Barbaric Teachings in the Quran
1. Human Slavery
“Allah puts forward the example (of two men a believer and a disbeliever); a slave (disbeliever) under the possession of another, he has no power of any sort, and (the other), a man (believer) on whom We have bestowed a good provision from Us, and He spends thereof secretly and openly. Can they be equal? (By no means, not). All the praises and thanks be to Allah. Nay! (But) most of them know not.” (Quran 16.75)
This is one of the clearest instances where the institution of slavery is justified in the Quran as a divine teaching by the God of Islam.
“And He (Allah) brought those of the People of the Scripture (i.e., Banu Qurayza) who supported them (i.e., the Quraysh) down from their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some (adult males) ye slew, and ye made captive some (women and children) “ (Quran 33.26)
Even the prophet of Islam kept slaves.
“I came and behold, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) was staying on a Mashroba (attic room) and a black slave of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) was at the top if its stairs…” (Sahih Bukhari 7263)
“Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha…”
(Sahih Bukhari 6161)
2. Women are objects that can be easily transferred from one man to another
“Amongst the captives was Safiya. First she was given to Dihya Al-Kalbi and then to the Prophet.” (Sahih Bukhari 2228)
“Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) got her [Safiyyah] in exchange of seven heads…” (Sahih Muslim 1365e)
Is it right to exchange women like we exchange goods in a store?
3. Taking Females Captive and Raping them (Sex Slavery)
By command of Allah, in battles and raids, the Muslims will kill the men and take their wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, and children captive.
- The captive females will be raped.
- Some captive females will be kept for sex and labor.
- Some captive females will be sold to others who will use them for sex and labor.
- Some captive females will be forced to marry the Muslims (captors), the very man who killed their husband and/or father.
- The captive children males will be used for labor (child slavery).
“Sa`d said, ‘I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners.” The Prophet (ﷺ) then remarked, “O Sa`d! You have judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah.’ “ (Sahih Bukhari 3043)
“Also forbidden are married women, except those who have passed into your hands as prisoners of war…” (Quran 4.24)
“Except with their spouses and slave-girls. The practice of carnal relations is lawful with them.” (Quran 23.6)
“O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war.” (Quran 33.50)
A Muslim man can have sex with his wives and females taken captive (slaves). To have sex with females who are taken by force (captives) is sex slavery, rape.
“Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad).” (Quran 2.223)
A Muslim man can have sex with his women (wives and slaves) at will. No consent is required from the women.
“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts). Except with their wives and the (women slaves and captives) whom their right hand possess, –for (then) they are not to be blamed.” (Quran 70.29-30)
Wives and females taken captive do not need to cover their private parts, because a Muslim man can have sexual relations with them.
“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Quran 24.32)
This sanctions marriages of slaves to owners, the slaves have no choice.
“Muhammad selected Safiyyah because of her beauty, made her his wife and gave a banquet at the wedding; then he had sex with Saffiyah at Sa`d-AsSahba..” (Sahih Bukhari 4.52.143)
The prophet of Islam was 57 years old when he took the 17-year-old Safiyyah captive after killing her husband, father, and other family members.
4. The God and Prophet of Islam Commanded Rape
In the below statements, the Muslims are asking the Prophet of Islam, whether they should inject the females who are being raped, with semen or not. In case they become pregnant. The Prophet says to inject them and if they become pregnant then it’s the will of Allah. The women are also being raped in front of their husbands.
