (Parts of South India): “On the right hand and on the left hand the army has conquered from sea to sea, and several capitals of the gods of the Hindus, in which Satanism has prevailed since the time of the Jinns, have been demolished. All these impurities of infidelity have been cleansed by the Sultan’s destruction of idol-temples, beginning with his first holy expedition to Deogir, so that the flames of the light of the Law (of Islam) illumine all these unholy countries, and places for the criers of prayers are exalted on high, and prayers are read in mosques. Allah be praised!” (Tarikh-i-Alai).
The story of how Islamic invaders sought to destroy the very foundations of Hindu society and culture is long and extremely painful.
It would certainly be better for everybody to forget the past, but for the prescriptions of Islamic theology which remain intact and make it obligatory for believers to destroy idols and idol temples.’
Originally published in the Indian Express, February 19, 1989
In the Name of Religion
By Sita Ram Goel
We shall now take up the explanation provided by the theology of Islam derived from the Quran and the Hadis.
Ibn Ishaq, the first biographer of Islam’s Prophet, devotes many pages to a description of Arab polytheism at the time when Islam started taking shape in 7th century A.D.
Every Arab household, Ibn Ishaq tells us, had an idol of some God or Goddess.
Ibn Ishaq also gives the names of many idols which were housed in sanctuaries maintained by different tribes across the Arabian Peninsula.
The Ka’ba at Mecca which housed 360 idols was only one of these sanctuaries, though it was the most prestigious.
One of the idols in the Ka’ba was named Allah.
Though it had some primacy over other idols, it was far from being an exclusive deity!
Besides, there were many sacred groves and places of pilgrimage visited by Pagan Arabs on special occasions.
At the same time, Ibn Ishaq informs us that Monotheism was becoming an attractive creed among some sections of the Arab elite.
Since Christianity was fully matured in the European continent, Monotheism became the creed of the Roman, Iranian, and Abyssinian empires which inspired awe and admiration among the Arabs at that time.
Many Jews and Christians were present, individually or in communities in the more important Arab towns.
These People of the Book took great pride in their worship of the one and only true God and looked down upon the Arabs who had had no Prophet, who possessed no Book and who worshipped stones and stocks.
Jews and Christians aroused a sense of inferiority in the minds of those Arabs who came in close contact with them, but who were not equipped with an alternate theology that could defend their own Gods and Goddesses.
Such Arabs looked forward to the day when Arabia also would have a Prophet and a Book of its own!
Those who have compared the Bible and the Quran know how close the two are in spirit and language on the subject of idols and idol-worshippers.
Like Jehovah of the Bible, Allah also advances his claim to be the one and only true jealous God.
Allah denounces the mushriks (idolaters) as the doubly damned category of kafirs (unbelievers) when compared to the other category, the People of the Book.
The idols, proclaims Allah while abrogating the so-called Satanic Verses, are mere names invented by the ancestors of the Arabs.
Idols have neither eyes nor ears nor hands nor feet and can, therefore, neither help nor harm.
idols cannot respond to prayers and will fail to save their worshippers from hell on the Day of Judgement.
idols will themselves burn in the fire of hell together with those who worship them.
Meanwhile, idols render their worshippers napak (abominable) in the eyes of Allah.
In the early days of Islam, Muslims were militarily too weak to practice iconoclasm at Mecca.
Early Muslims had to rest content with expressing their contempt for idols.
Food which had first been offered to idols was spurned.
Names which referred to some Pagan God or Goddess were changed as soon as the bearers entered the fold of newly-formed Islam.
But the clarion call had come.
“Herd them together,” said Allah, “those who commit transgression and those whom they worship, and start them on the road to hellfire” (Quran, 37.22-23).
The Prophet saw Amr bin Lubayy “dragging his intestines in Fire.”
Amr was a second century king of Pagan Arabia, supposed to have brought idols from Syria and set them up in the Arabian Peninsula.
Medina where early Muslims were stronger witnessed some acts of iconoclasm even before the Prophet migrated to that city.
Ibn Ishaq tells us how the idol of Amr Ibnul-Jamuh was stolen at night by a group of early Muslims and thrown into a cesspit, again and again till Amr lost faith in it and became a Muslim.
At nearby Quba, Sahl broke up the idols of his tribe at night and took the pieces to a Muslim woman who used them as fuel.
The Prophet made iconoclasm a pious performance for all Muslims for all time to come when he practised it himself on the very day he conquered Mecca.
“When the Prophet,” writes Ibn Ishaq, “prayed the noon prayer on the day of the conquest he ordered that all the idols which were round the Ka’ba should be collected and burnt with fire and broken up.”
Citing some other sources, the Encyclopaedia of Islam says, “Muhammad when he entered Mecca as victor is stated to have struck them in the eyes with the end of his bow before he had them dragged down and destroyed by fire.”
Pictorial representations of Ali standing on the shoulders of the Prophet and tearing down the idol of Hubal from top of a Ka’ba wall, have been published by Shias.1
Soon after, expeditions were sent to other parts of Arabia for doing what had been done at Mecca.
Idols were smashed and Pagan temples destroyed or converted into mosques everywhere,
Muslim poets vied with each other to record the events in rapturous verse.
Fazal bin al-Mulawwih sang:
Had you seen Muhammad and his troops,
The day the idols were smashed when he entered,
You would have seen God’s light become manifest,
In darkness covering the face of idolatry.
And, Kab bin Malik:
We foresook al-Lat, al-Uzza and Wudd
We stripped off their necklaces and earrings.
And, al-Mustaughir Bin Rabia who was a warrior as well as a poet:
I smashed Ruda so completely that
I left it a black ruin in a hollow.
“Growing Islam,” concludes the Encyclopaedia of Islam, “was from the very beginning intent upon the destruction of all traces of Pagan idolatry and was so successful that the anti-quarians of the second and third century of the Hadira could glean only very scanty details.
Some of the idols were made use of for other purposes, as for example, the idol Dhul-Kalasa, which was worshipped at Tabala, a place on the road from Mekka to Yaman in the time of Ibn al-Kalbi (about 200 A.D.), was used as a stepping stone under the door of the mosque at Tabala.
Other stones which had been worshipped as idols were actually used as corner-stones of the Ka’ba.”
Muslim historians tell us on the authority of the Prophet that idolaters of Arabia had set up idols in places which were meant to be mosques when they were established for the first time by Abraham.
The mosque of Ka’ba, we are told, had been built by Abraham at the very centre of the earth.2
Those who dismiss Hindu King Rama as mythological gossip and deny him a place of birth at Ayodhya may well enquire whether Abraham was a historical person who actually presided over the building of the Ka’ba!
It is, however, recorded history that the armies of Islam did everywhere what had been done in Arabia, as they advanced into Iran, Khorasan, Transoxiana, Seistan, Afghanistan, and India.
Hundreds of thousands of Fire Temples of the Zoroastrians, Buddhist monasteries, and Hindu temples disappeared or yielded place to mosques, ziarats, and dargahs.
Modern archaeology has reconstructed what happened along the trail of Islamic invasion of all these ancient lands.
Maulana Minhaj-us-Siraj, the thirteenth century historian, sums up the theology of Islam vis-a-vis idols and idol-temples when he comes to Mahmud of Ghazni in his Tabqat-i-Nasiri.
“He was endowed,” Maulana Minhaj-us-Siraj writes, “with great virtues and vast abilities; and the same predominant star was in the ascendant at his birth as appeared at the dawn of Islam itself.
When Sultan Mahmud ascended the throne of sovereignty his illustrious deeds became manifest unto all mankind within the pale of Islam when he converted so many thousands of idol-temples into masjids and captured many of the cities of Hindustan.
He led an army to Naharwala of Gujarat, and brought away Manat, the idol from Somnath, and had it broken into four parts, one of which was cast before the centre of the great masjid at Ghazni, the second before the gateway of the Sultan’s palace, and the third and fourth were sent to Makkah and Madinah respectively.”
Mahmud’s coins struck at Lahore in the seventh year of his reign describe him as the “right hand of the Caliph” and “the breaker of idols.”
This is the simple and straightforward explanation of why Islamic invaders desecrated the idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, destroyed Hindu temples and converted them into mosques.
It covers all facts, completely and consistently, and leaves no loopholes.
Originally Published By The Indian Express, May 21, 1989
1 When Muhammad entered the Ka’ba after his conquest of Mecca by overwhelming force, he declared, “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished” (Sahih Muslim, 4397).
Ram Swarup comments, “It takes more than an invading army or crusaders or a demolition squad with sledge-hammers to establish the domain of Truth.
Similarly, it is not that easy to get over ‘falsehood’.
True spiritual demolition involves the demolition of desire-gods and ego-gods, the demolition of the false gods that reside in conceited theologies, in pretentious revelations and fond belief.”
(Understanding Islam Through Hadis, Voice of India, Second Reprint, 1987, Pp. 115-16.)
2 The Prophet of Islam gave not only a new, “religion” to his country-men but also a new history of Arabia, the same as the prophets of Secularism have been doing in India since the days of J.L. Nehru’s dominance.
@Found the Truth
Please tell me where was Jesus when Puran were written almost 5000 years ago? Where was Jesus when Krishna instigate Arjun to fight? Please tell me Where was Jesus when Sita was kidnapped? Where was Jesus when world ancient book Veda were written? Where was Jesus when Lord Mahavir taught lesson of non-valiance and love? Where was Jesus when Upnishads were written?
Dear Readers,
The translation of the Hindu Purana “Brahma Vaivarta Purana(Krishna Janma Khanda) 56;7-24 Page 325 Verses 7-24” is certainly true as it is used even by author Stella Kramrisch who is endorsed by our agitated hero who cannot face the real facts. Please see link below
This certainly proves that HIndu Puranas does contains tonnes of vulgar bull-shit, and these gods Krishna, Brahma, Shiva, Agni are NOT worth worshipping. Dr Ambedkar is correct and Sanathana Dharma aka Hinduism is POISON.
It will only develop hatred, outbursts of hatred, violence, incest, rape, gang-rapes inside a person just as these ugly traits which the hindu gods have developed in them. QED. quod erat demonstrandum.
Jesus Alone is Holy, Alone is sinless, Jesus is the way, the truth and life.
Watch how this Indian Hindu Brahmain Doctor found Christ
This is for the person by screen name Face-the-truth.
i enjoy your reading ,the ability to analyse things to its perfection is outstanding ,most of the time opponent tries to score point on your comments ,rather than systemically putting their countering . They rather are happy in their pseudo -argument than coming with counter debate.This is exactly the difference between a scholar and an imbecile(Ambedkar) .Keep the good work going,you are doing yeoman service to the society.
Agree with AH 100%. An online debate is interesting when it is point to point.
“My dear readers, please read from the followings in order to understand what kind of fraud Christianism and Islam are:” (?)
We already know, you keep repeating the same things again and again. You are boring, and for the most of the time off-topic.
My dear readers, please read from the followings in order to understand what kind of fraud Christianism and Islam are:
‘Genesis and Character of Christianity
Some historians in the West have serious doubts about the very
existence of a man called “Jesus Christ”.
And, almost all historians agree that, if he existed at all, nothing
can be known about his person or his teaching(s) because all
contemporary sources — Christian and non-Christian — are either
silent or unreliable regarding the subject.
Thus, all we have is the “Jesus of the Gospels”, which are now
regarded as theological statements rather than a record of true
historical events.
And “Jesus of the Gospels” is a questionable character!
