Eminent people on Islam- Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824 – 1883)
Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883)
Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883) was the founder of the Arya Samaj. He was a Sanskrit scholar and also a scholar of the Vedas. He was the first to give the call for Swaraj (Independence) as “India for Indians”, opposing the British rule which continued till 1947 – in 1876, later taken up by Lokmanya Tilak (1856-1920)- the Father of Indian Unrest. Denouncing the idolatry and ritualistic worship prevalent in Hinduism at the time, he worked towards reviving Vedic ideologies. The freedom of thought given in the Hindu religion permits Hindus to be atheists, agnostics, idol-worshipers, opponents of idolatory, polytheists, monotheists or anything one wishes to be. Subsequently, the philosopher and President of India, S. Radhakrishnan (1888 – 1975), called him one of the “makers of Modern India,” as did Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950).
Those who were influenced by and followed Dayananda included Madam Cama, Pandit Lekh Ram, Pandit Guru Dutt Vidyarthi, Shyamji Krishna Varma (who established India House in England for Freedom fighters), Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (1883-1966), Lala Hardayal, Madan Lal Dhingra, Ram Prasad Bismil, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Swami Shraddhanand, Mahatma Hansraj, Lala Lajpat Rai (mostly all Indian freedom fighters) and others. One of his most influential works is the book Satyarth Prakash – first published in 1875, which contributed to the Indian Independence movement.
Swami Dayananda has commented on 159 Ayats of Holy Quran in the 14th Chapter of his book Satyarth Prakash (meaning Light of Truth, English translation by Dr. Chiranjiva Bhardwaj and published by Sarva Deshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, New Delhi, 1984, pp. 649-722).
Before commenting on Islam, he expressed his objectives as below :
“The object aimed at by this criticism is to contribute to the elevation of the human race and to enable all men to sift truth from falsehood by giving them some idea of the teachings of various prevalent religions, as this will afford them opportunities for friendly discussions so useful in helping men to point-out their defects and to appreciate their merits.”
“It is not our purpose to falsely condemn this or any other religion on the contrary what we aim at is that whatever is true should be recognized as such, and whatever is false should be condemned as such, so that no one should be in a position to palm off untruth for truth or hinder the progress of truth… We lay this criticism on the Mohammedan religion before all lovers of truth in the hope that they after having gone carefully through it, accept what appeals to their reason and common sense and discard what is repugnant to them.” (pp. 649-50)
Some of his comments on the main aspects of Islam are quoted below :
(i) “(I begin this book) In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful (Sura 1)
The Mohammedans claim that this Quran is the word of God, but it appears from the above passage that the author of this book was some person other than God, since had it been God Himself, He would not have said :-“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful”, He would have instead said: “I write this book for the instruction of mankind.” (p. 651)
“Had the God of the Quran been the Lord of all creatures, and been Merciful and Kind to all, He would never have commanded the Mohammedans to slaughter men of other faiths, and animals, etc. If He is Merciful, will He show mercy even to the sinners ? If the answer be given in the affirmative, it cannot be true, because further on it is said in the Quran “Put Infidels to sword”, in other words, he that does not believe in the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed, is an infidel (he should, therefore, be put to death). Since the Quran sanctions such cruelty to non-Mohammedans and innocent creatures such as cows, it can never be the Word of God.” (p. 652)
“Since the Mohammedans do not believe in the previous existence of the soul, nor that it ever did any deeds before, their God will be open to the charge of being partial by showing favour to some and disfavour to others inasmuch as it is quite unjust to bestow happiness on men or subject them to pain and suffering without paying any regard to their merits and demerits. It is also against the nature (of God) to unreasonably look at some with mercy and others with disdain and anger. Indeed He cannot act arbitrarily. When the souls have done no good or bad action in their previous lives, is it not unfair that some should receive blessings while the others not…Now this book, which is so full of partiality and favoritism (to some), cannot be the Word of God.” (pp. 652-53)
“Now what kind of justice, wisdom or righteousness is it that one should support one’s followers even though they perpetrate injustice? He, who causes breach of peace and Himself fights as well as helps others to do so, loots other people and yet calls the loot lawful, can never be Merciful and Compassionate. Leave alone God, such a thing can never be true even of a good man. Such things make it impossible for us to believe that the Quran is the Word of God.” (pp. 681-82)
“How did God send down the Quran? Does God live high up in the skies? If this be true, He cannot be God, being confined to a particular locality, for God is All-pervading, to carry or deliver messages is the function of a courier, and since God is confined to a particular locality, He must need to have one. And to keep an account (in dealings with others) becomes a man but no God Who is Omniscient. It follows from such statements of the Quran that it is the work of a human being, possessed of limited intelligence.” (p. 686)
“It is written in the Quran that one’s sins are forgiven by mere repentance. This encourages sin, since there is nothing to deter men from its commission. This book and its author, therefore, place a premium upon sin. Hence, it is clear that this book can not be the Work of God, nor can the Being described therein be Divine.” (p. 692)
“How funny! That a book like this should be regarded full of wisdom even though it teaches things opposed to science, such as the creation of the heavens without visible pillars to sustain them and the fixing of the mountains in the earth with a view to keep them immovable. Even persons who are a little bit educated cannot write such nonsense or believe in such balderdash. Again, how wise is the statement that the day is entangled with the night and night with the day! Everybody knows that day and night co-exist. The Quran cannot be a book of true knowledge, for this statement is absolutely foolish. It is not opposed to true knowledge to say that the ships run into the sea through the favour of God [eg. Quran 14:32, 17:66, 22:65, 30:46, 31:31, 36:41, 42:32, 45:12 etc] when in reality they are propelled by machinery and by sailors? Would not the sign of God (a ship) sink if it was made of iron or stone? Verily this book cannot have been written either by God or by a learned man.” (pp. 698-99)
God (Allah)