“That during the battle with Bani Al-Mustaliq they (Muslims) captured some females and intended to have sexual relation with them without impregnating them. So, they asked the Prophet about coitus interrupt us. The Prophet said, “It is better that you should not do it [no coitus interrupt], for Allah has written whom He is going to create till the Day of Resurrection.” Qaza’a said, “I heard Abu Sa`id saying that the Prophet said, ‘No soul is ordained to be created but Allah will create it.” (Sahih Bukhari 7409)
“We went out with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing ‘azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). But we said. We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said. It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born ” (Sahih Muslim 1438a)
“The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse. (Sura 4.24) “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.” (Abu Dawud 2155, also Sahih Muslim 1456d)
5. Intolerance for other Religions
If anyone tells you that Islam is a tolerant religion, they are simply lying. In Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. There are no churches or temples, and the non-Muslims are not allowed to practice their religion, nor do they have equal rights. This is called intolerance, racism, extremism, inhumane, and inequality. Does any Muslim protest about intolerance and injustice in Saudi Arabia?
“And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter, he shall be one of the losers.” (Quran 3.85)
“The only religion in the sight of God is Islam…” (Quran 3.19)
“There has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever, – unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone…” (Quran 60.4)
“It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, so that He exalts it above all other religions. Allah is the Sufficient Witness.” (Quran 48.28)
Muhammad said, “I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah” (Sahih Bukhari 6924)
6. Many Muslims are forced to follow Islam
The Muslims are locked up in the Islamic jail and they don’t have freedom to choose.
“But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them…” (Quran 4.89)
“The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said. ‘Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'” (Sunan an-Nasai Volume5, Book 37, 4064)
“If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him. ” (Sahih Bukhari 3017)
“Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith – but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.” (Quran 16.106)
“During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words, but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” (Sahih Bukhari 6930)
7. Muslims want to impose Islamic Rule everywhere
A follower of the Quran cannot take an oath of allegiance to any democratic country. Those who take it are simply deceiving. There are more than fifty Islamic countries and regions, this is simple proof of their intentions.
“And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.” (8.60)
“Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth…” (Quran 24.55)
“And that Our forces- they surely must conquer.” (Quran 37.173)
“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.” (Quran 8.39)
“Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain…” (Quran 9.111)
“Warfare has been prescribed for you, though it is repulsive to you. Yet it may be that you dislike something, which is good for you, and it may be that you love something, which is bad for you, and Allah knows, and you do not know.” (Quran 2.216)
“When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Take them and confine them, then lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and establish the prayer and pay the obligatory charity, let them go their way. Allah is Forgiving and the Most Merciful.” (Quran 9.5)
In the above verse, Allah orders the non-Muslims to be killed unless they convert to Islam plus give charity. Notice that in this and many similar verses, it ends with ‘Allah is most merciful’. There is no connection between what is stated prior and what is stated at the end. This is the brainwashing by the Quran which infuses the Muslims into thinking that killing non-Muslims is Allah being most merciful. This is of course an evil mentality. The true God would not advocate murder and the use of force to get followers.
The following Hadith from the prophet of Islam confirms the above Quranic verse.
“Allah ‘s Apostle said, ” I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ and whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)” (Sahih Bukhari 2946, 6924)
8. No Freedom to Question
The Muslims are not allowed to question the actions of the Prophet nor the commands in the Quran. This is known as blind faith.
“It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision.” (Quran 33.36)
“Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me.” (Sahih Bukhari 7137)
“Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah’s Messenger…Truly such a thing is in Allah’s sight an enormity.” (Quran 33.53)
9. No equal Rights for Women
a) Women can be taken captive and made into sex slaves (4.24, 33.50, 23.5-6)
b) For inheritance, the male gets twice as much as the female (4.11)
c) A wife goes to hell if the husband does (37.22-23)
d) A husband can take the wife to bed whenever he wishes (2.223)
e) Women can be stoned to death (Sahih Bukhari V8, Book 82, 815, Sahih Muslim 17, 4207)
f) Women can be beaten (4.34, Abi Dawud 2147)
g) A woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man’s (2.282)
h) A man can have 4 wives, but a woman can only have 1 husband (4.3)
i) A man will have a minimum of 72 virgin wives of his choice in the Islamic paradise, the women will have no choice but to accept a man who chooses her
j) A man can instantly divorce a wife (triple talaq), the wife cannot (Sharia Law. Fatwa 6542)
10. Taxation based on Religion
“Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (Quran 9.29)
The non-Muslims must pay a tax for their existence.
