Fourth Installment in the series: Murdering the Quran with the Fire of Truth” series. Six requirements for Islam to be from God

Jake Neuman

Author of 7 free books available at www.godofmoralperfection.coms

7 Responses

  1. Ron says:

    When people use profanity and foul-mouth to you then you have choices to respond.
    Attack them viciously with words and physically with weapons as Krishna or Mohammed. Both Mohammed and Krishna never taught unconditional forgiveness and love. Both Krishna and Mohammed had and taught lust (not love).
    Krishna killed Sishupal for using profanity 100 times. Mohamed killed Abu Afak for using slander in poetry etc.
    Jesus on the contrary taught unconditional forgiveness, love and compassion.
    Jesus forgives those whom He knew would betray him. Jesus forgives those who tortured him.
    Jesus Christ loves “FACE THE TRUTH” though he hates Christ & Christians. Christ said in Mathew 5:44
    But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
    Even in Luke 6: 27-28 Jesus said to Love Your Enemies.
    27But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
    That is why it is very important to follow Jesus who is The Truth, The Way and The Life.
    Watch this Hindu who became a Christian when he realised that Hindu gods were really demons.
    He got healing only from Jesus when he left worshiping these false gods.

  2. Ron says:

    This is another Hindu Dr Benny Prasad who became a Christian

  3. Face_The_Truth says:

    This message is for Ron_the_Christian_Moth**F**ker:

    So, why don’t you die completely in order to “EXPERIENCE” your Jesus F**king Christ all time???

  4. Ron says:

    NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES/HEAVEN & HELL TESTIMONIES ]▼ Near death experiences prove Christianity! We find testimonies of former atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus etc. claiming they died, went to the afterlife but were saved and brought back by Jesus Christ. There are countless testimonies just on YouTube alone and the people that ventured into the afterlife describe the Christian concept of life after death (heaven & hell). If NDE’s were open to interpretation, we would find testimonies of people saying that when they died, they met Allah or Muhammad or Buddha. But since we only find testimonies of people saying they were saved by Jesus, we have additional evidence that Christianity is the truth. When Muslims die, they don’t hallucinate about Allah and when Hindus die, they don’t hallucinate about reincarnation. What we see is the truth of Christianity being preached by those that died and came back.

    Here are some testimonies:

  5. Ron says:

    NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES/HEAVEN & HELL TESTIMONIES ]▼ Near death experiences prove Christianity! We find testimonies of former atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus etc. claiming they died, went to the afterlife but were saved and brought back by Jesus Christ. There are countless testimonies just on YouTube alone and the people that ventured into the afterlife describe the Christian concept of life after death (heaven & hell). If NDE’s were open to interpretation, we would find testimonies of people saying that when they died, they met Allah or Muhammad or Buddha. But since we only find testimonies of people saying they were saved by Jesus, we have additional evidence that Christianity is the truth. When Muslims die, they don’t hallucinate about Allah and when Hindus die, they don’t hallucinate about reincarnation. What we see is the truth of Christianity being preached by those that died and came back.

    Here are some testimonies:

  6. Face_The_Truth says:


    That’s NOT true if one believes in Judaism, Christianism, Islam, and Mormonism.

    In Middle Eastern Semitic ideologies, women and men are NOT equal.

    In Middle Eastern Semitic ideologies, there is NO Goddess.

    In Middle Eastern Semitic ideologies, men can sell daughters to sexual slavery in other men’s houses!


    World’s Muslims believe that Allah lives in Saudi Arabia and, as we all know, Saudi Arabia is America’s most important ally in Middle East.

    World’s Muslims also believe that Allah is the most merciful and, as a result, beheading, raping and stoning non-believers of Allah and Allah’s final messenger are Allah’s earthly punishments for dis-belief and dis-obedience.

    Now, if a non-believer asks an Islamic female to verify whether Allah and Allah’s final messenger have ever hated any believing and obedient Islamic female, the Islamic female will certainly reply that Allah and Allah’s final messenger have never hated any Islamic female of any age who covered herself completely from the lustful eyes of non-relative males.


    Islamic females who believe in Allah and Allah’s final messenger believe that anything that goes against the Islamic commands of Allah and Allah’s final messenger is hate-crime.


    Well…that’s non-believers’ thinking about God.

    Faithful Muslims do not believe such non-sense!

    Islam’s founder Muhammad ibn Abd’Allah was a bastard by birth circumstance alone as Muhammad ibn Abd’Allah was born out of his mother being raped by an Arab bedouin long after his father died and as his biological mother did not re-marry at or before the time of birth.

    But, world’s faithful Muslims believe that Muhammad the Arabian bastard (i.e., Muhammad ibn Abd’Allah) was the perfect man Allah has ever created, whose earthly lifestyle should be replicated by other faithful Muslims till eternity, because Allah will NOT send another prophet to teach the correct behaviors that Allah always prefers!

    World’s faithful Muslims believe that, the earth is just a transitory place since the final destination for world’s all faithful Muslims is Islamic paradise!

    And, in order to reach Islamic paradise, world’s faithful Muslims are following Allah and Allah’s final messenger by massacring Jews and Christians now, because throughout the world Jews and Christians are NOT converting to Islam in a rapid pace as we speak.

  7. Walter Sieruk says:

    About the Quran . The jihad-minded Muslims who engage in suicide/homocide bombing attacks for the cause of Islam are doing this in their firm but blind and unquestioning faith that the Quran is true. So they behave accordingly ins the Quran instrust Sura 9:111. “The belevers fight in Allah’s cause they slay and are slain ,they kil and are killed..” The jihadists with their murderous bombings are so very deluded that they really believe in the Quranic doctrine /myth of a paradise with many virgins, houris, if they die in the jihad for Islam. as in Sura 44:54. 55:56.78:31. First ,the Bible forbids such naive faith is false doctrines as well people who gullibly “devote themselves to myths” First Timothy 1; 3,4. [N.I.V.] For such a baseless belief in a place with “virgins to wed” is against the teachings of Jesus, as In Matthew 22:29,30. Second, as explained in earler essays the Quran is full of contradictions and is therefore a hoax. For the Quran ,in the light of the Bible is a deceptive work of “the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:14.