Author: Ali Sina


 The question has been on my mind for quite some time now. Islam says any form of sex which is done between two people who are not married is wrong. The...

EDL: The Last Men Standing

Today, I read a piece by Dr. Tim Stanley (a historian) on Daily Telegraph that amazed me of the depth of ignorance of some westerners about Islam. In this article...

The Power of Faith

Hi Ali Sina, I had a correspondence with you I believe a couple of weeks ago, and you subsequently published my email on your website. I have been digging deep...

Palestinians celebrate Boston Bombing

Anyone remembers after 9/11, thousands of Palestinians ran to the streets, jumping up and down, distributing sweets and cheering? It is deja vu again. Israel National News reported: Jerusalem, Israel...

Urgent Message from Pamela Geller

Ask yourself: in the struggle to raise awareness about the jihad threat, what’s working?We are having a historic impact on the national conversation. But without your support, the work cannot...

Radicalization of Islamic Nations

 I am from a small, majority Muslim country called Brunei Darussalam. For so long, we have enjoyed tranquility, peace, harmonious and acceptable tolerance towards other religion as well as each...

Exorcism: Is it Real?

Part II added Dear Ali Sina, I would like you to shed some of your marvelous knowledge on issue regarding spirits, jinns or demon procession in your site. After...

Should India Give up Kashmir

SIR, What are your views on the Kashmir issue? We have had numerous wars, spent extremely valuable resources, and we’ve got nothing in return. Because of it being Muslim-majority state, there...

Two more ‘Apostates’!

After all God couldn’t have expected only Arabs to accept Islam or understand it, that would be insane. I searched for answers and every time I found one, I found 10 more problems.

Ayatollah Montazeri vs. Ali Sina

In the Bulletin Board of Jebhe Melli (Democratic National Front of Iran) I asked several questions about Islam. Someone reported them to Ayatollah Montazeri and he responded in his own...

Maulana Ajmal Qadri vs Ali Sina

Maulana Ajmal Qadri is a Senior religious scholar of the Deobandi school and the president of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (The Society of Islamic Scholars). The Maulana is regarded as a pir...

Sina’s Challenge

I receive many emails from angry Muslims, who sometimes beg, and sometimes order me to remove this site. I consider both, pleading and bullying as signs of psychopathology. Argumentum ad baculum...