“Does God show His special mercy to those who do not deserve it? If He does, He works great mischief, for all men will become indifferent to the practice of virtue. No one will then lead a virtuous life and hate sin, since His mercy depends upon His (arbitrary) will and not upon one’s deeds.” (p. 661)
“Does your God punish the wicked and reward the virtuous, or does He show mercy to the Mohammadans and torture others? If the latter, He is not God. But if your God is not partial (to you), He will reward the virtuous and punish the wicked whatever religion they may profess. This being the case, the belief in the Quran and in Mohammad (as the prophet of God) becomes unnecessary. Why did God create Satan-the enemy of the human race, who has been tempting all mankind? Is He not cognizant of the future? If you say, He has created Satan just to try man, it cannot be right, because only one who is possessed of finite knowledge would do such a thing; while One who is Omniscient is already aware of the good or evil deeds of the soul.” “Now if Satan tempts all mankind, who tempted Satan? If it be said that Satan tempts himself, why could not others tempt themselves? Where is then the necessity of supposing Satan to be the tempter of all mankind? If God was the tempter of the Devil, He was more devilish than the Devil. But such a thing could not be said of God. Whosoever goes astray from the right path does so through evil company and ignorance.” (pp. 664-65)
“If God really aided the Mohammadans with three thousand angels in the past, why does He not help them now that their rule (in India and other countries, in the 19th century) has greatly declined and is still declining? The real object of this verse is to tempt the ignorant and thereby ensnare them into the Mohammadan religion.” (p. 671)
“Had not God loved disorder, why would he have prompted them (the Muslims) to fight and befriended the quarrelsome Mohammadans? Is God pleased with one only when he embraces the Mohammadan religion? If so, He is partial to the Mohammadans, He cannot, therefore, be the Lord of the Universe. This clearly shows that neither the Quran is the Word of God, nor is the God described therein the true God.” (p. 667)
“If God guides whom He pleases, He might he misleading others with whom he is not pleased. He alone can be called God and apta (true teacher) who impartially guides all.” (p. 669)
“Does not God act like a tyrant when He does not forgive those who deserve forgiveness and forgives those who are not worthy of being forgiven? The soul should not be held responsible for its actions, if God makes one virtuous or wicked just as He pleases, nor should the soul, therefore, be endowed with happiness or afflicted with pain and suffering just as a soldier if he kills a person under the direction of his superior officer is not held responsible for his act.” (p. 669)
“Why does God repay good deeds doubly if he would not do injustice even of the weight of a mote? Why is He so partial to the Mohammedans? He would be unjust indeed if He were to award the soul reward or punishment out of proportion to its deeds.” (p. 673)
“What proof is there that the Mohammedans will go to heaven and the non-Mohammedans to hell ? He is indeed a fine God! May such a God as deceives others and is deceived by them always keep away from us. Let him associate with those that are hypocrites and cheats, because “Birds of a feather flock together.” Why should not they whose God deceives others be themselves cheated? Can it be right for anyone to associate with a wicked Mohammedan and hate a good man who is other than a Mohammedan ?” (p. 675)
“The forgiveness of sin, is almost as bad as the sanction of its commission which encourages its further growth. A book whose teachings tend to encourage the commission of sin can neither be the Word of God, nor the work of an enlightened author. It is, on the contrary, one that promotes sinful conduct. It is true though that the prevention of the further commission of sin can be secured by one’s praying to God, repenting of his past conduct and by exerting himself to his utmost (to lead a virtuous life).” (p. 676)
“How destitute of compassion are God and his Prophet who order that the heads of the infidels should be cut off. Is such a God, as commands the faithful to put the infidels to sword, and sever their limbs (from their bodies) and aids them in this work, any better than Ravan, the cruel king of Ceylon [Sri Lanka]? This command is the invention of the author of the Quran and is not from God but if it be from Him, our earnest prayer is that such a God may remain at a respectable distance from us.” (p. 680)
“Does God favour the Mohammedans? If so, He is unjust because He is the Lord of all (and not of the Mohammedans only). Is your God deaf that He cannot hear you unless He is spoken to (aloud)? Is it not wrong to couple the name of the Prophet with His name? Where is God’s treasure that He should be so afraid of its being stolen? Is it right to steal (the wealth of) others barring that of God and His Prophet? Only the ignorant and the wicked can teach such things. Why is not that God, who deceives others and associates with the deceitful, hypocritical, cunning and wicked? Theses things lead one to infer that the Quran is not the Word of God. Its author must have been a hypocritical and deceitful person, otherwise such objectionable things would not have been found in it.” (p. 680)
“Now how can God be All-pervading if He lives near those who are in paradise? But if he is not All-pervading, He can neither be the Creator nor the Judge of the world. It is wrong to advise men to forsake their parents. Of course, one should not obey them if they advise one to do wrong, but all the same one should always serve them. If God was kind to the Mohammedans and sent down troops of angels to help them in the past, why does He not do so on? If He punished the unbelievers and “turned unto whom He pleased,” why does He not do the same at the present time? Could not God advance His faith without commanding His votaries to fight? We say good-bye to such a God! He is more of a showman than a God” (p. 682)
“Is God the monopoly of the Muslims only, and have others no claim on Him? And is He partial, that He reserves His mercy only for the Muslims, and denies it to others. If by Muslims He meant “the faithful,” they do not stand in need of guidance. If God does not furnish guidance to people other than the Mohammedans, His knowledge is of no use.” (p.684)
“If God forgives all sins, He leads the entire world to unrighteousness. He is also merciless, for if a wicked man is shown mercy and forgiven, he will commit more mischief and cause suffering to many a good men. Even if the slightest offense is left unpunished, the world will become full of sin. Is God resplendent like fire? Where is the page of destiny and who writes it? If God dispenses justice with the aid of prophets and witnesses, He must be of limited knowledge and power. If He is not unjust and dispenses uniform justice, He must be dealing with all people according to their deserts. Deeds must have been done either in the past birth or in the present one. It is, then, clearly unjust to forgive sins, to seal the hearts, to keep people in ignorance, to let the Devil tempt them, and to subject them to torture.”