He makes tall claims about himself, and curses all those who do not
accept those claims.
He denounces his own people as sons of the Devil and killers of prophets.
In due course, Christian theology came to proclaim:
— that Jesus was the only-begotten son of the only true “God the Father”;
— that the only-begotten son of “God the Father”, namely Jesus, had
been sent down in order to wash with his own blood the sins of mankind
by mounting the Cross;
— that Jesus had risen from the dead on the third day and appeared to
his apostles in flesh and bones;
— that Jesus was the same as his “God the Father” whose divinity he
shared in full;
— that those who accepted Jesus as the only savior had all their sins
washed by Jesus’s blood;
— that Jesus had entered his apostles as the “Holy Ghost” and
entrusted them with the mission of saving all mankind from eternal
— that the Christian Church founded by the apostles and joined by the
converts was Jesus’s body and bride; and
— that the whole world had been mandated to the Christian Church by
the “Father” and the “Son” and the “Holy Ghost”.
What one finds most striking about these ridiculous and absolutely
laughable statements is that none of them can stand the test of human
reason or experience.
The Christian Church declares them to be mysteries beyond the reach of
human understanding!
The apostles had tried to sell these “mysteries” to the Jews in Jerusalem.
The only response the apostles met was dismissal with contempt from the Jews.
Next, the apostles tried these “mysteries” on Jewish communities
settled in Syria, Asia Minor, and Greece.
The apostles had some small success, but most of the time the apostles
met with considerable resistance.
Finally, the apostles took this “merchandise” to the metropolitan mart
at Rome where their business found some firm footing for the first
It was in Rome that the methods of Christian missionary salesmanship
(i.e., repeating lies and half-truths constantly) were matured over a
period of time.
The structure of the Roman Empire provided a model for the structure
of the Christian Church.
The Christian missionaries got busy building a state within the state!
In the next two centuries, the Christian Church became a rich and
powerful organization with members in many leading families of Rome.
It found many adherents among politicians who wielded power, among
military commanders who were superstitious or in need of political
support, and among merchants who had money, but no brains for
philosophical questions.
The mother of Emperor Severus (222-235 AD) became a Christian.
So did Emperor Philip the Arabian (244-249 AD).
Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, was also a Christian convert.
Now the Christian Church extended the “Divine Right” to rule as a
despot to anyone who was prepared to declare Christianity as the sole
state-religion and suppress all Pagan religions.
Emperor Constantine who wanted to secure a dynastic succession for his
family — a practice unknown to Roman politics so far — saw his
opportunity in this new doctrine, and proclaimed in favor of the
Christian Church.
The common people in Rome resisted this royal renegade.
So, Emperor Constantine removed his capital from Rome to Byzantium
which was renamed “Constantinople”!
The precedent set by Emperor Constantine in consolidating a dynastic
despotism with the help of the Church was copied by many crowned heads
all over Europe in subsequent centuries.
The king in Pagan societies was only the first among equals.
The Church enabled him to become an unbridled autocrat who derived his
authority not from the community over which he ruled, but from “God
the Father”.
The conflicts which developed between these autocrats and the powerful
Christian Church — with a Pope at its head — came much later, after
the common people all over Europe had been enslaved and deprived of
their traditional institutions which safeguarded their fundamental
For quite some time, the Christian Church cooperated with the kings to
convert the common people everywhere into hewers of wood and drawers
of water!
This was just one part of the Christian history.
Another part was a large-scale destruction of ancient Pagan religions
all over Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa where the Christian
Church spread its tentacles with the help of despotic rulers.
All Pagan schools were closed, all Pagan temples were demolished or
converted into Christian churches, and all Pagan images and statues
were publicly defiled and destroyed.
Pagan books were burned and Pagan priests were killed, mostly by
Christian monks who led Christian mobs after lecturing them into
fevered frenzy!
That is how Christianity triumphed over Pagan religions and Pagan
societies — not by the power of its moral or spiritual superiority or
the logic of its doctrines, but by the power of the sword wielded by
despicable Christian despots.’
‘Genesis and Character of Islam:
Muhammad the Arabian followed in the footsteps of Jesus in making the
same sort of claims for himself, cursing his own people in the
choicest language of so-called “Mono-Theism”, and threatening them
with slaughter.
Muhammad, however, did not have to struggle against a centralized
state when he found that his “Prophethood” had no attraction for the
Pagan people of Mecca.
Muhammad migrated to Yathrib — was later renamed “Medina” from
Madinat al’Nabi — which was more receptive to so-called “Mono-Theism”
because of a large presence of Jews in that town (i.e., Yathrib), and
Muhammad emerged as a powerful potentate.
Muhammad, nonetheless, ended by either exiling or brutally killing en
masse the Jewish “Mono-Theist” populations of Yathrib, which resisted
him as soon as Muhammad came out in his true colors!
Meanwhile, Muhammad had amassed much wealth by plundering merchant
caravans and scattered Pagan Arab settlements.
Muhammad created the nucleus of a standing army out of the toughs and
desperados who flocked to him in increasing numbers for committing
crimes against non-believers and sharing the loot.
In short, Muhammad built the apparatus of a military state in “Medina”
and used it for imposing his closed creed on the tribal settlements of
Pagan Arabia by means of armed-force.
The doctrines of Islam were tailored to the needs of this galloping
tyranny, and sold with the help of the sword.
And the sword was stamped with the name of a fictitious one and only
almighty “Allah” (i.e., Jehovah) in whose service the ancient religion
and culture of Arabia were destroyed root and branch.’
William Benjamin Smith, “Ecce Deus: Studies of Primitive
Christianity”, London, England, 1912
William James Durant, “The Story of Civilization (Volumes I to XI)”,
Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York, USA, 1935
Louis Gordon Rylands, “Did Jesus Ever Live?”, Watts & Co., London,
England, Second Edition, 1936
Ramesh Chandra Majumder, “The History and Culture of the Indian People
(Volumes I to XI)”, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Educational Trust, Mumbai,
India, 1951
Damodar P. Singhal, “India and World Civilization”, University of
Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1969
Morton Smith, “Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark”,
English, Greek and Latin Edition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, 1973
John Van Seters, “Abraham in History and Tradition”, Yale University
Press, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 1975
Paul Johnson, “A History of Christianity”, Penguin Books, London, England, 1978
Michael Thomas Walter Arnheim, “Is Christianity True?”, London, England, 1984
George Albert Wells, “Did Jesus Exist?”, London, England, Second Edition, 1986
Pierre Chuvin, “A Chronicle of the Last Pagans (Revealing Antiquity)”,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1990
Ram Gopal Misra, “Indian Resistance to Early Muslim Invaders Up To 1206
A.D.”, Anu Books, Meerut City, India, Reprint 1992
Koenraad Elst, “Psychology of Prophetism: A Secular Look at the
Bible”, New Delhi, India, 1993
Ishwar Sharan, “The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva
Temple”, South Asia Books, Columbia, Missouri, USA, Revised Edition,
Charles Bradley Templeton, “Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting
the Christian Faith”, McClelland & Stewart, Inc., Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 1996
Earl J. Doherty, “The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a
Mythical Christ?”, Canadian Humanist Publications, Ottawa, Canada,
Carl Jacob Christoph Burckhardt, “Judgments on History and
Historians”, Liberty Fund, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Second
Edition, 1999
Ram Swarup Agarwal, “The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods”, New
Delhi, India, Reprint 2001
Daniel Edwin Barker, “Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to
Atheist”, Fourth Printing, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.,
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2003
Pranati Ghoshal, “Lifestyle of the Vedic People (Reconstructing Indian
History and Culture)”, D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India,
Brooke Allen, “Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers”, Rowman
& Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham, Maryland, USA, Annotated
Edition, 2006
Samuel Benjamin Harris, “Letter to a Christian Nation”, Alfred A.
Knopf, Inc., New York, USA, 2006
René Salm, “The Myth of Nazareth: The Invented Town of Jesus”,
Publisher: American Atheist Press, Cranford, New Jersey, USA,
Scholar’s Edition, 2008
Robert Louis Wilken, “The Myth of Christian Beginnings”, Wipf & Stock
Publishers, Oregon, USA, Reprint 2009
Sita Ram Goel, “History of Hindu-Christian Encounters (AD 304 to
1996)”, New Delhi, India, Second Edition, 2010
Edward Gibbon, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volumes I to
VI)”, Everyman’s Library, New York, USA, Reprint 2010
Stella Kramrisch, “The Hindu Temple (Volumes I to II)”, Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, India, New Edition, 2015
Thomas L. Thompson, “The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives:
The Quest for the Historical Abraham”, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin,
Germany, Reprint 2016
Kishori Saran Lal, “Muslim Slave System in Medieval India”, South Asia
Books, Columbia, Missouri, USA, Reprint 2016
James Joseph O’Donnell, “Pagans: The End of Traditional Religion and
the Rise of Christianity”, Ecco Press, New York, USA, Reprint 2016
Michael Shermer, “Heavens on Earth: The Scientific Search for the
Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia”, Henry Holt & Co., New York,
USA, 2018
Did Jesus Actually Exist?
By Steve Benson
I would like to start with the acknowledgment that there are those
who, in the name of history, claim that Jesus was, in fact, a real
For instance, pro-Christian apologist and author, Ian Wilson, claims
in his book, Jesus: The Evidence, that “had Jesus been a mere
fabrication by early Christians, we should surely expect those Jews
hostile to Christianity to have produced a malicious rumor to this
effect. From the fact that they concentrated instead on smearing his
legitimacy, we may deduce that they had no grounds whatever for
doubting his historical evidence.”
Wilson further argues that, based on accounts from other early Jewish
sources (including the historian Josephus), “Jesus did indeed exist.”
(Wilson, pp. 62, 64-65)
The evidence contradicting Wilson’s assertions are many and compelling.
Even Christian apologist Ian Wilson Wilson admits that “it has to be
acknowledged that hard facts concerning Jesus and his life are
remarkably hard to come by.”
Wilson concedes, for instance, that:
— the apostle Paul, by his own admission, never knew the person Jesus
but, instead, based his entire faith on a vision apostle Paul claimed came to
him about Jesus’s resurrection;
— the Gospels do not provide any physical description of Jesus;
— the year of Jesus’s birth is unknown and, based on available
evidence, indeterminable;
— there is no historical validation of King Herod’s supposed slaughter
of Jewish children at the time of Jesus’s alleged birth;
— Jesus’s ancestry is illogically tied back to Jewish King David through
Jesus’s supposed Jewish father Joseph;
— the author of Matthew was clearly not Jewish, as evidenced by his
mistranslation of Isaiah’s prophecy of the Messiah’s virgin-birth;
— the overall credibility of the Matthew and Luke nativity stories are
seriously in doubt;
— there is no reliable evidence for the alleged crucifixion of Jesus;
— the writings of Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus concerning the alleged
historicity of Jesus are neither clear or specific;
— the observations of the Roman governor of Bithynia, Pliny the
Younger, do not provide reliable evidence of Jesus’s actual existence;
and even
— the writings of the Jewish historian Flavious Josephus on the allegedly
historic Jesus have undeniably been adulterated by others with a
pro-Christian spin. (Wilson, pp. 51, 54-56, 58-60)
On the question of whether Jesus of the Christian Gospels really
existed, the record offers an array of formidable realities.
Below is an examination of some of the basic evidence against the
claim that the man-God of the New Testament known as “Jesus Christ”
actually ever lived.
