Author: Satyam

Islam – The Religion of Killing

Paris Knife Attacker Converted to Islam 18 Months Before Attack. The Pakistani Prime Minister stated recently “There is no Radical Islam’. He is correct. All Muslims are the same. They...

Statistics Never Lie

a. People can lie but statistics never lie. b. People will deny the truth, but statistical analysis will show the truth. c. People will give deceiving analysis on real data, but...

Divine Inspirations in Bed

Based on the most authoritative Hadiths (Sahih Bukhari). Allah gave divine inspirations to Muhammad when he was in bed with the child Aisha. What kind of an entity would give inspirations to a man when he is in bed with a child?  Only a very filthy minded entity, certainly not a divine being nor a civilized being. “Divine...

Like All, Love All

The founder of Jainism, Mahavira, lived around 2,600 years ago, and he stated a moral code in one sentence that outshines anything written in the scriptures that came after him....

Rapist and Thieves

“The Prophet said, “Gabriel said to me, ‘Whoever amongst your followers die without having worshipped others besides Allah, will enter Paradise (or will not enter the (Hell) Fire).” The Prophet...

Hatred in the Quran

Many people are fooled and deceived by Muslims in believing that Islam is loving, peaceful, tolerant etc.. The truth is the opposite. The Quran commands intolerance, hatred, and violence towards...

Who Goes to Hell?

Islam is 1,400 years old. Based on science this planet earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Why did God wait for 4.5 billion years (1,400 years ago) to create...

Islam is Deception

The founder of Islam, Mohammad, deceived people in the same way the Muslims deceive people today. In the early days of Islam, Mohammad was weak and could not find followers...

Evil Ideologies

All the below are evil idelogies. Slavery Taking females captive Rape Looting Dividing humanity into believers and unbelievers Against freedom to question Male and female circumcision Hatred Injustice Inequality between...

World Unity Teachings

All those who kill (humans or animals) are simply Evil. Killing in the name of God or Religion is most barbaric. The true God is most Merciful and Loving towards...

Follow a Genuine Spiritual Master

  Genuine Spiritual Master Prophet Muhammad (Islam) Orders people to be killed NEVER YES Personally killed anyone NEVER YES Orders people to be beheaded NEVER YES   Personally beheaded people...

Evil Teachings of Islam Part 1

Based on Islam Rapists and Thieves Go to Paradise “The Prophet said, “Gabriel said to me, ‘Whoever amongst your followers die without having worshipped others besides Allah, will enter Paradise...

How to Tell a True God

A true God is one who is real. He has been seen and proven. A true God is one who ensures justice for all living beings. Nobody can get away...

Teachings of False Religions

Any Religion which advocates any of the following is a false religion. Slavery Taking females captive Rape Looting Divides humanity into believers and unbelievers Does not allow questioning Male and...

Quran Deception

The number 1 verse that is quoted by the Muslims to deceive the non-Muslims is the following: “There is no compulsion in religion…” (Quran 2.256) There is compulsion in following...

The Most Evil Teachings

The most evil teachings are as follows: 1. Slavery. 2. Taking females captive and raping them (in war or out of war). 3. Intolerance and Hatred for others. 4. Stoning...