Associating Prophet Mohammad with Allah
“Why does this verse inculcate faith in Mohammad along with that in God, when the Mohammadans profess to believe in none but God, and hold that none is worthy of sharing homage with Him? Hence they can not call God Incomparable. If it be argued that this verse only teaches that people should have faith in Mohammad as a Prophet, we should like to know where is the necessity of Mohammad (being regarded as a Prophet). If God cannot accomplish his desired object without making him His Prophet, he is certainly powerless.” (p. 672)
“Now (the Mohammadan) God Himself has made Mohammad His partner (in Divine honours, etc.) and has Himself declared this fact in the Quran. God is so much attached to Mohammad that He has made him His partner even in paradise. It is useless to call the Mohammadan God Independent when He is dependent upon Mohammad for every little thing. Such things can never be found in a revealed book.” (p. 672)
“This (Obey God and obey the apostle V. 93.) goes to show that God is not “One without a second,” hence it is absurd for the Mohammedans to believe that it is otherwise.” (p. 676)
“When the Quran bears witness to this that God gave the book of law to Moses, it is incumbent on the Mohammedans to believe in it. All the defects found therein will, therefore, be regarded as those of the Muslim religion itself. Again what is said about the miracles is absurd. The story of miracles seems to have been concocted with a view of play upon the credulity of simple and ignorant people. All things which are against the laws of nature are false. If miracles could be wrought in those days, why can’t they be done now-a-days? If no miracles can be worked now, it is certain that none were wrought in days gone by.” (p. 660)
“The true religion with God is Islam (III. 17).”
“Is God the Lord of the Mohammadans alone? Did not Divine religion exist at all thirteen hundred years back? It shows that the Quran is not the word of God, but of some bigot.” (p. 670)
“If every soul shall be paid what it has earned, its sins can not be forgiven. It will be unjust to forgive sins. If God gives power to the soul without its having done anything to deserve it, He will be guilty of injustice. Can one ever bring the dead out of the living and the living out of the dead, as the laws of God are unchangeable and inviolable.
“Is it not sheer prejudice to call those, who do not profess Islam infidels? That Being can not be God who teaches that the Mohammadans should not associate even with good people of other faiths, while they may take even the wicked Mohammadans for their friends. One is, therefore, fully justified in inferring that this Quran, its God and the Mohammadans are, therefore, groping in the dark. Now reader mark! How clever Mohammad is! He makes his God say in this verse that God will love those who follow Mohammad and even their sins will be forgiven. This shows that the heart of Mohammad was not pure. It appears that Mohammad (made or) had the Quran made in order to serve his selfish interests.” (p. 670)
“Now mark the prejudice of God and of His Prophet! Mohammad like other men of his stamp, was well aware that if he did not stamp his religion with divine authority it would never flourish, nor would he or his followers be able to obtain help and power which might help them to live a life of ease and luxury. All this goes to show that Mohammad knew only too well how to compass his selfish ends and to deprive others of their due-a fact which proves that he was no well-wisher of humanity. Such a man can never command the trust and confidence of good and enlightened men.” (p. 674)
“Who but the Mohammedan God would be so unjust in fighting and helping others to do the same and so active in causing breaches of peace? Now look at this religion, which sanctions wholesale robbery for the benefit of the Prophet! Are these people any better than thugs ? God participates in the crime of robbery when he takes his share of the loot. He brings disgrace on Himself by favouring such dacoits. We are at a loss to understand whence came such a book, such a God and such a Prophet in order to disturb the happy relations between different nations of the world and thereby, inflict great suffering on them. Had not such faiths flourished in the world, all would have lived in peace with each other.” (pp. 680-81)
Treatment to non-Muslims in Islam
“Where is the necessity of slaying others and of being slain on God’s path? Why do you not say plainly that all this is meant for accomplishing your selfish ends. You hold out this inducement to people that they may fight well and help you to gain victory over your enemies and to acquire wealth and power by looting others and thereby enable you to live in luxury and enjoy sensual pleasures.” (p. 664)
“Had not such teachings existed in the Quran, the Mohammadans would not have been so cruel to the non-Mohammadans. They have greatly sinned by slaughtering the innocent. They hold than one who does not believe in the Mohammadan religion is an infidel, and that it is better to put the infidels to sword. They have always lived up to their professions in this respect. They have lost their political supremacy while “fighting” for the cause of their God. This religion does indeed teach cruelty towards the non-Mohammadans. Should theft be punished with theft? Should we also break into the house of a person because he has stolen our property? Surely this is not right. If an ignorant man abuses us, shall we also abuse him in return? Such things can never be taught by God nor by one of His enlightened votaries, nor could they be found in His Word. They can only be the utterances of an ignorant and selfish man.” (p. 666)
“This is the height of prejudice. The Quran enjoins on its believers to kill the non-Mohammedans but to spare the Mohammedans. If they kill their co-religionists by mischance, they shall have to make amends for it by freeing a believer from slavery, but if they kill non-Mohammedans, even though it be through a mistake, they shall inherit Heaven.
“Such teachings deserves to be utterly discarded. Such a book, such a Prophet and such a religion do nothing but harm. The world would be better of without them. Wise men would do well to discard a religion so absurd… The Mohammedans say that one who kills a Mohammedan shall be condemned to a residence in hell... The fact is that all false creeds begotten of ignorance should be renounced, the Vedic religion deserving the allegiance of all-a religion which directs every human being to follow in the footsteps of the righteous and shun the path of the wicked.” (pp. 673-74)
“Mark this teaching, which, in defiance of all noble instinct, advocates the destruction of one’s very friends! God here teaches the Mohammedans to fight with their neighbours and slaves, to wage war against them and to slaughter them whenever they get a chance to. The Mohammedans have materially helped in spreading such ideas, taking their inspiration from this very book-the Quran. They should, in the present enlightened age, realize the evil nature of such a teaching and give it up. They would be gainers by doing so.” (p. 684)
Allurement of Paradise for Sensuous pleasures
“Now is it paradise or a brothel? Should we call such a Being (as described in the Quran) God or a libertine? No enlightened man can ever believe such a book to be the Word of God. Why does God show favoritism? Were the women that live in paradise born here (in this world) and then went there, or were they never born at all? If they went there from here, why where they allowed to enter paradise before their husbands? Why did God violate His law of judging all persons on the last day for the sake of those women? On the other hand, if they were born there, how can they control their passions? But if they have got their husbands with them, how will God manage to provide the faithful with women when they enter paradise? Why does He not keep also men forever there in paradise just as He keeps women? This goes to show the Mohammadan God is unjust and ignorant.” (pp. 669-70)
“Well! The Mohammedans cry that it is a sin to drink wine on this earth, but in their paradise streams of wine flow. It is good that Mohammedans have rendered some service to the cause of temperance here, but they have been more than compensated for this abstinence in paradise. So many women have been allotted to each man there, he would find it difficult to fix his affections on one. The place must be afflicted with maladies. If the dwellers have got bodies, they must die and if they have got no bodies, they cannot gratify their lust. What then is the use of a paradise? If you believe that Lot was a prophet, do you also believe what is recorded in the Bible that he begot children of his own daughters. If you do, it is foolish to regard such a person a prophet. If your God grants salvation to such persons and their associated He must also be like them. A being who recites ‘old wives’ tales and kills other people through prejudice cannot be God, for such a God can only live in a Mohammedan house and nowhere else.” (p. 704)
“If there are gardens and orchards in paradise as stated in the Quran, they neither have existed from eternity nor can they remain there for ever, for the things which result from the combination of elements, did not exist before that combination and will surely cease to exist after Dissolution. When these things will disappear from paradise, how can the dwellers live there forever? The very fact that the Arabs have been promised cushions, cushioned seats, pillows, fruits and drinks, proves that Arabia was not in affluent circumstances at the time the Muhammadan religion was founded. It was for this reason that Mohammad entrapped the poor people into his net by holding out of them such temptations.” (p. 705)
“Perpetual happiness cannot reign where women (of Paradise) are to be found. Where did these women come from? Are they dwellers of paradise or have they been imported? If they have been imported, they will surely go back and if they permanently dwell there, what were they doing before the day of resurrection? Were they idling away their lives? Now look at the resplendence of God Whom all the angels except Satan obeyed by paying homage to Adam; Satan alone held aloof. God said to Satan, “I have made him with both my hands, do thou, therefore, not be proud.” [Quran 38:75] This shows that the God of the Quran was two-handed person. He cannot, therefore, be Omnipresent and Omnipotent.