Former evangelical minister Dan Barker points out in his book, Losing
Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist, “[T]here is not a single
contemporary historical mention of Jesus, not by Romans or by Jews,
not by believers or by unbelievers, not during his entire lifetime.
This does not disprove his existence, but it certainly casts great
doubt on the historicity of a man who was supposedly widely known to
have made a great impact on the world. Someone should have noticed.”
(Barker, p. 360)
Noted religious historian and professor of German at Birkbeck College
in London, G. A. Wells, observes in his book, The Historical Evidence
of Jesus, that if one places early Christian documents in
chronological order, it becomes evident that “only from approximately
90 did Christians regard Jesus as a teacher, miracle-worker and a near
contemporary, crucified under Pilate.”
These documents, Wells declares, are striking in their lack of detail,
indicating that the claims of their authors were most likely
influenced “by the Jewish wisdom literature they knew well and by
traditions they must have known concerning actual crucifixions of
living men in Palestine one and two centuries before their time.”
(Wells, pp. 216-217)
Wells concludes that “the Jesus of the earliest documents . . . [was]
someone about whose life nothing was known, who had certainly not been
a contemporary or near-contemporary of Paul, but who was later
regarded as having lived about A.D. 30 and has having preached in
Galilee before his death in Jerusalem, perhaps because he was
identified with an obscure Galilean preacher of the same name (which
after all was a common one).” (Wells, p. 216)
A blow-by-blow summary of the evidence against historicity claims for
Jesus is offered by Canadian historian and classical scholar Earl
Doherty in his work, Why I Am Not A Christian:
“1. Jesus of Nazareth and the Gospel story cannot be found in
Christian writings earlier than the Gospels, the first of which (Mark)
was composed only in the late first century.
2. There is no non-Christian record of Jesus before the second
century. References in Flavius Josephus (end of the first century) can
be dismissed as later Christian insertions.
3. The early apostles, such as Paul and Hebrews, speak of their Christ
Jesus as a spiritual, heavenly being revealed by God through
scripture, and do not equate him with a recent historical man. Paul is
part of a new ‘salvation’ movement acting on revelation from the
4. Paul and other early writers place the death and resurrection of
their Christ in the supernatural/mythical world, and derive their
information about these events, as well as other features of their
heavenly Christ, from scripture.
5. The ancients viewed the universe as multi-layered: matter below,
spirit above. The higher world was regarded as the superior, genuine
reality, containing spiritual processes and heavenly counterparts to
earthly things. Paul’s Christ operates within this system.
6. The Pagan ‘mystery cults’ of the period worshiped savior deities
who had performed salvific acts which took place in the
supernatural/mythical world, not
on earth or in history. Paul’s Christ shares many features with these deities.
7. The prominent philosophical-religious concept of the age was the
intermediary Son, a spiritual channel between the ultimate
transcendent God and humanity. Such intermediary concepts as the Greek
Logos and Jewish Wisdom were models for Paul’s heavenly Christ.
8. All the Gospels derive their basic story of Jesus of Nazareth from
one source: whoever wrote the Gospel of Mark. The Acts of the
Apostles, as an account of the beginnings of the Christian apostolic
movement, is a second century piece of myth-making.
9. The Gospels are not historical events, but constructed through a
process of ‘midrash,’ a Jewish method of reworking old biblical
passages and tales to reflect new beliefs. The story of Jesus’ trial
and crucifixion is a pastiche of verses from scripture.
10. ‘Q,’ a lost sayings collection extracted from Matthew and Luke,
made no reference to a death and resurrection and can be shown to have
had no Jesus at its roots: roots which were ultimately non-Jewish. The
Q community preached the kingdom of God, and its traditions were
eventually assigned to an invented founder who was linked to the
heavenly Jesus of Paul in the Gospel of Mark.
11. The initial variety of sects and beliefs about a spiritual Christ
shows that the movement began as a multiplicity of largely independent
and spontaneous
developments based on the religious trends and philosophy of the time,
not as a response to a single individual.
12. Well into the second century, many Christian documents lack or
reject the notion of a human man as an element of their faith. Only
gradually did the Jesus of Nazareth portrayed in the Gospels come to
be accepted as historical.” (Doherty, pp. vii-viii)
Early Christian writings are noticeably vague about the details of
Jesus’ life. Wells quotes Gager’s observation: ”We know virtually
nothing of [Jesus’] parents, siblings, early years (childhood,
adolescence, early adulthood), friends, education, religious training,
profession, or contacts with the broader Graeco-Roman world. We know
neither the date of his birth, not the lengthy of his public ministry
(the modern consensus of two or three years is an educated guess based
largely on the Gospel of John), nor his age at death (Luke 3:23 states
that he was ‘about thirty when he began’). Thus even an optimistic
view of the quest (of the historical Jesus) can envisage no more than
a collection of ‘authentic’ sayings and motifs devoid of context.”
(Wells, p. 217)
Similarly, former evangelical minister-turned-non-Christian Charles
Templeton points to the paucity of evidence concerning Jesus’ life. In
his book, Farewell to God: My reasons for rejecting the Christian
faith, Templeton writes:
“It may come as something as a surprise to the reader to learn that we
know remarkably little about Jesus of Nazareth. . . .
We don’t know the date of his birth–it was certainly not December 25
in the Year One. Nor do we know for certain where he was born,
although it was in all likelihood in the city of his childhood,
Nazareth–certainly not in a Bethlehem stable. Nor do we know the
exact date of his death, although it would seem to have been around
the year 30 A.D. The great secular historians of that time (Tacitus,
Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, and others) mention Jesus only
briefly, making passing reference to the fact that he preached in
occupied Palestine and was crucified by the Roman government.”
(Templeton, p. 85)
As Wells notes, “The Gospels are widely agreed to have been written
between forty and eighty years after his [Jesus’] supposed lifetime by
unknown authors who were not personally acquainted with him. And their
miracle stories are nearly all couched in general terms, with no
indication of time or place or details concerning the person or
persons who benefited.” (Wells, p. 206)
Raising further questions about their credibility, many of Paul’s
letters are obvious “fusions” that were “not written as they now
stand.” (Wells, pp. 8-9)
Not only are Paul’s epistles composite stories, they are notoriously
non-factual. Historian Will Durant observes: “Paul created a theology
about the man Jesus, a man that he did not even know, 50 or more years
after the death of Jesus, with complete disregard and neglect for even
the sayings that are attributed to Jesus in the synoptic Gospels. The
simple teachings attributed to Jesus become lost in the metaphysical
fog of Paul’s theology.” (cited in Edelen, Toward the Mystery [Boise,
Idaho: Josylyn & Morris, Inc.], p. 76)
As to the origination period of the New Testament itself, its 27 books
have defied repeated attempts at reliable, universal dating. Those
portions which can be most firmly dated are, as has been noted, the
letters of Paul, which have been determined to have been penned by 60
A.D. (Wells, p. 10)
In addition, none of the four Gospels represent the “original” texts.
As Templeton writes, “The earliest Christian records extant are the
Pauline epistles, and they were written around 50 A.D. It was another
ten years or so before the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
were completed. But the names attached to the gospels are
pseudonyms–none of the authors were among Jesus’ apostles and it is
likely that none of them so much as saw or heard him.”
Moreover, Templeton notes that these accounts “are mutually
contradictory, lack authenticity, and are in large part of the nature
of legends. The stories of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, his cleansing
of the Temple, and his arrest, trial, and crucifixion have about them
an aura of reality but, beyond that, the various accounts differ so
radically and at so many points that, with all the good will in the
world, they cannot be reconciled.” (Templeton, pp. 85-86)
In terms of which Gospel begat which Gospel, that of Mark appears to
have been the source for those of Matthew and Luke, based on the
virtual identicalness of many passages. Thus, the latter two gospels
“are not acceptable as independent testimony.” The Gospel of John
gives indications of reliance on phraseology from the other three
Gospels. (Wells, p. 11)
Not only are the names attached to the synoptic Gospels pseudo in
nature, the authors of the four Gospels remain, as Wells notes,
virtually anonymous, with the books offering no proof within their
texts of who actually wrote them. Adding to the confusion, present
claims to their authorship were not part of the original documents.
(Wells, p. 11)
The legitimacy of statements in the Gospels attributed to Jesus are
also suspect. For example, teachings supposedly given by Jesus on the
subject of women of Palestine divorcing their husbands lack historical
veracity, since only men were allowed to divorce. (Wells, p. 13)
The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion are also replete
with significant historical difficulties. Luke’s account of the trial
is an obvious summary of Mark’s. Mark’s, in turn, is full of imaginary
dialogue and scenes concocted by Christian writers who, believing in
the Messianic mission of Jesus, invented trial scenes and dialogue in
which the Jews condemned Jesus for his status as the Christ. (Wells,
pp. 14-15).
Keith M. Parsons, in his Why I Am Not a Christian, summarizes the case
against the reliability of the canonical Gospels as follows:
1. The Gospels were written by unknown persons.
“Not only did Jesus himself write nothing, but the attribution of the
gospels to his disciples did not occur until the late first century at
the earliest. . . .
‘Matthew: Written by an unknown Jewish Christian of the second
generation, probably a resident of Antioch in Syria.
‘Mark: [There is] confusion in the traditional identification of the
author . . .
‘Luke: Possibly written by a resident of Antioch and an occasional
companion of the apostle Paul.
‘John: Composed and edited in stages by unknown followers of the
apostle John, probably residents of Ephesus.’ “(cited by Kingsbury,
J.D., “Matthew, The Gospel According to,” in Metzger and Coogan, eds.,
The Oxford Companion to the Bible [Oxford, England: Oxford University
Press, 1993], pp. 502-506
2. The dates of the Gospels preclude them having been written by eyewitnesses.
“. . . New Testament scholars agree fairly closely on a rather late
date for the writing of the gospels . . . Generations of New Testament
scholarship have produced a very broad consensus that the gospels from
around 70 to as late as the early second century.”
3. The Gospels are rooted in unreliable oral traditions.
“Written records of Jesus’s words or ministry were simply not needed
or wanted until the end of the apostolic age with the martyrdom of
Peter and Paul in 64. The writing of [the] Gospels was a task for
second-generation Christians. . . .
“[T]he word-for-word similarities of the synoptic Gospels are very
unlikely to be due to the verbatim recollection of the original
eyewitness. Oral traditions simply do not form that way. Rather, those
precise parallels are much more likely due to common use of written
sources. Hence, the synoptic Gospels are not independent eyewitness
accounts but textually interdependent syntheses of earlier oral
4. The Gospels are theologically biased with an apologetic agenda.
“'[The Gospels] . . . can no longer be read as direct accounts of what
happened, but rather as vehicles for proclamation. Such was their
original intention.’” (cited in Reginald H. Fuller, The Formation of
the Resurrection Narratives [New York, New York: The Macmillan
Company,1971] p. 172)
5. The Gospels contain fictional forms.
“The gospels are clearly not biography in the modern sense . . .
‘Christians have never been reluctant to write fiction about Jesus,
and we must remember that our four canonical Gospels are only the
cream of a larger and varied literature.’” (cited in Helms, R., Gospel
Fictions [Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1988], pp. 11-12)
6. The Gospels are inconsistent with each other.
“A careful study of the four Gospels in comparison with each other
will show that there is little agreement among the Gospel writers as
to the order in which Jesus said and did what is reported of him. . .
“A striking discrepancy concerns the accounts in the synoptics of
Jesus’s resurrection appearances to his disciples. . . .
