Islam is Based on Faith and not on Facts
The first pillar of Islam is faith, not any facts. The Quran is full of contradictions and scientific knowledge mistakes. For example, based on the Quran, the world is flat...
· by Satyam · 10 Nov, 2019
The first pillar of Islam is faith, not any facts. The Quran is full of contradictions and scientific knowledge mistakes. For example, based on the Quran, the world is flat...
Articles / Evidence that Islam is false
· by Satyam · 3 Nov, 2019
Most of the Quran is focused on getting people to follow Muhammad. Aisha, the child wife of Muhammad accurately stated that the Quran was created to meet Muhammad’s personal wishes...
· by Satyam · 4 Oct, 2019
Paris Knife Attacker Converted to Islam 18 Months Before Attack. The Pakistani Prime Minister stated recently “There is no Radical Islam’. He is correct. All Muslims are the same. They...
· by Satyam · 28 Sep, 2019
At every airport, due to Islamic followers. Billions of dollars have to be spent to prevent terrorism by Islamic followers on planes. Everyone has to go to the airport early...
· by Satyam · 14 Sep, 2019
a. People can lie but statistics never lie. b. People will deny the truth, but statistical analysis will show the truth. c. People will give deceiving analysis on real data, but...
· by Satyam · 30 Aug, 2019
Based on the most authoritative Hadiths (Sahih Bukhari). Allah gave divine inspirations to Muhammad when he was in bed with the child Aisha. What kind of an entity would give inspirations to a man when he is in bed with a child? Only a very filthy minded entity, certainly not a divine being nor a civilized being. “Divine...
· by Satyam · 16 Aug, 2019
The founder of Jainism, Mahavira, lived around 2,600 years ago, and he stated a moral code in one sentence that outshines anything written in the scriptures that came after him....
· by Satyam · 5 Aug, 2019
Muhammad Was a White Man “While we were sitting in the Masjid, a man came on a camel and made it keneel in the Masjid, then he hobbled it and...
· by Satyam · 27 Jul, 2019
“I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests, that We are Able.” (Quran 70.40) If Allah is the Lord, then why he needs to say ‘I swear...
· by Satyam · 18 Jul, 2019
The Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment. On this day the dead will rise from their graves and either go to paradise or the hell fire. They also believe...
· by Satyam · 15 Jul, 2019
“The Prophet said, “Gabriel said to me, ‘Whoever amongst your followers die without having worshipped others besides Allah, will enter Paradise (or will not enter the (Hell) Fire).” The Prophet...
· by Satyam · 28 Jun, 2019
Many people are fooled and deceived by Muslims in believing that Islam is loving, peaceful, tolerant etc.. The truth is the opposite. The Quran commands intolerance, hatred, and violence towards...
· by Satyam · 14 Jun, 2019
Islam is 1,400 years old. Based on science this planet earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Why did God wait for 4.5 billion years (1,400 years ago) to create...
· by Satyam · 25 May, 2019
Many people have been deceived into thinking that the knowledge in the Quran comes from God. A closer examination of the knowledge reveals that it comes from man and not...
Articles / Evidence that Islam is false
· by Satyam · 7 Apr, 2019
The females need to cover their body parts in case Muhammad is around. If Muhammad is around, he will get the urge and may rape them if they are Muslim...
· by Satyam · 30 Mar, 2019
The founder of Islam, Mohammad, deceived people in the same way the Muslims deceive people today. In the early days of Islam, Mohammad was weak and could not find followers...
· by Satyam · 22 Mar, 2019
All the below are evil idelogies. Slavery Taking females captive Rape Looting Dividing humanity into believers and unbelievers Against freedom to question Male and female circumcision Hatred Injustice Inequality between...
· by Satyam · 18 Mar, 2019
If anyone tells you that Islam is a tolerant religion, they are simply lying. In Saudi Arabia, and many other regions where the Muslims have become dominant. The Muslims will...