“Satan was right in saying that he was better than Adam. Why was the resentment of God excited at this? Is the house of God in the sky and not on earth? Why was Kaba at first called the house of God? How can God separate Himself from His Creation? All this creation belongs to the true God. This shows that the God of the Quran was a landlord in paradise. God cursed and rebuked Satan and sent him to jail. Satan said, “O Lord! Release me till the day of judgment.” God being not insensible to flattery complied with his request. When Satan was free, he said, “Now I will tempt people and raise the standard of rebellion.” God retorted, “Who-ever is tempted by you will be hurled into hell by me along with thee.”
“Gentle reader! Just consider whether God tempted him or he was tempted of his own accord. If God did it, He was a greater Devil of the two, and if Satan was tempted on his own accord, other people can also be tempted likewise. Where then is the need of Satan? In so far as God let the rebel Satan loose, He also was responsible for the mischief wrought by the fiend. Who can be more unjust than the being who instigates theft and then sits in judgment over the thief? (pp. 705-706)
Even young boys available in Paradise
“Of course it stands to reason that there should be youths in paradise when God has created virgins there. But we are told that the virgins in paradise are destined to be united to those male mortals who repair to paradise from this world. What about those male youths then who perpetually dwell in paradise? God has kept reticent as regards their marriage, will they also along with the virgins be surrendered to their candidate-mortals from this world? God has thrown no light on this point, and it must be regarded as a great omission on His part…So much regarding the Mohammadan paradise. As regards the Mohammadan Hell, its inmates will have to feed on (thohar) Euphobia nereifolia [This means that there are thorny trees in hell bearing thorns], and drink hot water. Such then are the sufferings they will be afflicted within Hell.”
Swami Dayananda Saraswati had characterized the Allah of the Quran as Muhammad’s domestic servant. He was very right when he did so.
When Shivaji Butchered Cow-killer in Islamic State – Might of Hindu Sword
Time : Sometime in 1640s
Place : Islamic State of Bijapur, India. (Consider ISIS territory of today)
An ordinary day in city.
Market is congested.
Butchers chatting with each other slaughtering goats, sheep and cows.
Skullcaps, beards and Hijabs everywhere.
Hindus passing by with heads hung down in fear.
Fear of being Hindu in Sharia run state.
Fear of Jaziya.
Fear of getting beaten up.
Fear of abduction.
Fear of rape.
Fear of getting beheaded.
Fear of desecrated temples.
Cows being cut in front of a temple.
To make Hindus feel insulted and destroyed.
To prove superiority of the best religion.
A butcher is dragging a cow to slaughter point.
Cow is helpless.
Tears in her eyes.
Her calf falls on ground seeing mother who will never come back.
Butcher’s eyes shining with pride of insulting filthy idol worshippers.
Cow surrenders.
Cow falls on ground. One last cry.
Loud, clear, motherly.
Could melt even heart of stones.
But hearts filled with fear and hatred never melt.
No one would listen. Except one young man.
He comes on a horse.
Face of innocence. Biceps and Chests of a mighty.
Stops at butcher’s place.
His eyes as red as Tilak on forehead.
And wet.
What happened next
“Who dragged the cow?” – the lion roars.
“Who are you?” – asks the butcher.
“Free the cow right now.”
“Who are you?” – shouts the butcher again.
“You have one last chance.”
“Who the hell are you to ask me? What can you do, filthy Kafir? I will kill your mother and eat it.” – butcher yells at youth.
10 butchers from shops around surround the man. Daggers in their hands.
“Am asking for last time.”- man warns.
“Who are you, Kafir!”. The butcher picks his dagger to stab cow in neck. Starts yelling- Allahu Akbar – in Halal Islamic way, ignoring man’s warning.
And then
And then, there is flesh and blood on ground all of a sudden.
No, it is not of cow.
The butcher has been butchered.
The warrior’s sword was unsheathed for a moment.
Cow is free as the hands holding her were no more joined from arms.
It was quick.
Quicker than the butcher’s halal.
Skullcap is displaced from butcher’s head. Now lying next to cut-hand on ground.
Warrior’s Tilak on forehead is covered with bloodspill.
Now butcher is moaning instead of cow.
The mob is stunned.
10 butchers surrounding the warrior turn into statues.
The warrior speaks who he is: “I am Gorakhshak.”
“No cow will be butchered here from now.”: he roars.
“But, we butcher cows everyday. This is Islamic State. How the hell can we not kill the cow?” – Butchers murmur gently as they slowly retreat. And shout as they run away when they feel they are at safe distance from the Hindu sword. “Astagfirullah!”
