How to Win the Existential War with Islamic Imperialists
Western civilization – Europe (minus Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and Russia), the Americas, Israel, Australia and New Zealand – faces the genuinely existential threat. Islamic existential threat.
Contrary to a popular misconception, this is NOT an Islamic terrorist threat. Islamic terrorism is a threat, of course (one human being killed or injured by an Islamic terrorist is one too many), but not an existential threat. Neither is crime committed by Muslim migrants.
Fortunately, only a tiny portion (infinitesimal, actually) of Muslims are willing and able to commit terrorist acts and only a small number of Muslim migrants in Western countries are willing to commit crimes (and thus risk deportation).
And Western anti-terrorist and general law enforcement systems (although far from perfect) are doing a pretty decent job of preventing terrorist threats and investigating and prosecuting common crimes.
The real existential threat to Western civilization comes from Islamic Imperialism (“Islamism”, “Islamic supremacism”, “Islamo-fascism”, “radical Islam”, “political Islam” – all these are actually the same thing). In fact, Islamic imperialism and simply Islam are exactly the same thing.
Islam is both an imperialist political ideology and an imperialist religion that openly intends to destroy the Western civilization (and all non-Islamic civilizations) and to replace them with the global “Ummah” – Islamic civilization.
In other words, Islam strives to create a global Islamic State (or a federation or confederation of Islamic States) structured and governed according to Islamic principles (Sharia law).
Islamic imperialism is not a new phenomenon – Muslims have been invading and conquering new lands (mostly Christian lands) for centuries, destroying existing civilizations and replacing them with the Islamic civilization.
Modern Islamic imperialists simply take up where their ancestors left off four centuries ago, when the last Islamic invasion of Europe was repelled by Christian armed forces.
Only this time they are using very different (but still very efficient) weapons. Now they intend to achieve their fundamental objective (destroy the Western civilization) by massive procreation (using the “womb of a Muslim woman” as a weapon of mass destruction) and massive immigration (e.g. by so-called “refugees”).
Massive immigration and massive procreation (if not stopped in time) will ultimately make Muslims a majority in every Western nation. Which will allow them to transform all these nations into Islamic States via legal (“democratic”) means (just as Adolf Hitler transformed democratic Weimar Republic into a totalitarian Nazi state).
Of course, not all Muslims are Islamic imperialists, and not all Islamic imperialists are political activists; however, when the Muslim population reaches a certain “critical mass”, it produces enough imperialist political activists to achieve the abovementioned objectives (via a highly efficient manipulation of the overwhelming majority of Muslims that Islamic radicals are well-known for).
Consequently, all Muslims must be perceived as invaders and an existential threat to the Western civilization (who they, indeed, are).
This invasion is well under way, so Western civilization is already fighting an existential war with the Islamic civilization (whether it likes it or not, whether it wants it or not). A cultural and religious civilizational war. And we have no other choice but to win this war. Victory is not everything – it is the only thing.
To win this war, we have to start with several fundamental principles (“rules of engagement”, if you will). First, we are fighting this war not to make Western civilization “Muslim-frei”, but to make it safe, secure, prosperous and genuinely happy.
Second, we are fighting this war not because we hate Muslims or Islamic civilization (we do not), but because we love our Western civilization and its citizens.
We should never ever hate Muslims because (a) hatred is a deadly sin and a very powerful “internal combustion engine”; and (b) because it severely impairs judgement. Which can lead to costly (and even fatal) mistakes – something we absolutely can not afford.
Therefore, we must never ever commit hate crimes (let alone violent crimes) against Muslims. Everything that we will do in our existential war must be completely and perfectly legal. And all hate crimes (including hate speech) against Muslims must be persecuted with the fullest power of the existing laws.
Our war with the Islamic civilization (started by them, not by us), is a cultural and a religious war – but not a “racial war”. All human races are equal – but cultures and religions are not. Consequently, racism is a despicable (and insane) crime that must be prosecuted with the full power of existing laws.
One of the key achievements and advantages of the Western civilization is that it is the law-abiding civilization. Civilization governed by laws, not by the will of a Führer, a dominant political party, clergy or a street mob for that matter. And it must stay that way at all times.
One of the most fundamental laws of our civilization is a fundamental prohibition of any discrimination based on religion. Which is a very good thing – and it also must stay that way. Fortunately, it does not outlaw discrimination based on ideology.
Consequently, the absolutely necessary next step to win our existential war with Islam is to make all Supreme (or Constitutional) courts in all Western countries legally recognize Islam for what it is – a political ideology that represents an existential threat to the Western civilization.
