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A Good Reason to Leave Islam

8/8/2013 Introductory Remarks The history of Religion is probably parallel to the history of man; they came to existence together and may disappear together. As humans became more sophisticated, they...

EDL: The Last Men Standing

Today, I read a piece by Dr. Tim Stanley (a historian) on Daily Telegraph that amazed me of the depth of ignorance of some westerners about Islam. In this article...

The decreasing freedom of free-speech.

Jake Neumann and Jon MC Introduction. In this article British writer Jon MC and American commentator and writer Jake Neumann explore some issues surrounding free-speech at present (2013). For those...

The Battle of Badr: Islam at its Best

Abu Sufyan was a careful leader. He knew what was on stake and how rich the caravan was. His strategy was to send spies to explore the roads ahead and screen them for gangs who might be tempted to raid the caravan. Indeed, the news came that there was a huge gang, an army in fact, under the command of Mohammed, waiting to ambush the caravan at the place called Badr. Abu Sufyan diverted the caravan to an alternative route that went towards Yanbu’, at the red sea coast. At the same time, he sent to Mecca to alert them that Mohammed and his gang were planning to ambush the caravan.

The Battle

Terrorist Nidal Hasan’s Unending Jihad

So what radicalized an otherwise intellectually brilliant student who had so much to offer his native country? One answer is certainly his Mosque attendance while a student in Hamburg. He chose to worship at the Jerusalem Mosque notoriously famous for being led by a fiery Imam who never ceased hurling curses and imprecations at the Infidels. I can only conclude that ‘Atta’s conscious and subconscious mind became saturated with that fire and brimstone preaching of the radical cleric. He now had justification from his spiritual leader to go on a jihad and do something great for Allah. His aim became to murder as many Infidels as possible.

No International Reaction to Massacre of 88 in Iran

We, all freedom-loving people, expect from this tribunal to release an official list of victims and perpetrators. Such a tribunal should not have much trouble forming the lists if political and economic interests of key powers would not dam it. The damage caused in the infamous genocide to the humanity must be handled in a fair and transparent court. To neglect such genocides cannot juggle the superpowers to secure credibility for their own people and peace for the world.

The Qur’an was written by Aliens – II

7/28/2013 This is a continuation of Part I of this series … Earth’s rotation is explained by Qur’an 27:88 and 7:54 According to the site the Earth’s rotation is...

Muslims and Dreams

Being itself a collection of myths, it comes as a no surprise that the Quran endorses various kinds of of myths and folk tales. The existence of Jinn, Angels, the Jinx, the belief in magic and the random interpretation of dreams are only some of those fables endorsed by the Quran.

Iranian but not Muslim

Because of my appearance, name, and my lineage I have no complexes. Embarrassing to me is that despite my non-Muslim beliefs, the same people always ask if I am Muslim. To clarify: in totalitarian countries such as Iran, there are no correct statistics, with the help of which can be found, what percentage of the population have any convictions.

Living in the Dark Ages

7/4/2013 I can not be the only one who feels that we live in a very special time of human history. Our generation came to existence as the human civilization...

Can Muslims Reject Hadith?

6/29/2013 Introduction A Hadith is a saying or an act or tacit approval or disapproval in a valid or invalid manner by Prophet Muhammad. Great classical Islamic scholars have compiled...

Syndrome of Iranians’ Submission to Islam

Syndrome of Iranians’ Submission to Islam

Unsaid explanations left many generations of the people in Iran in their long puzzlement of submission to Islam. Although, after the freedom of Iran from the two-century occupation of the Muslim horde Iran became free, people did not restore their previous religion and culture, but remained faithful to Islam.

The reasons of this attitude remained long time a taboo until thanks to the plague of the Islamic regime, inner calls of the new generations finally slipped through approval of the facts. The obvious reasons of attitude are no longer unnoticed, a revolution of collective awareness in Iran. Among other socioeconomic factors, a psychological factor called Stockholm syndrome is one of the hypothetical factors.

The Struggle to Stop the Islamization of Turkey

Alewi intellectuals, who had gathered at a hotel in Sivas, died in a fire that engulfed the place, believed to have been caused by arsonists. This incident has become an integral part of the collective memory of Alewis.

The second group is the Kemalists. They maintain a deep reverence for the memory of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Jihad on Egypt’s Christian Children

6/14/2013 SOURCE “It is part of a ‘war of attrition’ on the Copts in their own homeland.” — Adel Guindy, President, Coptic Solidarity Attacks on Christian children in Egypt are...


“The disbelievers will long to get out of the fire, but never will they get out there from; theirs will be an enduring torture.”

“Those damn Jews,” somebody muttered.

The Power of Faith

Hi Ali Sina, I had a correspondence with you I believe a couple of weeks ago, and you subsequently published my email on your website. I have been digging deep...

Reflections on the Month of Ramadan

6/7/2013 This article was posted on the Arabic-language reformist/Liberal online journal, Al-Awan (Kairos), on 29 August, 2010. It was authored by Sa’eed Nasheed, a Moroccan intellectual whose articles appear frequently...

Campaign to Redefine Jihad

6/1/2013    SOURCE Arabic and western news agencies are reporting a new campaign by U.S. Muslim activists to redefine the word “jihad,” which, they say, “has been distorted at the hands...

Sarsur: An Israeli Muslim Living up to His Name

Sarsur also spoke against Israel when it attacked Gaza strip to defend itself from Islamists rockets. He likened Israel to the Nazis. For those who do not know, Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East. Sarsur also spoke highly and praised Hezbollah; a terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran. He also spoke of an Islamic Khilafat with Jerusalem as its Capital. In short, the man is an Islamic supremacist.

“Islamic civilization” – the biggest lie known to mankind

I can say with confidence that the only civilization attributed to religion is the so-called “Islamic civilization”. Other civilizations do not base themselves on religion. We do not hear about the “Christian civilization”, the “Jewish civilization” or the “Buddhist civilization”.