11. The Islamic Caste System
The Quran divides humanity into believers’ caste (Muslims) and unbelievers’ caste (non-Muslims). The non-Muslims are seen as untouchables and thus they are not allowed within twenty-five miles of Makkah. “For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.” (Quran 8.55) The non-Muslims are called beasts. “O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean…” (Quran 9.28) |
“The Muslims are brothers to each other, therefore make peace between your two brothers…” (Quran 49.10)
“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Those who are with him are harsh against the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” (Quran 48.29)
“He does not love the unbelievers…” (Quran 30.45)
12. Genocide (Ethnic cleansing)
Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.” (Sahih Muslim 4366)
“It was He who expelled the unbelievers among the People of the Book from their homes into the first exile…” (Quran 59.2)
“The Prophet (ﷺ) on his death-bed, gave three orders saying, “Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula…” (Sahih Bukhari 259)
“O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).” (Quran 9.123)
“Umar expelled the Jews and the Christians from Hijaz. When Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) had conquered Khaibar, he wanted to expel the Jews from it as its land became the property of Allah, His Apostle, and the Muslims. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) intended to expel the Jews but they requested him to let them stay there on the condition that they would do the labor and get half of the fruits. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) told them, “We will let you stay on thus condition, as long as we wish.” So, they (i.e. Jews) kept on living there until `Umar forced them to go towards Taima’ and Ariha’.” (Sahih Bukhari 2338)
13. Beheading and severing the fingers of non-Muslims
“I am with you. give firmness to the Believers. I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers. smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” (Quran 8.12)
‘I will punish him with a severe punishment, or I will behead him, unless he brings me a credible excuse.’ (Ali Qarai, Quran 27.21)
“When Banu Qurayza Jewish tribe was surrendered (627 A.D.) unconditionally, the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches tying theirs both hands with their necks. This beheading went on until the apostle made an end of them. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. Apparently Muhammad himself worked on the digging of the trench into which the massacred Jews were to be thrown. But he (Muhammad) did not only take part in those preparations, the formulation of the text states but also participated himself in beading of at least two of the leading Jews.” (Sirat A, Rasul, page 464)
Surrendered men were beheaded.
14. Hatred towards Jews, Christians, and all other non-Muslims
“O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.” (Quran 5.51)
“Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.” (Quran 98.6)
“Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allah warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to Allah is the final return.” (Quran 3.28)
“Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews until some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, ‘O `Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.'” (Sahih Bukhari 2925)
15. Racism against Blacks
“And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?” (Quran 39.60)
“Abud Darda’ reported Allah’s Messenger ﷺ as saying, “Allah created Adam when He created him and struck his right shoulder and brought forth his offspring white like small ants. And he struck his left shoulder and brought forth his offspring black as though they were charcoal. Then He said to the party on his right side, ‘To paradise, and I do not care’ and He said to the party in his left shoulder, ‘To hell, and I do not care’.” Ahmad transmitted it.” (Mishkat al-Masabih 119)
“On the day when some faces will become white and others black, God will ask the people with the faces which have become black, “Why did you give up your faith? Now suffer the torment for your disbelief”.” (Quran 3.106)
“The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed; but kill every pure black one.” (Sunan Abu Dawud 2839)
“Were it not that dogs form one of the communities (or nations – of creatures), I would have commanded that they be killed. But kill those that are all black…” (Sunan an-Nasai 4280)
16. Adult males marrying female children
Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah:
When I got married, Allah’s Apostle said to me, “What type of lady have you married?” I replied, “I have married a matron’ He said, “Why, don’t you have a liking for the young virgins and for fondling them?” Jabir also said: Allah’s Apostle said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?’ (Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 17)
“That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64)
The prophet of Islam was 51 years old when he married the 6-year-old child, Aisha, and he consummated the marriage when he was 54 and she was 9.