“Time has changed.”
The hero gets on to horse sheathing the blood soaked sword.
“The Sultan will get angry with you” – someone in the mob warns.
“Which Sultan?” – warrior disappears.
20 years later
The Hindu King walks the same road on horse with hundreds of soldiers following.
Same sword in hand.
Sword that freed helpless cow from the butcher 20 years ago.
But time has changed.
It was not Allahu Akbar chants anymore.
It was “Har Har Mahadev” this time.
It was no more Shiva this time. It was Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj this time.
Our pride. Our hero. Our inspiration.
No matter who gets angry.
Protect cow.
Protect innocents.
Protect humanity!
[Ron _the_Christian wrote:
Why believe in Jesus?
1) It was foretold in the Bible that he (Messiah) would be born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, do miracles, die and rise again. Plus, there are many more prophecies not mentioned here due to lack of space.]
In fact, the reality was completely other way around.
Christian scribes wrote the stories of Jesus Christ to fit the old fairy-tales (i.e., so-called “Prophecies”) of the Old Testament.
For further illustration, I can write a book myself falsifying the records of my young son’s actual birth circumstances just to claim that my young son was born exactly the way the Old Testament’s old “Prophecies” described the birth of a new Messiah!
But, unfortunately, people will call me a fraud for making up stories about my son just to fit the the Old Testament’s old fairy-tale “Prophecies”.
Moreover, “Jesus was born at Bethlehem!
Or was he?
It is one of the best known ‘facts’ of Christianity, on the strength of which the town of Bethlehem has developed a thriving [worldwide] tourist trade.
But is it true?
Was Jesus really born in Bethlehem?
Unfortunately, even the Christian scriptures disagree among themselves.
Matthew and Luke both say yes, while John (7: 41-2) and Mark (1:9 ; 6:1) give the impression of never even having heard of Jesus’ supposed birth at Bethlehem, but assume that his birthplace was Nazareth, a small town in the northern region of Galilee, at the opposite end of the country from Bethlehem.”
When we come to details, however, even Matthew and Luke part company.
For Matthew, Jesus is conceived and born in Bethlehem straight away.
Luke finds his parents in Nazareth at the time of his conception, and drags them to Bethlehem so that they may he counted in a census.
Even if we forget the fact that there was no census when Jesus is supposed to have been born, the story does NOT make sense.
Firstly, neither Nazareth nor Bethlehem was under Roman jurisdiction in 1 A.D.
Secondly, unlike Joseph, Mary did NOT belong to Bethlehem and there was NO reason for her to travel to that town all the way from Nazareth, particularly in a state of advanced pregnancy.
The only reason for Bethlehem being presented as Jesus’ place of birth is the prophecy in the Old Testament (Micah 5:2) that the Messiah will be born in that place!
Joan Taylor, a historian from New Zealand, has shown in the book ‘Christians and the Holy Places’ [Oxford University Press, 1993] that the Nativity Church at Bethlehem was built after demolishing the Pagan temple of an ancient God, Tammuz-Adonis.
As Dr. Michael Thomas Walter Arnheim’s book ‘Is Christianity True?’ (1984) shows, the Christians claim to Bethlehem was a fraud from the very beginning.”
“There is NO historical validation of King Herod’s supposed slaughter of Jewish children at the time of Jesus’s alleged birth…”
“Jesus’s ancestry is illogically tied back to Jewish King David through Jesus’s father Joseph…”
“Nazareth fares NO better as the place of Jesus’s birth.
There is NO positive proof that this place existed at the time when Jesus is supposed
to have been born.
It does not occur in any Roman maps, records or documents relating to that time.
It is NOT mentioned in the Jewish Talmud.
It is NOT associated with Jesus in any of the writings of Paul.
Josephus who commanded troops in Galilee does NOT mention it.
It appears for the first time in Jewish records of the seventh century.
Scholars of the subject think that Nazareth was brought into existence and became hallowed simply because of a mistake in translating the term “Nazarene” found in the Greek versions of the two Gospels as well as in the Jewish literature of that time.
The word denoted a Jewish sect [Nazarene] to which Jesus is supposed to have belonged.
But in Latin and other translations ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ became ‘Jesus of Nazareth’.
New translations of the Gospels have corrected the mistake, but retained the [false] story unchanged.”
So, history proves again and again that Christianity was (is) the biggest lie perpetrated on humanity by Christian liars of all ages.
But, it’s totally useless talking to Ron_the_Christian, because truth doesn’t matter to congenital Christian liars of any age!
@Ali Sina
Here are some Questions raised by Rishi Dayanana in his book Light of Truth.
1. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (1:1, 2.)
C.* ~ What do you call the beginning?>
Christian. ~ The first creation of the world.
C. ~ Is this the first creation? Was the world never created before?
Ch. ~ We do not know whether it was created before or not. God alone knows that.
C. ~ When you do not know that, why should you believe in this book (i.e., the Bible) which cannot enlighten you on these points and pinning your faith to it, preach it to others and thereby ensnare them into this religion which is do full of doubts. Why don’t you embrace the Vedic religion which is free from all doubts and enlightens one on all points. When you do not understand the world created by God – His handiwork, hoe can you then know God?
C. ~ What do you understand by the term heaven?
Ch. ~ The empty space and what is above.
C. ~ How was this empty space created? Besides, it is all-pervading and very subtle and uniform both above and below.
*In this chapter as well as in the next stands for the author. _Tr.
PAGE 590
C. Did space exist or not before the heaven was created? If it did not, wherein did God, the cause of the universe, and the souls live? Nothing can exist without space, but your Bible says that it was created, hence this statement can never be true. Is God inharmonious? Do His knowledge and works lack harmony, or is He as well as His knowledge and works harmonious?
Ch. ~ Harmonious.
C. ~ Why is it then recorded here that the earth created by God was misshapen or without form?
Ch. ~ The term without form means uneven, i.e., the earth was not then even.
C. ~ Who mad it even then? Is it not even now uneven? God’s work can never lack harmony or be ill-shapen (without form). He being All-knowing, His works are always free from error or faults but the Bible teaches that the earth created by God was without form, hence this books can never be the work of God. First tell us pray what you think the Spirit of God is.
Ch. ~ He is a Conscious Being.