“[There is] inconsistency between Matthew’s and Luke’s genealogies [of Jesus].”
7. The Gospels are inconsistent with known facts.
“Luke’s nativity story [is] demonstrably false . . .
‘. . . [T]he Roman census would not have affected Nazareth in any
case, as Galilee was not under Roman rule but had its own ruler, the
‘tetrach’ Herod Antipas, son of King Herod.’” (cited in Arnheim, M.,
Is Christianity True? [Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1984], pp.
8. There is no independent support of Gospel claims.
‘ . . . [P]agan sources do not confirm the resurrection. . . . [T]here
is good reason to suppose that [a well-known passage from Tacitus] was
written nearly ninety years after the alleged death of Jesus and was
based not on historical research but on information provided by
Christians of the second century. . . .
‘Other Pagan writers such as Suetonius and Pliny the Younger provide
no support for the Resurrection of Jesus since they make no mention of
it. . . . Thallus, in a work now lost but referred to by Africanus in
the third century, is alleged to have said that Jesus’ death was
accompanied by an earthquake and an unusual darkness that he, Thallus,
according to Africanus, wrongly attributed to an eclipse of the sun.
However . . . it is unclear when Thallus wrote his history or how
reliable Africanus’s account of Thallus is. Some scholars believe that
Thallus wrote as late as the second century and consequently could
have obtained his ideas from Christian opinion of his time.’” (cited
in Martin, M., The Case Against Christianity [Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania: Temple University Press, 1991], p. 86)
“’Non-Christian evidence is too late to give any independent support
to the gospels. . . .
“’Rabbinic references to Jesus are entirely dependent on Christian
claims, as both Christian and Jewish scholars have conceded.’” (cited
in Wells, G.A., Who Was Jesus? [La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1989],
pl. 20)
9. The Gospels testify to matters beyond belief.
“The Gospels are full of miraculous tales that, in any other context,
would be taken to completely destroy the author’s credibility. What
would we think of an alleged witness who swears that he saw Ms. Smith
commit the murder and then abscond quickly on her broomstick? Why not
regard reports of walking on water or raising the dead in the same
light? Religious people often employ a curious doublethink here that
permits them to treat reverently stories that, encountered anywhere
else, would get very short shrift.” (Parsons, pp. 43-70)
A favorite Pagan source cited by Christian believers verifying the
life of a “real” Jesus is that of the Roman historian Tacitus, who
wrote that “Christians derive their name and origin from Christ, who
was executed by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilate in the reign
of Tiberius.”
Ample evidence exists, however, to show that Tacitus was simply
repeating what he had been told by Christian informants.
First, as Wells demonstrates, Tacitus identified Pilate by the rank of
procurator, which title was a Roman administrative office from the
second half of the first century.
Next, Tacitus failed to identify Jesus by name, but merely referred to
a person put to death who went by the title of Christ.
Finally, Tacitus was an opponent of Christianity and therefore would
have been inclined to repeat the Christian view of the day that
Christianity was of recent vintage, given that the Roman government
countenanced only ancient cults. (Wells, pp. 16-17)
Barker observes that even if other Pagan writers had made reliable
reference to Christianity, they did so too late in the game to be
considered first-century witnesses. These include the writings in of
Suetonius in his Twelve Caesars, as well as the record in 112 A.D. by
Pliny the Younger–both of which fail to mention Jesus by name.
Barker notes that also failing to specifically mention Jesus was a
second-century Roman satirist name Lucian who wrote of a “man
crucified in Palestine,” whose death provided the foundation for the
Christian faith. However, Lucian was simply repeating the beliefs of
Christians and not presenting compelling historical evidence.
Barker further mentions the Christian believer’s penchant for invoking
an undated fragment from a personal letter written by a Syrian named
Mara Serapion to his imprisoned son, in which the father mentions that
the Jews had killed their “wise king.” This purported evidence,
nonetheless, contradicts the New Testament version of Jesus’ death, in
which, of course, the Romans are blamed for his crucifixion. Even if
it is an authentic letter, Barker argues that it most likely refers to
someone else, since the Jews had, in fact, killed other religions
leaders, including the Essene Teacher of Righteousness. (Barker, pp.
In his work (circa 90 A.D.), The Antiquities of the Jews, Flavious
Josephus, a messianic Jew and respected Roman historian, supposedly
“Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to
call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works–a teacher of
such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both
many of the Hews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and
when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had
condemned him to the cross, those that love him at the first did not
forsake him, for he appeared to them alive against the third day, as
the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other
wonderful things concerning him, and the tribe of Christians, so named
from him are not extinct at this day.”
Barker dispenses with the claim that this is the authentic Josephus
with the following observations:
1. This paragraph about Jesus did not appear until the advent of the
fourth century.
The disputed writing surfaced during the time that Bishop Eusebius, a
close ally of the Roman emperor Constantine, was helping to fashion
what would eventually become the orthodox version of Christianity.
Barker notes that it was Eusebius who had argued it was justifiable
for Christians to, in effect, “lie for the Lord” and that it was he
who was the first person known to have cited this alleged Josephus
account. As Barker notes, many Bible experts have concluded, in fact,
that Eusebius forged the paragraph in question and then attributed it
to Josephus.
2. The paragraph in doubt appears completely out of context.
It is dropped into Josephus’ writings after the historian gives an
account of Roman taxation, various Jewish religious sects, Herod’s
municipal building projects, the comings and goings of priests and
procurators, the planning of seditious plots against Pilate, and
Pilate’s construction of Jerusalem’s water supply using religious
monies, which led to a Jewish protest, followed by Pilate’s bloody
suppression of it. The questionable paragraph then follows, after
which Josephus goes on to speak of “another terrible misfortune [that]
confounded the Jews . . .” As Barker notes, only a Christian would
have regarded this as a misfortune for Jews. Josephus himself was an
orthodox Jew and would not have so described it.
3. Not being a believer in Christianity, Josephus would also not have
used the language of a Christian convert in referring to Jesus as “the
4. Josephus would also not have used the term “tribe of Christians,”
since Christianity did not achieve organizational status until the
second century.
5. Josephus’ alleged paragraph on Jesus portrays Josephus as having no
other familiarity with the alleged Christian Messiah.
Barker observes that the Roman historian thus simply repeats what
Christians would have already known, while adding virtually nothing to
the Gospel accounts. In fact, Josephus’ supposed brief mention of
Jesus is the only reference in all of his expansive writings to
6. The paragraph does not reflect the careful wording of a responsible
Rather, says Barker, it is written in the fervent language of a
believing Christian and, further, is given with no citation of
predictions from Hebrew prophets who supposedly foretold Jesus’
advent. (Barker, pp. 362-363)
Other weaknesses in the Gospel tales which undermine claims to their
accounts of an historical Jesus include the following:
Templeton points out that the accounts of Matthew and Luke differ on
fundamental points regarding the birth of Jesus. For example, at the
time Luke says Jesus was being circumcised and Mary was being purified
in Jerusalem, Matthew claims Joseph, Mary and Jesus were in hiding in
Egypt, waiting for Herod to die.
Additionally, there is nothing in the historical record that mentions
the supposed Herod-ordered slaughter of every male child in Bethlehem.
Concludes Templeton, “It seems likely that the birth in Bethlehem was
inserted into the story at a later date to validate the clams made by
Jesus’ followers that, through Joseph, he stood in a direct line of
descent from King David, whose roots were in Bethlehem.” (Templeton,
p. 91)
As to the Christian claim that Jesus was God, born of an unwed Jewish
virgin who conceived through the power of the Holy Ghost, Templeton
bluntly concludes, “If one approaches the New Testament account with
an open mind and unflinching realism, the evidence clearly indicates
that Jesus was an illegitimate child who, when he came to maturity,
resented it and was alienated from his parents and siblings.”
(Templeton, p. 93)
Except for the claims made by anonymous Gospel writers, no evidence
exists that Jesus ever rose from the dead. In fact, Gospel accounts of
the alleged resurrection are, from a realistic point of view,
completely implausible.
If, as Templeton observes, Jesus’ resurrection was accompanied by a
extraordinary earthquake, the wholesale rending of the Temple veil and
a large-group resurrection of the dead witnessed by many, why do these
phenomenal events merit but a single sentence in Matthew–and
virtually no mention in the other Gospels or in contemporary
historical accounts?
Writes an understandably skeptical Templeton: “Let the reader imagine
the scene: The astonished spectators, the gathering crowd, the family
members and friends, weeping and delirious with excitement. Surely
someone would have plied them with questions: ‘What happened as you
died?’ ‘Did you see God?’ ‘What is Heaven like?’ ‘Were you reunited
with our parents and other members of your family?’ Surely the answers
to these and other questions like them would have flashed across
Palestine within hours and been recorded somewhere. But there is not
one word of it in history. The entire resurrection story is not
Add to this the fact that the four Gospel accounts of the resurrection
not only differ from one another on many major points but are
irreconcilably at odds with Paul’s account in I Corinthians on who
Jesus supposedly appeared to after rising from the dead. (Templeton,
pp. 120-122)
Templeton persuasively explains the afflictions suffered by those in
the Gospel accounts, which were supposedly healed by Jesus’ miraculous
“Most of the illnesses that afflict humans were beyond the
comprehension of the men and women of that day and, of course, beyond
Jesus’ comprehension, too. No one at that point in history had even a
rudimentary understanding of the causes of physiological or
psychological illnesses or of the various other afflictions to which
humankind is subject. Most thought of them as punishments from God or
the machinations of Satan or other evil spirits.
“When, for instance, epilepsy brought on a seizure that caused the
victim to collapse and writhe on the ground as though struggling with
an internal enemy, when food poisoning produced a paroxysm of
vomiting, when a raging fever led to intense shivering and delirium,
or when a migraine attack produced visual aberrations and excruciating
pain, it seemed reasonable in that pre-scientific time to interpret
such phenomena as the work of an evil spirit. And, when the affliction
passed, it was equally reasonable to interpret it as the triumph of a
benign spirit over a malign.
“Many illnesses, then as now, were psychosomatic and could be ‘cured’
when the sufferer’s perception changed. Just as today a placebo
prescribed by a physician in whom the patient has faith can effect an
apparent cure, so, in earlier time, faith in the healer could banish
adverse symptoms. With each success the healer’s reputation would grow
and his powers would, as a consequence, become more efficacious.
“It would appear evident that this is what happened with Jesus . . .
“It is clear in the text that Jesus was seen by the general populace
as a wonder-worker. The stories of his exploits were before him–by
word of mouth, of course, and thus subject to embellishing–and when
he entered a town the state of heightened expectation would often be
close to mass hysteria. As a consequence, the apparently miraculous
would happen.” (Templeton, pp. 111-112)
Finally, as Barker points outs, a miracle cannot be considered
historical if it is “defined as some kind of violation, suspension,
overriding, or punctuation of natural law. . . . In order for history
to have any strength at all, it must adhere to a very strict
assumption: that natural law is regular over time.
“Without the assumption of natural regularity, no history can be done.
There would be no criteria for discarding fantastic stories.
Everything that has ever been recorded would have to be taken as
literal truth.
“Therefore, if a miracle did happen, it would pull the rug out from
history. The very basis of the historical method would have to be
discarded. You can have miracles, or you can have history, but you
can’t have both.” (Barker, p. 377)
Various propositions have been advanced to account for the rise of the
Jesus myth. Barker lists the following as possibilities:
1. It was “patterned from a story in the Jewish Talmudic literature
about the illegitimate son of a woman named Miriam (Mary) and a Roman
soldier named Pandera, sometimes called Joseph Pandera.”