17. Plunder and Robbery
Why would God, the creator and owner of everything, want property and items stolen from raids? It is Muhammad who wants them, and he uses Allah as the messenger to justify his actions.
“They ask you about the spoils (of war). Say: ‘The spoils belong to Allah and the Messenger. Therefore, have fear of Allah and set things right between you. Obey Allah and His Messenger, if you are believers’” (Quran 8.1)
“So consume what you have taken of war booty [as being] lawful and good, and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 8.69)
“And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (before).” (Quran 33.27)
In the above verses, Allah is encouraging Muslims to steal property and goods from others after raids/invasions.
18. Stoning people to death
“And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.).” (Quran 7.84)
“And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). So evil was the rain of those who were warned.” (Quran 27.58)
“They said, ‘Noah, if you do not desist, you will, certainly, be stoned to death.’ ” (Quran 26.116)
“Go to the wife of this man, and if she confesses, then stone her to death…” (Sahih Bukhari 6827)
“Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported that Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) stoned (to death) a person from Banu Aslam, and a Jew and his wife.” (Sahih Muslim 1701a)
“Prophet (ﷺ) ordered them to be stoned to death, and they were stoned to death near the mosque where the biers used to be placed…” (Sahih Bukhari 7332)
19. Eternal Suffering for non-Muslims
“The Prophet said, “Gabriel said to me, ‘Whoever amongst your followers die without having worshipped others besides Allah, will enter Paradise (or will not enter the (Hell) Fire).” The Prophet asked. “Even if he has committed illegal sexual intercourse or theft?” He replied, “Even then.” (Sahih Bukhari 3222)
“But if he (the dying person) be of the denying (of the Resurrection), the erring (away from the Right Path of Islamic Monotheism). Then for him is entertainment with boiling water. And burning in Hell-fire. Verily, this! This is an absolute Truth with certainty. (Quran 59.92-95)
“Then, verily they will indeed enter and taste the burning flame of Hell.” (Quran 83.16)
“And those who believe in Allah and His messengers- they are the Sincere (lovers of Truth), and the witnesses (who testify), in the eyes of their Lord: They shall have their Reward and their Light. But those who reject Allah and deny Our Signs,- they are the Companions of Hell-Fire.” (Quran 57.19)
20. Muslims can kill non-Muslims but not Muslims
“It is not rightful for a Muslim to kill another Muslim, unless it occurs by mistake…” (Quran 4.92)
Based on the Quran, it’s ok for Muslims to kill non-Muslims but not ok to kill Muslims. This is also confirmed by the prophet.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (an evil doing) and killing him is Kufr (disbelief).” (Sahih Bukhari 48)
In some Islamic country airports, they keep non-Muslim security personnel because they cannot trust Muslim security personnel to act against Muslim terrorists.
21. Muslim Women suffer more than other Women
“Aisha said, ‘I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women…’ ”
(Sahih Bukhari 5825)
The young wife of the prophet of Islam stated the above.
22. Disturbing the Graves of the Dead
Why disturb the graves of the dead and cut down trees which supplied food for women and children?
“The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered that the graves of the pagans be dug out and the unleveled land be level led and the date-palm trees be cut down. (So all that was done)…” (Sahih Bukhari 428)
23. Torture
A prophet of God should be saintly. A saintly person is of highest morality, compassionate to everyone, free from desires and materialistic pursuits, and would never harm anyone.
“Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-Awwadm, saying ‘Torture him until you root out what he has’…” (The History of Tabari, Volume VIII, page 122-123)
24. Wife beating
“As for women of whom you fear rebellion, admonish them, and remain apart from them in beds, and beat them…” (Quran 4.34)
“He (the Prophet) gave permission to beat them…” (Sunan Abu Dawud 2146)
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