And thus does not deserve protection from discrimination granted to all other religions (none of them being a political ideology). In other words, all activities of Muslims in Western nations (and relationships with Muslims) must be governed by a special law – which we must make our parliaments pass after the courts make the abovementioned pronouncements.
Only after this law is passed we will be able to implement measures necessary to stop and repel the Muslim invasion of our lands.
Western countries are extremely “politically correct”, “tolerant”, “relativist”, “multiculturalist” and outright cowardly. So making the courts recognize Islam for what it is and making parliaments pass the necessary laws will be very difficult – no doubt about that.
Difficult but not impossible. Because we want them only to recognize the truth – and the truth is a very powerful thing. Practically omnipotent, actually.
Liberal migrant-lovers keep lying to us that the Western civilization needs migrant Muslim workers to provide for its increasingly aging population. This is total bunk.
First, natural unemployment rate is around 5% and the EU unemployment rate is 7.1%. Unemployment rate in Euro area is 8.5%. Out of 28 EU member state 17 have unemployment rates above 5%. Italy has 11%, Spain – 16% and Greece – a whopping 20.6%.
Which means that there is no shortage of workers on the European job market (or on Canadian with its 6.6% unemployment rate). Australia and New Zealand also have unemployment rates higher than the natural rate. Plus, we can import (if necessary) millions of Russians, Ukrainians, etc. who integrate far better into the European society due to a much more similar culture and religion than the Muslim ones.
But do we really need foreign workers – on either temporary or permanent basis? In reality we do not, because by radically improving the efficiency of our organizations (i.e. by using the most efficient information and management technologies) and the quality of our education, we will make sure that our economy always has as many workers (high-, medium- and low-skilled) as it needs. Thus reducing the need for skill-based immigration to precisely zero.
In other words, the Western civilization must make the quantum leap in just about every area. However, victory on the battlefield is not only about tools and technologies. It is also about numbers – quantity and quality of soldiers, officers and generals.
Consequently, to win this existential war, the Western civilization must transform every one of its citizens into a committed, powerful and highly efficient soldier. Obviously, by the most efficient utilization of the IT infrastructure (Web sites, blogs, social networks, etc.), mass media and IT tools (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, etc.).
And, of course, we must radically increase the efficiency of each and every citizen of the Western civilization, essentially transforming them into “superhuman beings” (Übermenschen, if you will).
Not by “selective breeding”, of course (eugenics is a bunch of bull), but by using the most efficient technologies for uncovering and utilizing (to the fullest extent possible) the enormous potential of every human being – citizen of the Western civilization.
Obviously, we must address another existential threat to the Western civilization. It is dying due to unacceptably low birth rates. Consequently, we must reverse this suicidal threat by using the full power of the government propaganda machine to convince citizens of the Western civilization of a simple truth – a human being can be genuinely happy only in a stable, permanent (“till death do us part”) family with at least three children.
Obviously, we must develop and implement the most extensive and efficient family support system, effectively focusing all social policies of Western governments on a family, not on an individual.
To put an end to our dependency on fossil fuels produced by Muslim nations and Russia (a Mafia state deeply hostile to the Western civilization), we must (a) ban cars powered by internal combustion engines and (b) generate all our electrical power from renewable (and possibly nuclear) energy sources.
To win the existential war with Islamic imperialism, we must overcome one nasty obstacle. A deep-seated anti-Semitism – still (alas) very much alive and kicking in the Western world.
Anti-Semitism that makes way too many Westerners way too sympathetic towards Muslims. Not because they like Muslims that much, but because they hate Jews – and thus consider Muslims “the enemy of my enemy”.
We must recognize a simple truth – Jews and the State of Israel are an integral (and very important) part of the Western civilization (Judeo-Christian civilization). In other words, Jews and non-Jews are in the same gunboat. Consequently, anti-Semitism (Judeophobia) is a crime of high treason against the Western civilization – and must be ruthlessly and completely eradicated.
Victory in this existential war might seem impossible at first glance; however, there is no such thing as impossible. Whatever human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Where’s the problem, there’s the solution and solution to the problem is always in the problem itself. Where’s the Will, there’s the Way.
All we need is an overwhelming desire, ruthless determination, iron discipline, outrageous dare, unshakeable faith – and a little bit of Divine Guidance. Which in this existential war is completely on our side.
No. All I wanted was to explain that there are differences between human races and thus races/people are not equal.
There are also differences between the sexes regarding shape and volume of skull, length of some bones, amount of various hormones in body and so on. Does that mean men or women (depending on who we regard to be inferior) should be discriminated against, put in camps experimented on and exterminated?
Russians are Orthodox Christians and they are indeed very much part of Western Christian Civilization.
It was Christians(Americans and Russians) who kicked Nazi asses.