2. It “grew out of a pre-Christian cult of Joshua,” originating in
tensions between two different Joshua factions.
Interesting in this regard is the fact that “Jesus” is the Greek word
for “Joshua.” As Barker notes, in Mark 9:38, “the disciples of Jesus
saw another man who was casting out devils in the name of Jesus
3. It was “simply a fanciful patchwork of pieces borrowed from other
Pagan myths are peppered with their own pre-Jesus accounts of Last
Suppers, passion play-outs, crucifixions of sun gods, virgin births
and latter-day climatic battles between the forces of good and evil.
4. It followed from “a pre-Christian Jesus cult of gnosticism,” based
on since-discovered ancient writings which declare, “I adjure thee by
the God of the Hebrews, Jesus.”
5. It could have arisen “as the personification of Old Testament
‘wisdom,'” which did not rely on any historical basis for claims of a
pre-existent, literal redeemer.
6. It may have resulted from so-called “self-reflective fiction,”
wherein “literary parallels [are drawn] between Old and New Testament
stories” through the use of “skeletal templates into which the Jews
placed [them].”
In such cases, the tales are similar in not only content, but in
structure, as with stories from the Old and New Testaments involving
storms, the raising of widows’ sons from the dead, and miraculous
episodes of so-called “food multiplication.”
7. It could have found origin in an earlier account of the crucifixion
of a Messiah and Lawgiver figure known as the Essene Teacher of
Righteousness, who was put to death in 88 B.C.
8. It could have been based on a naturalistic explanation that the
resurrection story was essentially historically reliable, “but that
Jesus merely fainted, and was presumed to be dead, coming back to
consciousness later.” (Barker, pp. 372-376)
Barker, Dan, Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist [Madison,
Wisconsin: Freedom from Religion Foundation, 1992)
Doherty, Earl, The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a
Mythical Christ? (Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Humanist Publications,
Edelen, William, Toward the Mystery (Boise, Idaho: Joslyn & Morris,
Inc., no publication date)
Parsons, Keith M., Why I Am Not A Christian [Atlanta, Georgia:
Freethought Press, 2000]
Templeton, Charles, Farewell to God: My reasons for rejecting the
Christian faith [Toronto, Ontario, Canada: McClelland & Stewart, Inc.,
Wells, G.A., The Historical Evidence for Jesus (Buffalo, New York:
Prometheus Books, 1988)
Wilson, Ian, Jesus: The Evidence [San Francisco, California: Harper &
Row, Publishers, 1984)
Dr Ambedkar further said
I am disgusted with Hindus and Hinduism because I am convinced that they cherish wrong ideals and lead a wrong social life. My quarrel with Hindus and Hinduism is not over the imperfections of their social conduct. It is much more fundamental. It is over their ideals.”
He said Hinduism was POISON
In response to Mahatma Gandhi’s efforts to reclaim Dalits back into the Hindu fold, Ambedkar said, “A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar.”
He said Hinduism stood for inequality and oppression
1) In 1935, he publicly proclaimed, “I was born a Hindu because I had no control over this, but I shall not die a Hindu.”
2) On October 14, 1956, while he converted to Buddhism in a grand ceremony in Nagpur, Ambedkar said: “By discarding my ancient religion which stood for inequality and oppression, today I am reborn.”
“I thereby reject my old religion, Hinduism, which is detrimental to the prosperity of human kind and which discriminates between man and man and which treats me as inferior.”
a) “I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh nor shall I worship them.”
b) “I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna who are believed to be incarnation of God nor shall I worship them.”
c) “I shall have no faith in ‘Gauri’, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus nor shall I worship them.”
Dr Ambedkar advocated Hindu Dalits/Shudras/Untouchables to leave Hinduism,
He did not want them to accept Islam which was cruel.
He admired Christ and Buddha for their non-violence, love, compassion, equality which was absent in Hinduism,
He preferred Buddhism over Christianity because the Dalits/Shudras/Untouchables would lose their reservation status once they became Christians.
Speaking to Christians at Sholapur in January 1938, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar declared that he could say from his study of comparative religion that only two personalities had been able to captivate him – the Buddha and Christ. He said he supported conversion of Hindu Dalits/Untouchables to Buddhism rather than Christianity because the Dalits/Untouchables tend to lose their reservation rights when they convert to Christianity.
Here are some parts of the Dr. Ambedkar’s speech.
Excerpt from the speech delivered to Indian Christians of Sholapur and published in ‘Janata’ on 05.02.1938, reproduced from ‘Dnyanodaya’ –
“From the available religions and personalities in the world, I consider only two- Buddha and Christ for conversion. We want a religion for me and my followers which will teach equality freedom among men, and how man must behave with men and God, how a child should behave with father etc.
Missionaries feel they have done their duty when they convert an untouchable to Christianity. They do not look after their political rights.
I find this is a big fault in Christians because they have not entered into politics until now. It is difficult for any institution to survive without political support.
We, Untouchables, though are ignorant and illiterate, we are in movement. That is why we have 15 seats in the Legislative Assembly. Students are getting scholarships, there are government hostels. Such is not the case of Christian students. If an untouchable student getting scholarship gets converted, his scholarship is stopped though his financial status remains same. If you were in politics, things would have been opposed.”
Excerpt from the speech delivered to Indian Christians of Sholapur and published in ‘Janata’ on 05.02.1938, reproduced from ‘Dnyanodaya’
“Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar speaking to Christians at Sholapur — which is located in the Indian province of Maha Rashtra — in January 1938, declared that he could say from his study of COMPARATIVE RELIGION that only two personalities had been able to captivate him — the Buddha and the Christ.”
The above sentence proves that, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar did NEITHER understood Christianism NOR Buddhism.
But, my perennial question is:
WHY DIDN’T Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar convert to Christianism and openly declared himself a Christ-sucker?
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar DID NOT convert himself into a Christ-sucker (i.e., a popular name for being a Christian), because India’s first Muslim prime minister J.L. Nehru DID NOT want negative perception(s) to grow amongst Indian “Hindus” that, British Christian imperialists left and their Christian and Muslim stooges were actually running the newly independent country and were actually ruling over non-believer Pagans (i.e., “Hindus”) of Mother India.
Bharat Varsha lost itself due to Buddhist “Ahimsa” that allowed the dissolution of “Hindu” Maurya Empire by disarming itself.
Has Buddhism survived in Afghanistan and Bangladesh?
Did foreign invaders such as Muslims and Christians allow Buddhism to survive in Afghanistan and Bangladesh?
If it not for our “Hindu” forefathers who took up arms to fight back and die for their motherland, today all “Hindus” would be speaking either Arabic or Farsi.
Where were those Buddhist “Ahimsa”-preachers when Muslims and Christians were raping our mothers and daughters and selling our mothers and daughters into Islamic and Christian sexual slavery?
For my readers, below I quote from history about the failure of Buddhist “Ahimsa”:
‘Some apologists of Islam have tried to lay the blame at the door of the White Huns or Epthalites who had overrun parts of the Hindu cradle in the second half of the fifth century A.D.
But they count without the witness of Hiuen Tsang, the famous Chinese pilgrim and Buddhist savant, who travelled all over this area from 630 A.D. to 644.
Starting from Karashahr in Northern Sinkiang, Hiuen Tsang passed through Transoxiana, Northern Afghanistan, North-West Frontier Province, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, North-Eastern Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Nepal, Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Mahakosal and Andhra Pradesh till he reached Tamil Nadu.
On his return journey Hiuen Tsang travelled through Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Bharat, Sindh, Southern Afghanistan and Southern Sinkiang.
In most of these provinces Hiuen Tsang found in a flourishing state many Buddhist establishments consisting of vihãras (monasteries), chaityas (temples) and stûpas (topes), besides what Hiuen Tsang described as heretical (Jain) and deva (Brahmanical) temples.
The wealth of architecture and sculptures Hiuen Tsang saw everywhere confirms what we learn from Hindu literary sources.
Some of this wealth has been recovered in recent times from under mounds of ruins.
During the course of his pilgrimage, Hiuen Tsang stayed at as many as 95 Buddhist centres among which the more famous ones were at Kuchi, Aqsu, Tirmiz, Uch Turfan, Kashagar and Khotan in Sinkiang; Balkh, Ghazni, Bamiyan, Kapisi, Lamghan, Nagarahar and Bannu in Afghanistan; Pushkalavati, Bolar and Takshasila in the North-West Frontier Province; Srinagar, Rajaori and Punch in Kashmir; Sialkot, Jalandhar and Sirhind in the Punjab; Thanesar, Pehowa and Sugh in Haryana; Bairat and Bhinmal in Rajasthan, Mathura, Mahoba, Ahichchhatra, Sankisa, Kanauj, Ayodhya, Prayag, Kausambi, Sravasti, Kapilvastu, Kusinagar, Varanasi, Sarnath and Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh; Vaishali, Pataliputra, Rajgir, Nalanda, Bodhgaya, Monghyr and Bhagalpur in Bihar; Pundravardhana, Tamralipti, Jessore and Karnasuvarna in Bengal; Puri and Jajnagar in Orissa; Nagarjunikonda and Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh; Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu; Badami and Kalyani in Karnataka; Paithan and Devagiri in Maharashtra; Bharuch, Junagarh and Valabhi in Gujarat; Ujjain in Malwa; Mirpur Khas and Multan in Sindh.
The number of Buddhist monasteries at the bigger ones of these centres ranged from 50 to 500 and the number of monks in residence from 1,000 to 10,000.
It was only in some parts of Eastern Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier Province that monasteries were in a bad shape, which can perhaps be explained by the invasion of White Huns.
But so were they in Kusinagar and Kapilavastu where the White Huns are not known to have reached.
On the other hand, the same invaders had ranged over Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and most of Uttar Pradesh where Hiuen Tsang found the monasteries in a splendid state.
They had even established their rule over Kashmir where Hiuen Tsang saw 500 monasteries housing 5,000 monks. It is, therefore, difficult to hold them responsible for the disappearance of Buddhist centres in areas where Hiuen Tsang had found them flourishing.
An explanation has to be found elsewhere.
In any case, the upheaval they caused was over by the middle of the sixth century.
Moreover, the temples and monasteries which Hiuen Tsang saw were only a few out of many.
Hiuen Tsang had not gone into the interior of any province, having confined himself to the more famous Buddhist centres.
What was it that really happened to thousands upon thousands of temples and monasteries?
Why did they disappear and/or give place to another type of monuments?
How come that their architectural and sculptural fragments got built into the foundations and floors and walls and domes of the edifices which replaced them?
These are crucial questions which should have been asked by students of medieval Indian history.
But no historian worth his name has raised these questions squarely, not to speak of finding adequate answers to them.
No systematic study of the subject has been made so far.
All that we have are stray references to the demolition of a few Hindu temples, made by the more daring Hindu historians while discussing the religious policy of this or that sultan.
Sir Jadunath Sirkar and Professor Shri Ram Sharan Sharma have given more attention to the Islamic policy of demolishing Hindu temples and pointed an accusing finger at the theological tenets which dictated that policy.
But their treatment of the subject is brief and their enumeration of temples destroyed by Aurangzeb and the other Mughal emperors touches only the fringe of a vast holocaust caused by the Theology of Islam, all over the cradle of Hindu culture, and throughout more than thirteen hundred years, taking into account what happened in the native Muslim states carved out after the British take-over and the formation of West Pakistan and East Pakistan after the Partition in 1947.