C. ~ Is he Formless or embodied, All-pervading or localized?
Ch. ~ He is Formless, Conscious and All-pervading but, He is more particularly present in such places as the Mount Sinai and fourth heaven.
C. ~ If He be formless who could have then seen Him? What is All-pervading could not move on the face of waters? It only (goes to) show, that His body must have been in some other place or He must have let a piece of His Spirit move ‘on the face of the waters’, but in that case He could never be All-pervading and All-knowing and consequently could not create, sustain and support the world, reduce it to its elementary condition, nor could He award the souls just reward or punishment for their deeds -good or bad-, because one who is localized or circumscribed by nature must have his powers and actions also limited.
Such being the case He can never be God but He has been described in the Vedas, as All-pervading, possessed of Infinite nature, attributes, and powers, Truly Conscious and All-Blissful, Eternal, Holy, All-wise and Free by nature, Beginningless and Endless, and so on. Faith in such a God alone will save you.
PAGE 591
2. “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness.” (1:3,4)
C. ~ Was the dead inert light able to hear what God said? If so, why cannot the sun, the lamp and the light of fire hear us. The light is dead and inert and therefore cannot hear anyone. Did God only, after he had seen the light, know that the light was good? It appears that He did not know it beforehand he could not have been God. Hence the Bible is not the Word of God, nor is God mentioned in it an Omniscient Being.
3. “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. And God made the firmament, from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.” (1:6, 7, 8.)
C. ~ Did the firmament and the waters also hear what God said? Had there been no akasha* in water, where would it have existed. The creation of the heaven is mentioned in the first verse (of Genesis), it was useless the to create it again. If akasha be the Heaven it would also be everywhere. It is useless then to say that the heaven is situated somewhere above. How could there be the morning and the evening when the sun had not yet been created? The succeeding verses also treat of such impossible things.
4. “And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness: so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; make and female created He them. And God blessed them. (1:26, 27, 28.)
C. ~ If God made man in his own image, why is not man then All-holy, All-knowledge and All-bliss, etc., like God in nature?
*The word firmament is translated into Akasha in the Sanskrit and Bhasha versions of the Bible. Now akdasha is held by Sanskrit philosophers to be an All-pervading subtle ether-like substance which fills all things in the universe, hence this objection. -Tr.
PAGE 592
This shows that man was not made in the image of God. Now man was created, and being in the image of God and after His likeness it follows as a natural consequences that His nature is also creatable hence he cannot be eternal. Besides, what did He create the man out of?
Ch. – Out of the dust (of the ground).
C. ~ What did he create the dust out of?
Ch. – Out of his power
C. ~ Is his power beginningless or has it a beginning?
Ch.- It is beginningless.
C. ~ It is clear that His power being beginningless, the cause of the (material) world is also beginningless. Why do you, then, believe that something came out of nothing?
Ch. – Nothing but God existed before the beginning of creation.
C. ~ Where did this world come from ?
Is the power of God a substance or an attribute? If it be a substance, there was then something besides God (before the creation of the world). On the other hand, if it be an attribute, as not substance can come out of an attribute (the world could not have been produced out of it), as for instance, fire cannot proceed from light nor water from fluidity. Had God been the Material cause of the World, the latter would have possessed all the attributes, nature, and characteristics of God but such being not the case, it is certain that it was not produced out of God but out of the Material cause, the primordial matter in atomic condition.
If behoves you therefore to believe that God is the Efficient Cause of the Universe as is recorded in the Vedas and other true Shaastras. If, as held by the Christians, Adam’s inward nature be that of the soul and his outward (appearance) that of man, why is not God’s nature the same, because since Adam was made in the image of God the latter must necessarily be like Adam.
5.”And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man because a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” (2:7 – 9.)
How does any of the things mentioned by you prove crustianity is true?
IF NDEs prove that jeebusianity is true, then there are NDEs which show the contrary s well.
Jesus told me to convert to Islam – YouTube
Do you believe in this Ron? If NO why not?
This one video is enough to prove that all NDEs are nothing about hallucinations people have about one’s own deep unconscious convictions. You claim that many so called muslims, Hindus etc. have seen mamzer jeebus in NDEs…Really? Lets assume this is true. Even then it is simply hallucinations of people with deeply help unconscious convictions. Just because one thinks he is Hindu, or muslim he does not become one. His unconscious convictions may be in reality christianity. So they hallucinate these things.
Why do pigmies or amazon tribal people who are not exposed to christian lies do not see this cartton character called mamzer jeebus? simple…because they do not know this imaginary character.
if this mamzer jeebus character were true and NDEs were true, there should be lots of NDEs recorded all through history in different cultures, where this mamzer jeebus appeared in NDEs all over the world and informed them that jeebus is God and that he appeared in some remote corner called Bethleham. But is there any such record in history over all world cutures about mamzer jeebus appearing in different cultures? OBVIOUSLY NO…If there is such a record all over history in different cultures (without having heard about gospels and mamzer jeebus), where mamzer jeebus appeared in NDEs, then we can reasonably assume that mamzer jeebus is a real entity.
But since there is none in history (obviously NOT significant enough to mention in history), we can safely assume that the entire claim of NDEs and mamzer jeebus is mere modern phenomenon. Why so many occurrences in modern times? The obvious reason is many of these claims are promoted and advertised by christian missionaries to trap gullible idiots, like the one here namely ali sina.
Here is another proof that a satire is advertised all over internet as a real NDE experience by many
evangelist websites.
Did an ISIS Beheader Convert to Christianity After His Near Death Experience?!
Although a missing source is proof enough that the story is fabricated, the reporting news site isn’t a news site at all.
World News Daily Report’s disclaimer reads:
World News Daily Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within worldnewsdailyreport.com are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction.
Now despite your so called evidences, LOGIC stands on its own strength.
Why would an almighty GOd kill Himself in order to convince Himself to forgive His own creation? It does not take a “genius” to understand that this is very very STUPID belief. Since core belief of christianity is patently absurd, ridiculous and illogical, it cannot be considered as truth.