These days Russians are more beneficial to Western Christian Civilization that French, Canadian, Germans or Great Britain — It is high time Hungary, Poland and Russians invade Germany, France, Swedon & UK and cleanse RACIST leaders like Merkel, Macron, Trudeau and Theresa.
“All human races are equal” There are differences in human races regarding shape and volume of skull, length of some bones, amount of various hormones in body and so on. Thus, no, human races are not equal. They cannot be. It would be against evolution since different races evolved in different places and were exposed to different evolutional pressures.
“eugenics is a bunch of bull” It is not, because it is used in agriculture, although it is not called eugenics. Actually Chinese scientists develop some eugenics technologies to improve their gene pool.
“Russia (a Mafia state deeply hostile to the Western civilization)” They are not “deeply hostile” towards us at all.
The above article has well expounded the truth in the statement that “We must recognize a simple truth – Jews and the State of Israel are an integral [and very important] part of Western civilization [Judeo- Christian civilization].
Therefore, President Trump wisely said “It’s time to officially recognize [the reality of] Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” Yes, indeed, it’s very much time to recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel, and he then acted on his word and he had done so by good decision of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem .This bold and wise decision of President Trump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem has greatly offended many of the Muslim clerics . Be they, for example, the imams of Pakistan or the mullahs of Iran. Those Muslim clerics with their mind control and their unconscionable ways they manipulate the people from the mosques to be their stooges into a, violent uprising, because of the President’s decision is despicable . Some people of the left will say that the decision of move the US embassy to Jerusalem is “provoking” and it will “incite violence.” This only shows the old saying to be true .Which is that “Evil is always looking for an excuse. “ The fact is President Trump made the right decision and if the Muslim clerics don’t happen to like it ,well then it’s “tough beans.” to them
As the Bible informs its readers “The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem … the Lord will be the hope of His people ,and the strength of the children of Israel.” Joel 3:16.
The Muslim sly infiltration in the political affairs of the Western countries is part of what is known as the Stealth jihad otherwise called the Muslim method of Islamic Gradualism to enact Sharia law in nations of the West.. In contrast to the way of the violent jihad or also called the militant jihad .This non-violent form of the jihad for Islam is a very sly, insidious, subtle and deceptive way of working for the advancement of Islam.
This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”
The scheming jihadist /Muslims who attempt to have Sharia law set up in the different Western nations engage in the doctrine of the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya which is very insidious. Taqyyia is the jihad dogma that deception is a good thing to do as long as it’s done for the advancement of Islam. Nevertheless, the God of the Bible “condemns those who devise wicked schemes…” Proverbs 12:11. [N.I.V.] Likewise, Proverbs 12:20 teaches “Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil.”
On the subject of the violent malicious and murderous threat of Islamic terrorism in Europe In this specific a Muslim terrorist in France that recent ruthless, vicious and murderous Islamic terror knife jihad attack in city of Paris by a jihad- minded Muslim of ISIS is a brutal reminder of the sad and tragic reality of jihad-minded Muslims engaging in Islamic suicide/homicide bombings attacks is for a large part, the outcome the extreme brainwashing that is performed in Islamic mind programming centers which are mosques and madrasas. In those jihad mind control places students are thoroughly indoctrinated into the jihadist mindset of committing murderous bombing attacks in the jihad for the advancement of Islam. As Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran instructs in 9:111. , for example, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain they kill and are killed.” Therefore, those who come out of those Quran based mind programming centers .mosque and madrasas, are so terribly harmed and damaged that they are literally, as it has be rightfully called, “dangerous to self and others.” This results in jihad suicide /homicide attack in which those jihadists who commit such murderous actions are so very deluded that they think of that jihad mass murders as “martyrdom operations.” This is Islamic delusion of the most heinous and malicious kind.
This may be, somewhat, explained by the narrative from the fable of Aesop which is entitled THE SCORPION AND THE FROG So “Once upon a time there was a scorpion who really wanted to get to the other side of the river, but he could not swim. Therefore, the scorpion begged a frog to carry him on his back across the river. The kind but foolish frog agreed and then half-way across the river the scorpion stung the frog. In shock and horror the dying frog asks the scorpion “Why did you sting me since this means that we both are going to die” The scorpion replied “The reason that I stung you even though we both will now die is because that just what a scorpion, by nature, does.”
In conclusion, just as that scorpion in the fable had proven himself by the dangerous and deadly, to self and others, because of his nature. The violent and murderous jihadists of Islam are as that scorpion, dangerous so self and other because they is their nature because they have been thought programmed in the ways of the violent and murdering jihad of Islam. As always stated above ,this is the sad and tragic reality of Islamic terrorism in today’s world.