Muslim historians, in India and abroad, have written hundreds of accounts in which the progress of Islamic armies across the cradle of Hindu culture is narrated, stage by stage and period by period.
A pronounced feature of these Muslim histories is a description — in smaller or greater detail but always with considerable pride — of how the Hindus were slaughtered en masse or converted by force, how hundreds of thousands of Hindu men and women and children were captured as booty and sold into slavery, how Hindu temples and monasteries were razed to the ground or burnt down, and how images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses were destroyed or desecrated.
Commandments of Allah (Quran) and precedents set by the Prophet (Sunnah) are frequently cited by the authors in support of what the swordsmen and demolition squads of Islam did with extraordinary zeal, not only in the midst of war but also, and more thoroughly, after Islamic rule had been firmly established.
A reference to the Theology of Islam as perfected by the orthodox Imams, leaves little doubt that the citations are seldom without foundation.
The men and women and children who were killed or captured or converted by force cannot be recalled for standing witnesses to what was done to them by the heroes of Islam.
The apologists for Islam — the most dogged among them are some Hindu historians and politicians — have easily got away with the plea that Muslim “court scribes” had succumbed to poetic exaggeration in order to please their pious patrons.
Their case is weakened when they cite the same sources in support of their owns speculation or when the question is asked as to why the patrons needed stories of bloodshed and wanton destruction for feeding their piety.
But they have taken in their stride these doubts and questions as well.
There are, however, witnesses who are not beyond recall and who can confirm that the “court scribes” were not at all foisting fables on their readers.
These are the hundreds of thousands of sculptural and architectural fragments which stand arrayed in museums and drawing rooms all over the world, or which are waiting to be picked up by public and private collectors, or which stare at us from numerous Muslim monuments.
These are the thousands of Hindu temples and monasteries which either stand on the surface in a state of ruination or lie buried under the earth waiting for being brought to light by the archaeologist’s spade.
These are the thousands of Muslim edifices, sacred as well as secular, which occupy the sites of Hindu temples and monasteries and/or which have been constructed from materials of those monuments.
All these witnesses carry unimpeachable evidence of the violence that was done to them, deliberately and by human hands.
So far no one has cared to make these witnesses speak and relate the story of how they got ruined, demolished, dislocated, dismembered, defaced, mutilated, and burnt.
Recent writers on Hindu architecture and sculpture — their tribe is multiplying fast, mostly for commercial reasons — ignore the ghastly wounds which these witnesses show on the very first sight, and dwell on the beauties of the limbs that have survived or escaped injury.
Many a time they have to resort to their imagination for supplying what should have been there, but is missing.
All they seem to care for is building their own reputations as historians of Hindu art.
If one draws their attention to the mutilations and disfigurements suffered by the subjects under study, one is met with a stunned silence or denounced downright as a Hindu chauvinist out to raise “demons from the past” with the deliberate intention of causing “communal strife.”’
Chest full of meddles adorned by Pakistani general on his uniform will not make him war hero or adding laundry list of honorary degrees in the name plate do not make a person scholar .These quality comes out of real character.Painting white on body and behaving like white man do not make an Ambedkar an white man . Jackal is always a jackal even in a lion’s attire.
Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar was the most educated person when India got freedom hence he was selected as Chairman for constitutional drafting committee of the Indian Constitution.
He could speak, read and write ten languages, and more than seven speaking fluently: Marathi (mother tongue), Hindi, English, Gujarati, Pali, Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian, French and German According to his autobiography ‘Waiting for a Visa’. Ambedkar also wrote Pali Dictionary (Pali to English).
At that time he was the only person who had B.A., M.A., M. Sc., L.L.D., D. Litt., Barrister-at-law, Doctor of laws and two PhD degrees. His educational details are as follows:
1. B.A. (Bombay University) Bachelor of Arts,
2. MA.(Columbia university) Master of Arts,
3. M.Sc.( London School of Economics) Master of Science,
4. Ph.D. (Columbia University) Doctor of Philosophy
5. D.Sc.( London School of Economics) Doctor of Science
6. L.L.D.(Columbia University)
7. Doctor of Laws
8. D.Litt. (Osmania University) Doctor of Literature
9. Barrister-at-La w (Gray’s Inn, London) Law qualification for a lawyer in royal court of England.
10. Elementary Education, 1902, Satara, Maharashtra
11. Matriculation, 1907, Elphinstone High School, Bombay Persian etc.
12. Inter 1909, Elphinstone College,Bombay
13. Persian and English B.A, 1912 Jan, Elphinstone College, Bombay, University of Bombay,
14. Economics & Political Science M.A 2-6-1915
15. Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University, New York,
16. Main- Economics Ancillaries-Sociology, History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Politics
17. PhD 1917 Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University, New York,
18. The National Dividend of India – A Historical and Analytical Study, M.Sc 1921 June London School of Economics, London
19. Provincial Decentralization of Imperial finance in British India Barrister at- Law 30-9-1920 Gray’s Inn, London Law
20. D.Sc 1923 Nov London School of Economics, London ‘The Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution’ was accepted for the degree D.Sc. (Economics).
21. L.L.D (Honoris Causa) 5-6-1952 Columbia University, New York for his achievement, leadership and authoring the constitution of India.
22. D.Litt (Honoris Causa) 12-1-1953 Osmania University, Hyderabad For his achievements, leadership and writing the constitution of India.
Face the truth,
Yes you are right. Found the truth has no intention to find truth ..Ambedkar was an atheist . He will have same opinion regarding any religious books.
Found the truth’s translations are not authentic sanskrit work based. These are from some Hindu haters who may be reputed in west translating on their won
But i will ask genuine questions about Jesus (btw these are not abuses like found the truth say) again and again until a satisfactory answer is obtained.
“why God can assume only one form ? who stops God from assuming multiple forms if he can assume one form or one incarnation?”
Why a God incarnation could get only 12 disciples ? Why he did not compose any books?
Why Jesus could not make any impact during life time? again unanswered.
New testament does not say anything about Jesus’s life of first 30 years. A god incarnation lived for 30 years unknown to rest of the world??? The miracles are mostly water turning to wine and some faith healing. even these are from his 2-3 years of ministry.
I have always backed these claims against Hindu Gods with references to Hindu Scriptures and reputed established media and authors.
You name and choose the crime {whether it is kidnapping, murder, mass-murder, incitement to murder, theft, racism/casteism, inequality towards women and others, bestiality, incest (all types -father-daughter, mother-son, brother-sister etc.) rape, gang-rape, pedophilia, homosexuality (anal sex- To be fair to Hinduism I have not yet read any case of lesbianism so far – But please note that I am still researching.} and I will tell you the Hindu god who did it and with documentary proof i.e. Hindu Scriptural reference.
Or you name the major Hindu gods and I can tell you the rap-sheet of crimes they have done with documentary evidence from Hindu Scriptures.
Furthermore I will back up some of these claims against some Hindu gods with authors endorsed by the Sanatana Dharmists and Hindus on this forum e.g Stella Kramrisch or Indian Authors
This message is for screen-name akashchauthmal2
You are wasting your time for no good use!
Christians today are no different than Christians were during medieval time.
Same lies and same half-truths are constantly being repeated by Christians for 2000 years now.
When you point out historical falsehoods of Christians, Christians will accuse you of hatefulness.
When militarily strong, Christians and Muslims will say, they are militarily strong because of the only true God the Father or Allah they worship.
When militarily weak, Christians and Muslims will demand their “God the Father” -given or “Allah”-given rights to be upheld by all majority non-believers.
Christianism is at 10% or less in the West today from what Christianism was during medieval time in the West.
So, Christian proselytizers are busy taking their business to downtrodden people of Africa and Asia.
Over a billion dollars are spent annually by the Christian missions in order to convert non-believers in Africa and in Asia.
This is pure business in financial terms!
Muslims compete with Christians in the African continent and, so, we repeatedly hear Muslims killing Christians in Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia and other countries on the African continent almost daily.
When Christians are militarily weak, Christians will cite the greatness of their idol (i.e., Jesus Fucking Jew hanging on the gallows) in the practice of “Forgiveness”.
When your enemies are stronger than you are and your enemies are nailing you on the gallows, at that point “Forgiveness” or “Compassion” are meaningless words.
A naked beggar cannot promise a wealthy man a high-fashion wardrobe!
Because, that promise of a naked beggar is meaningless as well as vacuous.
But, we have so many “Hindus” to this day fall for the Christian traps.
Especially to cite here is the RamaKrishna Math & Mission of India.
“Hindu” followers of RamaKrishna Math & Mission of India will openly support and annually celebrate the utter historic falsehood that, Jesus the Nazarene — a son of Jewish whore — was “Son of God”.
But, you will NEVER find a Christian on earth who will say to those “Hindu” followers of RamaKrishna Math & Mission that, Gadadhar Chatterjee was God or God-incarnate.
Rather, a Christian on earth will claim that, Gadadhar Chatterjee was a pedophile or a homosexual — with all available historical records and evidences to the contrary.
Therefore, many “Hindus” do not seem to have any understanding of history to this day when they show respect to Jesus Fucking Jew or Muhammad the Arabian bastard.
Christianism and Islam are barbaric junk of medieval time that should have NO place in any “Hindu” mind.
Christians and Muslims are the worst parasites who are sucking the blood of Indian “Hindus” for over 70 years since independence.
Yet, not all “Hindus” are apparently aware of these Christian and Muslim parasites.
@found the truth,
Hindus don’t hate Jesus. Hinduism does not teach us to hate. It is you who hate Hinduism.
What is posted about Jesus are not hate mongering but genuine questions we have!
What you are posting about Hindu Gods are far from reality. Any neutral person can see the difference.
Christians believe that ,they were thrown out of heaven by God ,because of the sin committed by Adam and Eve .Then,what was that sin ? .Until they eat the forbidden fruit ,they were not bothered about their nudity ,and almighty god was happy with them ,but when they eat the fruit their behavior went in a sublime change.They begun to feel about their modesty and tried to hide their body from each other.The moral of the story is ,the so called god want to see us in heaven, in total purity (that is to be naked from inside out). The sages new this cardinal principle of spirituality and the westerners also influenced from these sages have begun to adopt nudity in their life,here is an example.
Nature teaches lot of things to us.By putting black sun glass a blind cannot hide his blindness .Caring luggage of books dint make an illiterate a professor Westerners are materialist ,they dint waste their time on useless argument about their belief,(religion).I had first hand experience with these white people during long period of association .They are straight ,when they think they have nothing to argue on subject ,they simply accept their defeat.By painting white color on body and following their footsteps will not make an Ambedkar a westerner, his habit reveal his identity (it is a seer demonstration of inferiority complex developed in that person).
Jesus too served bread and rum to his disciples.
I am not sure what ” truth is found”.??.. Truth will triumph. Satyameva jayate . This is what Hindu scriptures say. Remember 1% are becoming agnostic or atheist every year in islamic world and west. Even in so called pious latin america, irreligion is spreading year on year.
Still there is no answer as to why God cannot assume multiple forms (Human). Only Ganesha has part animal and part human form (like egyptian gods) in Hinduism. Rest all has human form.
“why God can assume only one form ? who stops God from assuming multiple forms if he can assume one form or one incarnation?”
Why a God incarnation could get only 12 disciples ? Why he did not compose any books?
Why Jesus could not make any impact during life time? again unanswered.