Second, the entire idea of virgin birth with 9 months pregnancy is obviously created to fool public and create a supernatural image about mamzer jeebus and hide his adulterous birth. Two of the 4 gospels only mention his virgin birth, and they are are later gospels. These later gospels also mention that adulterous mary was 9 months pregnant and old joseph wanted to divorce her for adultery. Clearly, the entire story is contrived and imagined later. Only human sperm can make a woman 9 months pregnant. Why would God make make mamzer jeebus’ birth appear as adultery with 9 months pregnancy as if from human sperm? If it was really a miracle, this God could have made jeebus born in one day? That would have settled all doubts to those who have seen it as something very very extra-ordinary? Why would God not do such a thing to settle all doubts and instead make mamzer jeebus born through 9 months pregnancy? Why on Earth Joseph was not informed before hand by God about impending pregnancy? All these show that the entire “virgin birth” story is PURE LIES SPINNED by scoundrel church leaders of that time.
Now the grad question is why would God be born through adulterous sexuall union with Mary as a mamzer?
Logic stand on its own strength. Neither Ron nor any of the christian in the world, including adultery born mamzer jeebus can explain his birth. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT CHRISTIANITY AND MAMZER JEEBUS ARE DEMONIC FALSEHOODS SPREAD BY A DEMONS. NO MATTER HOW MUCH LIES CHRISTIANS SPREAD, IT IS STILL DEMONIC LIES ONLY.
Why believe in Jesus?
1) It was foretold in the Bible that he (Messiah) would be born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, do miracles, die and rise again. Plus, there are many more prophecies not mentioned here due to lack of space.
2) Almost 4.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion believe in one or some of the points of Jesus i.e. he is Son of God, Prophet or Holy one of God, Divine or Incarnation of God etc.
3) The Bible is the largest selling book in the world since Printing Presses were invented.
4) Jesus’ life story, ministry and words in the New Testament (part of the Bible) is the largest selling and the largest translated book in the world and also in most countries.
5) The Bible alone sells more than all other religious scriptures combined every year.
6) More books have been written about Jesus than of any other historical personality in the world.
7) The Bible is the highest downloaded book in the whole world.
8) The Bible sells more every year than in the year before right since the invention of the printing press.
9) The Bible and the New Testament continue to be translated in other scripted languages.
10) The Bible was banned in USSR (for 70 yrs.) and China (still banned) and yet is still the largest selling book in Russia and China.
11) Bible is the only religious scripture taken and read on the moon, space ships etc.
12) Bible is the only religious scripture available in English Braille and in other languages of Braille.
13) The Bible is available in audio, video and other electronic formats and still sells more than other religious scripture or atheistic narratives.
14) Majority of NDE cases have reported encounter with Jesus in Heaven (Many of them were non-Christians)
15) Most charity in the world is done by Christians (Majority of charity receivers are
16) Most first adoptions (first child adoption) is done by Christians. (Muslims do the least adoptions)
17) Most second adoptions (second Child adoption) is done overwhelmingly the Christians.
18) Eighty percent of fostering of children world wide is done by Christians.
19) Ninety percent of leprosy homes in the world even in non-Christian countries is run by Christians (though the inmates/patients are overwhelmingly non-Christian)
20) Ninety percent of the AIDS homes all over the world are run by Christians. (though the inmates/patients are overwhelmingly non-Christian)
21) Seventy percent of the orphanages in the world are run by Christians.
22) Seventy percent of the free hospitals in the world are run by Christians.
23) If you are from the third world and have received free vaccinations for polio, small pox, TB etc then be grateful it was donated by Christians.
24.) Eradication of leprosy (rampant in the non-Christian world specially in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Burma where the inmates are non-Christians) has been taken up Christian NGOs.
25) The AIDS homes in the third world countries have been started only Christian NGO’s and other religions have not even tried to do it.
25) Christians have founded
Red Cross,
Leprosy missions,
World vision,
Salvation Army,
Alcoholics Anonymous
Amnesty International
26.One of the largest international literacy organisations in the world, SIL International, brings literacy to thousands of the world’s poorest language communities. No other organisation has had anywhere near the impact SIL has on world literacy in minority groups. “Without doubt, SIL is the world’s leading agency doing literacy work among minority peoples.” Dr. H. S. Bhola, Professor of Education Indiana University.
27. Kindernothilfe (KNH) is a charity organization and was founded in 1959 by a group of Christians in Duisburg, Germany, in order to help needy children in India. Over time, it has become one of the largest Christian organizations in Europe for children’s aid.
Today it supports more than 580,000 children and young people in 28 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. KNH aims to give needy children in the poorest countries of the world a chance to a good start in life.
28. Tiny Hands International (THI) is a Christian nonprofit organization dedicated to helping orphaned and abandoned children and fighting sex trafficking in South Asia. Tiny Hands operates through national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Nepal, Bangladesh, and India.
Most of the people who react unfavourably to this post will be non-Christians who knowingly or unknowingly are full of hate for Christ and Christians.
But we have to follow Christ.and know that we cannot win Muslims by hate, we can only win them by love of Christ. Also there will be non-Christians who will spew venom but we can only win them by love of Christ.
They may not believe in Christ and may hate Christ and at the same time deny Christ existed or call Him evil but we should know that Christ loves them.
If the purpose of Swami Dayanand’s criticism of the Quran (http://www.vjsingh.info/koran.html) on this site is to encourage Muslims to abandon Islam, then I wonder why his criticism of the Bible (http://www.vjsingh.info/bible.html)did not deter Dr Ali from converting to Christianity?
Swamiji says, in studying the system of philosophy one must adopt a discipline of impartiality and sobriety.
He is impartial because he laid criticism to all false dogmas and to point only one and not the others is a grave injustice.
Swami Dayanand’s Satyartha Prakasha – http://www.vjsingh.info/books.html
Poor Ron,
No matter what nonsense you write about Hinduism or Hindus (caste or any other subject), you cannot argue against the fact that your Jesus was born through adultery of Mary. Now why would any so called “god” would be born through adultery? It is clearly known through gospels that adulterous mary carried mamzer jeebus for 9 months. Only human sperm will lead to such pregnancies. Poor old joseph wanted to divorce adulterous mary for her adultery showing he did not make adulterous mary pregnant. did your demonic bible “god” ejaculate his sperm into mary to call the son Jesus as his son?