· by Satyam · 15 Mar, 2019
All those who kill (humans or animals) are simply Evil. Killing in the name of God or Religion is most barbaric. The true God is most Merciful and Loving towards...
· by Satyam · 4 Mar, 2019
Based on the Quran, the purpose of following Islam is to attain paradise and enjoy wine and women. There is ZERO spirituality in Islam, because the aim is to achieve...
· by Satyam · 25 Feb, 2019
Genuine Spiritual Master Prophet Muhammad (Islam) Orders people to be killed NEVER YES Personally killed anyone NEVER YES Orders people to be beheaded NEVER YES Personally beheaded people...
· by Satyam · 29 Jan, 2019
Based on Islam Rapists and Thieves Go to Paradise “The Prophet said, “Gabriel said to me, ‘Whoever amongst your followers die without having worshipped others besides Allah, will enter Paradise...
· by Satyam · 8 Jan, 2019
A true God is one who is real. He has been seen and proven. A true God is one who ensures justice for all living beings. Nobody can get away...
· by Satyam · 29 Dec, 2018
Any Religion which advocates any of the following is a false religion. Slavery Taking females captive Rape Looting Divides humanity into believers and unbelievers Does not allow questioning Male and...
· by Satyam · 21 Dec, 2018
Any scripture which advocates any of the following is from Savages for Savages. Child marriages with adults Stoning of women and men Rape Taking women and children captive Slavery Murder...
· by Satyam · 11 Dec, 2018
Why would the Eternal God wait for zillions of years to deliver His message? If you want to help a woman, would you make her into your wife or sister?...
· by Satyam · 31 Oct, 2018
The verse that Muslims use to deceive others into thinking that Allah is the same God as the God of the Bible. To deceive Christians, Jews, and others, into following...
· by Satyam · 10 Oct, 2018
The Muslims will deceive the Christians and others into thinking that they follow Jesus and they regard him as a Prophet and so on.. This is a deception, they do...
· by Satyam · 28 Sep, 2018
The number 1 verse that is quoted by the Muslims to deceive the non-Muslims is the following: “There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2.256) There is compulsion in following...
The Scientific Knowledge in the Quran was known prior to Islam and is False The Islamic claim of scientific knowledge in the Quran has the following origins: The Greek, Egyptian,...
The most evil teachings are as follows: 1. Slavery. 2. Taking females captive and raping them (in war or out of war). 3. Intolerance and Hatred for others. 4. Stoning...
· by Satyam · 28 Aug, 2018
There are many mistakes and contradictions in the Quran. Even between the statements made by the Prophet of Islam and his master, Allah. Those with some intelligence can easily see...
· by Satyam · 22 Aug, 2018
A man in his fifties who has lusty desires for a child of less than 9 is called a dirty old man. “Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: The Prophet (ﷺ) used...
The Muslims deceive themselves and others by saying Allah is God. There is in fact ZERO evidence for Allah as God. a. The Quran itself proves that Allah is not...
· by Satyam · 8 Aug, 2018
“Islam means peace” We always hear this, but this is a big lie. Islam means submission to Allah and not peace. “Islam is a religion of peace” This is a...
These are the 3 stages of Islamization of any country. 1. Dar ul Harab When the Muslims are less than 5% , they are advised to live and merge their...
· by Satyam · 18 Jul, 2018
The Prophet Drank Water from a Well with Dead Dogs “Narrated AbuSa’id al-Khudri: I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ): Water is brought for you from...
· by Satyam · 13 Jul, 2018
The civilized humans will accept the truth and know that President Trump is a trillion times better human being than the Prophet of Islam. This is based on real evidence...
· by Satyam · 8 Jul, 2018
Morality Mentality Level Very Low Morality Mentality Level Very High Follow a sex maniac as a prophet of God Sex maniacs should be in jail Follow a rapist as prophet...
· by Satyam · 3 Jul, 2018
The below is just a very small account of Muslims in the world. The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim The Beltway Snipers were Muslims The Kashmir terrorists are Muslims The...
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