New testament does not say anything about Jesus’s life of first 30 years. A god incarnation lived for 30 years unknown to rest of the world??? The miracles are mostly water turning to wine and some faith healing. even these are from his 2-3 years of ministry.
Good thing is you categorized Moses with Mohammed. Yes Moses was indeed a little Mohammed who killed Egyptian soldier, probably killed Aaron, and massacred those who worshiped the golden cow. Abraham married Hagar citing it as God’s will. But Christians are carrying this baggage of crimes done by those whom claimed to be messengers of God. Judic laws and religion is something you carry. Bible has new and old testament.
Very less number of people have heard about Jesus even 300 years after his death . Only post Constantine’s conversion Christianity started growing. How people before Jesus attained salvation if he is the only way. Even after 300 years of his death hardly 1% of world population knew about him. Basically this is a religion built over a dead unknown man who is claimed to be sinless.
There is no sex crime of Hindu Gods in scriptures. Read proper translations of them carefully. Gods tested the chastity of anasuya and she won.. Just go to wiki page of Anasuya. That’s the correct story and not what found the truth says
And how can you assume there is no result obtained after praying in Hindu temples? Millions of testimonies are available on their experience in ancient temples like Guruvayoor, Tirupati . Rameswaram etc..
Perhaps what you say about mosques might be true!
Apologize for being harsh on Christians. Normally i don’t do this . Our principle is give respect and take respect!!
I was also like them and visited the holiest Hindu and Buddhist temples/shrines, tried OBE and TM etc. When you know little about Hinduism it seems good and spiritual. Most of us Westerners do not know much about Jesus apart from being a good moral teacher and have become a lot materialistic.
The main stream churches are ritualistic and have become a lot liberal and not salvation and gospel-centric. (The adherents to these and the atheists are susceptible to Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. They search for God and ultimately come to Christ again.)
Those churches which are salvation and gospel-centric are crowded and growing all across the world including Europe and NA. The adherents here are away strong in faith and have studied the gospels to some extent.
Hinduism per se does not reject Jesus and Hinduism is spiritual.
Only Christ was sinless.
For Christ came into this world, did miracles, died and rose again and paid the price for everyone’s sin.
For Jesus EVERYONE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Jesus LOVES EVERYONE. (It is never a question of quality nor quantity. There is NO DISCRIMINATION. Everybody is a sinner (including me) and we all need Christ for our eternal salvation.
Nature teaches many things all the time ,only wise will acknowledge it and adopts in their life.For example a drumstick tree grows very fast but it wont survive a moderate cyclone so no one will think of making furniture from that tree,but a teak wood tree takes very long time to grow but difficult for even a typhoon to uproot it. Sanatan Dharma is like teak wood even after multiple time assault on it, still stands tall and growing day by day.Recently Kumb Mela an ancient religious festival concluded in India’s Prayagraj. How the believers in Sanatan Dharma have thronged to the Mela especially the westerners, shows how Sanatan Dharma is making inroads into western world .I have seen how the Europeans are disillusioned with Christianity in Europe. .Churches are abandoned in drove, almost everyone is atheist and so are identifying with Santana dharma (since an atheist is also an Hindu like me).So at the end all the drumstick trees will be abandoned for ever. Those Ambedkars who are the fresh convert to this Christianity have cultivated the habit to demean Hinduism ,let them be so happy in their new house, the good thing is that, those westerners are embracing the Santana dharma in drove .At the end it is quality not quantity that matters in this world,here is the video showing white peoples interest in our Santana Dharma.
Found the truth,
all your glorious statements of winning people happened after Jesus’s death. all the books glorifying him written after death..
Why a God incarnation could get only 12 disciples ? why God can assume only one form ? who stops God from assuming multiple forms if he can assume one form or one incarnation?
Why Jesus could not make any impact during life time? Why he did not compose any books?
You know you are glorifying some one after death and building empire post his death which is the reason why sane people will not get in to your cult.
Jesus ministry was only for 3 yrs. (Age 30 to Age 33) and he said to his disciples to wait and receive His Holy Spirit which would work through them and all who sincerely have that great faith in him would be able to do greater miracles than Him. He further told his disciples to go to the ends of the earth and give the good news of salvation and He will be there with them even to the end of times.
He warned them that they will face troubles and persecution but will be able to overcome them and He (Jesus) would be there with them (Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you).
The disciples succeeded in multiplying their disciples due to prayers, faith, genuine compassion, love, charity, healings and miracles performed as they had the one true and real God with them.
The barbarians of Europe got converted. The whole Roman empire which was initially persecuting Christians by imprisonment, torture, slaughter, death by feeding Christians to lions got converted to Christianity. The cannibals in Africa, South America, Asia and Oceanic islands got converted to Christianity. (They would eat the missionaries).
The whole system of Time (Calendar) is now based on the birth of Jesus.
In 80 percent of countries the largest selling book is the Bible. This is ever since the Printing Presses were invented in the 15th century. Even before that Bible was distributed more than other books.
In 80 percent of countries the largest downloaded book is the Bible.
The most watched movie/DVD in the world is the Jesus movie.
The Bible is the most widely distributed book in the whole world.
Even in Hindu India, the largest translated book is the Bible (the Bible is available in more Indian languages than the Gita or any other book).
In Nepal (formerly 90% Hindu and now secular) and China the Bible sells more than the Gita or Mao’ Red book in spite of the Bible being banned. The Gita and the Quran are not banned in China.
Jesus is the way, the truth and life.
How can you consider a person whom nothing is known, who had very few disciples during life time, who hasn’t shown intellectual capability by writing any works God incarnation?
There are more positive books written about Jesus than about any other personality in the world put together (Include Mohammed, Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Mahavir, Sikh Gurus, Zoroaster, Ali etc.). Jesus life and miracles are well documented in the New testament.
The name of Jesus is very powerful. The words of Jesus are the most quoted words in the whole world and have been quoted by all the great men in the world including Gandhi, Nehru, Swami Vivekananda etc. in an Indian perspective.
Most leaders across all religions have taught unforgiveness, fight back and justified killings etc. and these include Mohammed Moses, etc. but only Jesus taught unconditional forgiveness, compassion, non-violence, love, charity, healing and taking care of the sick, destitute, orphans, widows etc.
Others including Mohammed have made women into widows, children into orphans, left the sick to die, promoted and practiced racism apart from other sex crimes which are well documented.
Watch this young Hindu man from India who tried Jesus and hear his astounding miracles… (You can reach out to him)
@found the truth,
Nothing was known until 30 regarding the person whom you call most influential man ever lived .You only knows about his last 2 years.
When he died @32, he had only 12 disciples and perhaps a hundred people saying good about him out of a population of 2,00,000 of that roman province.
All these 2.3 billion followers he got after death!!, Compare him with Adi Sankara of India who too lived till 32. He memorized all Vedas and scriptures at that young age. Traveled all of Indian sub continent thrice. His Advaita Vedanta’s superiority was accepted by all theist Hindus following the 6 darshanas or philosophies of Hinduism even though they continued to practice their own philosophies..
Then Budhists , Jains etc virtually vanished from sub continent. All were converted. According to census of 1901, only 3,00,000 Buddhists were there in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (British India excluding Myanmar) which was about .1% of total population
Today there are about 9 million. But 80% are those Dalits who converted to navayana of Ambedkar and not original Buddhists.
How can you consider a person whom nothing is known, who had very few disciples during life time , who hasn’t shown intellectual capability by writing any works God incarnation?
@Found the Truth
Where was the Jesus when Krishna was addressing to Arjun? Jesus name in itself looks unfamiliar to me. Because I have not met any person have Jesus name. There are many good name like Ram, Sham, Krishna, Arjun, Vishal, Shiv, Radha etc. I do not understand who the foolish gave Jesus name. I never found this word in Sanskrit, Tamil, Hindi, dictionary. What is mean of it. What is origin of this word?
@Found the Truth
Who was Jesus? Actually I never met with him. Where he lives?
In the Bhagavad-Gita, or “Lord’s Song”, Krishna counsels Arjuna why it is good he and his brothers go to war to kill their own cousins to rule their land. According to the translation The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, here is exactly what he said.
“O descendant of Bharata [Arjuna] he who dwells in the body can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any living being. Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya [warrior class], you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation. O Partha, happy are the ksatriyas to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the doors of the heavenly planets. If, however, you do not perform your religious duty of fighting, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and thus lose your reputation as a fighter. People will always speak of your infamy, and for a respectable person, dishonor is worse than death. The great generals who have highly esteemed you name and fame will think that you have left the battlefield out of fear only, and thus they will consider you insignificant. Your enemies will describe you in many unkind words and scorn your ability. What could be more painful for you? O sun of Kunti [Arjuna], either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination and fight.” Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 2.30-37 p.114-121.
In short, Arjuna is supposed to fight and kill his cousins who usurped the throne, and even kill those whose rightful duty is to fight on the other side because:
1) Souls cannot be slain, so do not grieve.
2) There is nothing better for a warrior than fighting for religious principles.
3) If you do not fight, you will neglect your duties.
4) People will speak ill of you, and think you insignificant for being a coward.
5) Nothing could be more painful than others scorn for you.
6) You will either enjoy the fruits of your conquest, and be rewarded after death for being killed while trying to kill others.
Some see this as cold-blooded. Notice that these six reasons can justify fighting in any and every battle, so long as you have a religious priest or demi-god saying warriors must not neglect their duty of killing.
A reason Krishna gave not to mourn was because no immortal soul ever really dies. This would seem to that we should not mourn any murder, as long as it is done out of duty for religious principles.
At the end of the Mahabharata, Arjuna’s wicked cousins are feasting in heaven, because they fulfilled their dharma (duty) and did what they were supposed to do in fighting their cousins. Arjuna’s ally and brother, Yudhisthira was in hell, because he resisted the system and questioned his duty in fighting his cousins. Should we ever resist the system because it is evil, or should we always follow a system because we are told to without questioning?
If all, even classes and tests are illusion, then why study? In fact, why work hard at anything?
If all the universe is illusion, then is the love and friendship others have for you illusion too? What a lonely thought.
If everything is illusion, then I suppose this tract is just illusion, and it does not matter whether others read it or not, since in the end, nothing matters.
Jesus taught a message of forgiveness and love even for your enemies.
What a contrast between a true God (Jesus) and an evil god (demon) Krishna
It is not true. for example Mahabharata has two versions Bombay and Bengal. There is no contradictions between two. Some verses may be + or minus between two. These are sanskrit versions. Many translations (authentic) are made by learned people. They are writing sanskrit verse and down English or regional Indian language verse.
sanskrit – malayalam or sanskrit – Hindi dictionaries are available. anybody can validate the translations.
There are good translations among the pious and religious Hindus.
Besides, many scholars of the past had translated in local languages,These are also available.
Today we have in net as well.
None of them has stuff like what Found the truth is saying.
Actually Hinduism is institutionalized and caste system is that institution. Your catholic clergy equivalent are Brahmins. They have written good translations, poetic verse by verse translations of scriptures. There is no contradictions in them. All carry same message and these are far miles apart from what Wendy or found the truth is saying
akashchauthmal2 wrote:
“Read the authentic translations of the puranas. ” and “there are good translations.”
The problem is, who did approve these authentic and good translations. In Hinduism (Protestantism/Islam) there is no central (living) authority where they can turn to. In other words, who decides what these scriptures mean. Even if there is one translation, readers will come to different even contradicting interpretations. In Protestantism e.g. there are thousands upon thousands of denominations, all believeing different things. It is called “by the bible alone”, it`s private judgement. So your defence makes no sense.