Second, why would any god kill himself in order to convince himself to forgive his own creation? Would a judge kill and torture himself in order to convince himself not to punish criminals? If a judge does this, he would be called a mentally retarded and promptly sent to an asylum. Now why would anyone with minuscule amount of sanity believe that “God” would kill himself and torture himself to forgive his own creation when “God” is the sole judge and executor? No matter how much you dance around this nonsense christian belief, you cannot prove it to be a logical belief. Christianity is pure nonsense inspired by purely demonic entity.
Jesus’ adulterous birth itself shows that Jesus was possessed by a demon or is a demon. Demons are born through adultery as their nature is that of garbage and refuse. Even your demonic bible confirms with the title “morning star” that Jesus is none other than satan.
A.H. Says:
It is a book about the economy of salvation.
What kind of God forgets the merit of knowledge and gives salvation to blind believers? In other words, your bible is nothing but a book of blind beliefs, devoid of any knowledge, which gives only “hopes” about unseen future. Quran is also about “economy of salvation” with hopes about unseen future…Both books are demonic lies…
The “holy” Bible is full of horse-crap borrowed from Jews in order to destroy, maim, murder and rape Pagans and to take everything away from Pagans.
Biblical God Jehovah is a scoundrel par excellence!
Christians believe that, if a LIE is always repeated, the LIE becomes “Universal Truth”.
Christian churches were built on destroyed Pagan temples as Muslims built mosques on destroyed Christian churches and “Hindu” temples throughout our known history.
“According to Swami Dayanand
Test of truth
Five Tests of true religion”
As you know a christian makes a distinction between Religion and Faith. He believes that Religion is man-made and that Faith is a gift from God. In a Religion man becomes a seeker, a philosopher to reach the state of enlightenment. But a man can err, how can he be sure. The mindset of a christian is different, it is the other way round, he believes that God calls (seeks) men. The bible is not a book to achieve knowledge about history or science. It is a book about the economy of salvation. A christian does not believe that he can be saved through Religion, but hopes that in the end he will be saved by God, through His grace. However, this does not mean that there is an opposition between faith and reason.
So, get OUT of India and go preach your favorite teachings from the dead Jew on the Cross to your Muslim brothers and Muslim sisters in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Islamic Republic of Iran.
Indian “Hindus” needn’t worship the dead Jew on the Cross.
A living-breathing Jew really, truly and horribly $ucks and your dead Jew on the Cross is an obnoxious $ucker, to say the least.
This message is for Ron_The_Christian:
Get your Christianity out of India and go preach your Jesus Christ in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
After all, Christians like yourself created “Pakistan” by collaborating with Indian Muslims in 1947 A.D. by murdering millions of Indian “Hindus”.
Unfortunately today, most Indian “Hindus” do not know the true histories of Christianity and Islam and most “Hindus” ignorantly believe that Muslims and Christians believe in the same God as “Hindus” do.
Lack of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and Islam cost Indian “Hindus” a lot in the past; but, it doesn’t have to be that way now.
Go preach your Jesus Christ in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
World’s Muslims will **** Christians like you very well.
Christians do not say that the world is 6000 years old. In fact, nowhere in the Bible does it say about the age of the earth.
There are many Christians who do believe in a young earth and there is scientific evidence for it.
There are many Christians who believe in an older earth.
Since the fall of the Adam and Eve, what is to be noted is that we have not yet discovered a full homo sapiens skeleton more than 12000 years old. This is consistent with some Christian beliefs that after the fall of Adam and Even, Adam and all humans had to toil on earth and then multiplied and so the homo sapiens could not have lived a million years but a few thousand years.
This speculation does not in any way negate the divinity and holiness of Christ.
The Quran is for muslims to blasphemy God. You want to know who is Allah, I can show you.
Satan sent diseases to Job. Job 2:7.
Satan is sending diseases to humans. Quran 2:10.
Stupid fools are saying there is no God but Satan. Psalms 14:1.
[Truth Seeker says in #1:
“It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.”]
But, world’s Muslims, Christians and Jews believe that our earth is only several thousand years old.
Muslims, Christians and Jews believe that scientists’ “bluff” about the Jurassic Age (from 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago) cannot be true.
Christian churches preach that the science of evolution is the ultimate hoax to deny the existence and “divine” commands of Biblical God (i.e., Jehovah).
I have read ‘Satyarth Prakash’ and I can vouch for it. It is a key to the ultimate knowledge treasure chest.
According to Swami Dayanand
Test of truth
Five Tests of true religion
1. It (revelation) must exist in its entirety from the very beginning of creation for all of mankind, and not over a long period of time after.
Oppose – It is unjust of Yahwe, Allah and Christ, to deprive millions born before the revelation of the Ten Commandments, the Q’uran, and the New Testament of His ‘divine wisdom’. An injustice which cannot be the work of a Just, Compassionate and Merciful God.
2 It must conform with (immutable) natural laws
Oppose – The cause of the physical body is the reproductive element – any other method as man was
created from dust or blood-clot and all other miracles of God and Prophets are a breach to this law.
3 It must be in harmony with reasoning.
Oppose – Incest which results in mental and physical infirmities, is an immoral action and it had to be the same also in the beginning (creation of one man and one woman).
4 It must be in harmony with science.
Oppose – Modern science has proven creation to be more than 6,000 years old, the earth is spherical and it rotates and revolves, contradictions to the Torah, Bible and Q’uran.
5 Its truth must be confirmed by four evidences :-
Direct Cognition – Not all that is known by perception can be true.
Inferences – God is eternal therefore we can infer that there were past creations and as well as there will be future ones.
Testimony – The testimonies of Rishis, sages and seers of the Vedas (altruistic teachers are all in harmony with each other.
History – There are many books (Mahabharata, Valmiki’s Ramayan) and source of other civilization which speak of the past ancient Vedic (Aryan) civilization of 5,000 years ago and earlier.
@Ali Sina
Swami Dayananad was greatest scholar born in last 2000 years. Ali Sina you must read his book.
Well, Muslims will decapitate Christian priests and rape Christian nuns and, then, all Christians will declare that, there is no God, but Allāh and Muhammad was Allāh’s final messenger!
Jesus is the only way to God. John 14:6. All muslims cannot pray and worship God.
Yet, world’s Muslims believe that al’Quran is from Allāh and Allāh lives in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia is the most ally of American govt. in Middle East.
The Quran isn’t word of God, Allah don’t know when is the day of Judgement.