The Islamic Day of Judgment is Already Gone
All Muslims are eagerly waiting for the Day of Judgment on which day they believe that they will go to the Islamic paradise and enjoy many women and wine forever....
· by Satyam · 29 Jun, 2018
All Muslims are eagerly waiting for the Day of Judgment on which day they believe that they will go to the Islamic paradise and enjoy many women and wine forever....
This is the most accurate definition of Islam, based on the Quran teachings. Intolerance – (Quran 3.85, 3.19, 8.39, 48.28, 98.6, many others) Sex slavery – (Quran 23.5-6, 33.26, 33.50,...
A young boy walking on a path heard a voice ‘Please help me.’ The boy looked down and saw a snake. The snake said: ‘Please help me. A mongoose attacked...
Based on the Oxford English dictionary, the definition of spiritual is as follows: “Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” This...
1. The Prophet of Islam referred to black people as raisin heads. Allah’s Messenger said, “You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black)...
a. The Muslims are not allowed to leave Islam. b. The Muslims are not allowed to question the commands of the Quran. c. The Muslims are not allowed to question...
· by Satyam · 26 May, 2018
a. People can lie but statistics never lie. b. People will deny the truth, but statistical analysis will show the truth. c. People will give deceiving analysis on real data,...
Based on the Quran, the prophet was the most perfect Muslim. “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is...
· by Satyam · 15 May, 2018
Please place your hand over a fire for 30 seconds. How does it feel? Could you burn someone for 30 seconds? Could you burn someone for 1 minute? Could you...
· by Satyam · 10 May, 2018
Mr. Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, 27, died from a suicide bombing in Baghdad, gave a speech at the DNC convention. Mr. Khan held up a...
· by Satyam · 9 May, 2018
Don’t Judge a picture by looking at one pixel. Look at several pixels from each area. Question everything and ask for proof, only then you will see the truth....
· by Satyam · 8 May, 2018
The Scientific Knowledge in the Quran was known prior to Islam and is False The scientific methods of research and discovery are as follows: Not blindly accepting anything. The ability...
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