@found the truth,
Explanation is simple. Lord Vishnu assumed form of Mohini a woman. To Mohini and Shiva, Lord Sastha or Ayyappa is born. There is no man-man relation here.
explanation is simple – Read authentic translations of puranas. They are not hiding anything. There are stories of seed dropping, consumed by fish, fish become pregnant etc in purana (Ex: Satyavati’s birth) . But not what you say.
Definitely no Hindus will read wendy’s books or even Ambedkar’s . There are good translations. So your attempts are futile.
God according to advaita vedanta is only reality (Absolute monism). Rest space, time, material etc are unreal. God alone is not changing, rest all changes. The concept is very abstract and superior to the monotheism of islam. This abstract God is beyond form, speech and all senses, imagination, even name and prayer!!
Muslims ask people to pray the creator and not created. However no matter what we contemplate while praying and even Allah the name is created. You cannot contemplate on creator. We as humans can only contemplate on created with our mind. Hence abstract Brahmam worship is not recommended in Hinduism. If God can assume one form he can assume many!!
This God (Brahmam’s) characteristics are mentioned in purana in many instances of characters of Lord shiva, Vishnu and others.
Also, Puranas are not taken literally by Hindus. It is the morals, values, and symbolism that we take
@Found The Truth,
You speak like Ron ..
The story of Anasuya is wrong. Just see wiki pages. You can have actual translations of puranas in net. Don’t go with Wendy’s books . Her translations are wrong even if she have PHD in sanskrit. I am 100% sure.
I don’t mind you retelling the actual stories, but these sort of distortions is too much.
There is incest ,violence in old testament. There is some incest related stuff in puranas. But violence no!
Because violence in puranas are battles between two warring parties, not genocide as you see in old testament. These are not struggles between two communities like Canaanites vs Israelite or believer vs unbeliever rather killing of a rakshasa or asura wielding weapon who is ready for fight.
But there are authentic translations of puranas and others. If you are quoting from them i would agree with you.
No need to reinterpret Puranas or any other. Sanskrit is still not dead . Sanskrit dictionary are available. You can translate as it is.
And we don’t translate differently as muslims to hide something. If it is there it is there!
However what you said is completely wrong!
And sir- even you are much better than many self styled messengers of God of old testament.
Dear akashchauthmal2,
Many muslims do not know the criminal activities of Mohammed and blindly follow him. Similarly the fact is that most Hindus blindly worship these criminals (shiva, vishnu/krishna, brahma, indra etc) without knowing their criminal activities. They may have some good stories about them but these acts are punishable under Indian Penal codes as well as under US penal codes.
These are the books and the references wherein it is clearly mentioned some of these criminal acts by these Hindu gods.
You are certainly much better and holier than these criminals who are worshipped as gods because you have certainly not done these crimes..
The linga, a sacred symbol often worshipped in Hindu temples, is the phallus of Lord Shiva. The origin of the linga is outlined in various Hindu scriptures:
From the Kurma Purana — In the Pine Forest, Shiva seduces the wives of the sages, so the sages curse him for this immoral behavior:
“When the sages saw Siva naked and excited they beat him and they said, ‘Tear out your linga.’ The great yogi said to them, ‘I will do it, if you hate my linga’, and he tore it out and vanished.” — Kurma Purana 2:38:39-41; cf. Haracaritacintamani 10:74; Yagisvaramahatmya 26a. 14. [O’Flaherty, Wendy D. Siva: The Erotic Ascetic. Pub.: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-520250-3. p.132].
From the Bhavisya Purana — In another version, Shiva (and the other two deities of the Trimurti) rape the sage Atri’s wife and are punished:
“One day when the sage Atri was performing asceticism with his wife Anasuya, Brahma, Visnu and Siva came to him and offered him a boon. When Atri continued to meditate, the three gods went to Anasuya; Siva had his linga in his hand, Visnu was full of erotic feeling, and Brahma, beside himself with desire, said, ‘Make love to me or I will die.’ When she heard this coarse speech, Anasuya made no reply, for, although she feared the anger of the gods, she was true to her husband. But the three gods were overcome by delusion, and they raped her by force. Then she became angry, and she cursed Siva to be worshipped as a linga, Brahma to be worshipped as a head, and Visnu to be worshipped as feet, in order to ridicule them all, and she cursed them all to be reborn as her sons. Because of this, Siva was born as Durvasas.” — Bhavisya Purana 3:4:17:67-78. [O’Flaherty, Wendy D. The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology. Pub.: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-04098-8. pp.302-303].
Incidently, the behavior of Lord Shiva’s wife, the goddess Parvati, was not really any better than her husband’s behavior. In the Siva and Kalika Puranas, Parvati shamelessly walks out of the bedroom half-naked, revealing her breasts:
“When the gods interrupted Siva and Parvati, two sons were born of drops of Siva’s seed. These sons were then posted at the door to prevent further interruptions while Siva made love to Parvati, having promised the gods that he would not spill his seed in her. One day Parvati came out of the bedroom in great dishabille, half naked, her breasts scored with teeth marks. The two sons chanced to see her like that, and they were upset, but Parvati became angry and said, ‘Why have you looked at me when I was not in a state to be seen by anyone but my husband? You should have closed your eyes. Since you have done this immoral thing, you will be reborn as mortal men with the faces of monkeys.’ Then they were miserable and protested that it was her fault for having come out so suddenly, and they cursed her to become a mortal queen (Taravati) and Siva to be her husband (Candrasekhara) so that they themselves might be born again as their sons, Vetala and Bhairava.” — Siva Purana 3:21:1-8; Kalika Purana 49:1-92, 50:1-64, 51:1-60, 52:1-155, 53:1-217. [O’Flaherty, Wendy D. Siva: The Erotic Ascetic. Pub.: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-520250-3. pp.308-309].
Jesus alone is holy, the way, the truth and the life
Found The Truth,
You sound very rude to Hinduism. Just see wiki pages of Anasuya and Dattatreya’s birth. No puranas say what you wrote. These may be re-interpretations of anti Hindu people. Please do a neutral research.
It is true that Allah is a fake god.
We are all humans have a body, soul and spirit and made in the image of God. As sinners we all (our souls) face eternal damnation(to be in Hell) when judged by our God our Creator. But when we accept Jesus as our personal Savior that He died and rose up for our sins we receive the grace of God and we are saved from this eternal damnation.
When you accept and receive Jesus as your personal Saviour, your whole outlook to life changes. You will be more compassionate, more loving, more forgiving, more truthful, more generous etc. (That is why the biggest charities and NGOs in the world have come from the benevolence of Christians. The free leprosy clinics, free AIDS clinics, free orphanages, free hospitals, free schools, free digging of wells, free toilets/sanitation facilities, free destitute homes where most of the inmates are non-Christians . Of course some Christian hospitals and schools are not free because there is a cost to run them).
Even in India the super rich Hindus cannot donate and run charitable institutions but there are very few Hindus doing it. The Hindu governments do not go to do it. The free vaccinations you may have received when you were small were from Christian donations.
Right now Christian NGOs are building sanitation facilities for in India, setting up schools, digging wells, working in red-light areas to free victims of trafficking, feeding orphans and destitutes, setting up AIDS and leprosy clinics and doing missionary work in Kashmir also(where Hindu NGOs fear to go and are virtually absent).
May God bless you abundantly with peace, love and joy, compassion and generosity as you search for God which I am sure you will lead you to Jesus Christ.
@Found The Truth
Anything which has beginning has end and vice versa. So if soul is eternal it is unborn. If you think God created soul it will be destroyed. For finite karma , no one should be punished infinitely .
abstract God is beyond everything. Allah is not beyond all senses, names and attributions. This fake god allah is not true God
Why aren’t Christians of independent India moving to and happily settle in Pakistan now?
That’s the primary concern of all concerned “Hindus” of independent India.
“Pakistan” was created by British Christian imperialists in order to destroy independent India in the long run.
Christians united with Muslims of Indian subcontinent to murder and rape and arson all “Hindus”.
Why is the government of independent India still providing affirmative action-based employment benefits to Christians and Muslims who never wanted Indian “Hindu”-Kuffar to attain independence from British Christian imperialists?
When Muslims murdered and raped and arsoned all “Hindu”-Kuffar in Indian subcontinent during British Christian imperialism, Christians allowed “Hindu”-Kuffar to get massacred first before attempting to subdue their Muslim brothers and sisters of Indian subcontinent.
British Christian imperialists were too clever humans, indeed!
British Christian imperialists had secret military intelligence that, Jews, Gypsies and Communists were transported from all over Europe to now-infamous “Nazi Labor Camps” such as Auschwitz-Birkenau many others by the Christian Nazis.
But, British Christian imperialists did nothing to stop Nazi concentration camps UNTIL it was far too late!
British Christian imperialists had secret military intelligence from the most famous British spy in the history of Middle East named Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell that, Armenian Genocide was ongoing.
‘Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell also reported that in Damascus, “Turks sold Armenian women openly in the public market.”‘
‘In an intelligence report, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell wrote:
The battalion left Aleppo on 3 February and reached Ras al-Ain in twelve hours….some 12,000 Armenians were concentrated under the guardianship of some hundred Kurds…These Kurds were called gendarmes, but in reality mere butchers; bands of them were publicly ordered to take parties of Armenians, of both sexes, to various destinations, but had secret instructions to destroy the males, children and old women…One of these gendarmes confessed to killing 100 Armenian men himself…the empty desert cisterns and caves were also filled with corpses…No man can ever think of a woman’s body except as a matter of horror, instead of attraction, after Ras al-Ain.”‘
But, British Christian imperialists did nothing to stop Armenian Genocide.
You are doing great sir to protect this world from mentally sick people’s jihad terrorism. We in India is facing this as well. On 14 th fab 2019 a jihadi mentality guy who had trained by Pakistan had blasted our 40 unarmed soldiers and many other jihadi terrorist attacks here on the name of freedom. These jihadis had divided Pakistan from India on the name of religion in 1947. Now they want to make gazwa e hind, under this strategy they want to make all hindu women slave and want to murder all men, occupy our land and resources that we gain by lots of hard work since many years. They don’t respect their national flag, even they burn it. They only know religion not the country. Here in India a politician akbaruddin owaisi openly said, “remove the police for 15 mint we 25 crores Muslims would finish all Hindus”. Where ever they are in majority they throw stones, burn their vehicles and beat them. They make fake videos together to defame. They had murdered, raped and had occupied kasmiri pandits’s properties. These jihadis are big threat for our future. As a women I would rather like to kill myself instead of following or being a slave under such heinous and disgusting ideology which treats women less than an animal. I have seen in Pakistani media they burn their women if she do anything without their(men) permission, they can through a woman out of the house with kids anytime by saying talak talak talak . Horrible Islam for women and non-believers.
I personally believe that being silenced or attacked, as so many of us have been for objectively presenting the Islamic threat means that we’re gaining momentum! If that were not the case, the enemies of peace wouldn’t care about us. We stay the course!
Agreed ^ and eventually the truth will be widely known. I will make sure of it, as will others in this cause.
The only real reason that Muslim nations, as Pakistan, have “blasphemy laws” enacted is because Islam, with its many falsehoods, is such a weak and fragile religion that it can stand up to or hold up to criticism, at all. No matter how very mild those criticisms might be.