Attitudes of the Imams and leaders, part XIX
Jon MC
As before the sources for all these quotes are on the internet, links correct at date stated.
On non-Muslims.
2014, 27th Mar. Abstracted “BosNewsLife”. A Pakistani court has sentenced a Christian man, Sawan Masih, to death for “blasphemy”. Masih was convicted of insulting Islam’s Prophet Mohammad during the course of a [private] conversation with a Muslim friend. The verdict was announced during a hearing at the jail where the trial has been held out of fears that Masih might be attacked on his way to court. Comment: Once again accusation = proof in a Muslim Country if the accuser is Muslim and the accused non-Muslim. Note that the trial had to be held in jail otherwise Masih might well not have survived to even reach court.
2014, 6th April. Abstracted “Middle East Online”. Libya. A statement by Islamist group ‘Majlis Shura of Islamist Youth in Derna’ contained the following: “We announce the formation of a legal committee to settle differences between people and arrange reconciliation on the basis of sharia …We also declare our hostility towards the enemies of God and his prophet — Jews, Christians and Taghouts.” Comment: Another Muslim group states its “hostility towards” (hatred of) Jews and Christians.
2014, 8th April. See this Gatestone report on Persecution of Christians Dec. 2013. Of particular note is the cause of the current violence in the Central African Republic (CAR). See “Carnage of Christians” at bottom of post.
2014, 9th April. Abstracted “India Today”. Around 1,000 Christian and Hindu women in Pakistan are forcibly converted to Islam and married to Muslim men every year, says a report released by Movement for Solidarity and Peace (MSP), adding that the true scale of the problem is likely to be much greater, as a number of cases are never reported or do not progress through the law-enforcement and legal systems. The report has categorised the concurrent incidence of forced conversions and forced marriages as a distinct crime specific to minority Christian women in Punjab. The forced marriages/conversions follow a distinctive pattern. Christian girls – usually between the ages of 12 and 25 – are abducted, forced into Islam and married to the abductor or third party. Comment: “There is no compulsion in religion.” K.2:256. Yeah, right.
On Islamic Supremacy and Dhimmitude.
2014, 16th April. Abstracted “NYPost”. al Qaeda leader Nasir al-Wuhayshi: “We must eliminate the cross, the bearer of the cross is America!” Comment: not sure whether this is a suggestion that all Christians or all Christian Americans should be killed. Either way exhortation to “eliminate the Cross” is pure supremacism.
2014, 20th April. Abstracted “Daily Mail”. U.K. Islamic preacher Ibrahim Hewitt who says adulterers should be stoned to death and that gay men and fornicators should be whipped, is the founder and chairman of trustees of the Al-Aqsa private school in Leicester, which teaches 250 boys and girls aged between three and 11. The school has received over £750K of government funds. Hewitt has vilified homosexuals as paedophiles and Jews and said a man can take a second wife if his first fails to satisfy him sexually. He is the founder of another controversial organisation called the Association of Muslim Schools (AMS), whose leader has been accused of orchestrating a plot in Birmingham called ‘Operation Trojan Horse’ in which Islamic extremists have allegedly taken over 25 state schools in the city. Comment: another ‘moderate’ ‘British’-Muslim shows that his aim is the Islamification of the U.K.
On war, terror, violence and jihad.
2014, 21st Mar. Abstracted “Al-Shorfa”. Iraqi Sheikh Abdullah al-Hassan, a cleric prominent for taking a stand against “extremism and terrorism” was gunned down by masked men at his home. Comment: yet again the “religion of peace” silences those of it’s brothers who actually believe in peace.
2014, 21st Mar. Abstracted “Daily Mail”. Al-Qaeda has published a chilling list of its top bombing targets. The twelfth issue of Inspire, the magazine published by the terror group, it calls for bombers to attack crowded areas and provides a country-by-country break down of suggested sites. For the UK, these include football matches, the Cheltenham Festival and The Savoy. The edition also refers to a speech by Anwar al-Awlaki in which he said: “Soldiers are expected to die… But a civilian is not. So when you you hit the civilian you hit them where it hurts and that is what our tactics are about.” Comment: again orthodox Muslims show how peaceful they are.
2104 31st Mar. Abstracted “Khamma”. Afghanistan: at least 7 orthodox Muslims died due to a “workplace accident” in a mosque when the IEDs they were making detonated prematurely. Comment: Another case of using a Mosque as a bomb-factory .
2104, 8th April. Abstracted “The Star”. Kenya: Mombasa Police are seeking the Imam and a guest speaker (another Islamic luminary) over taped speeches urging “worshippers to “cleanse Mombasa of infidels”. Comment: An everyday tale of Muslim clergy inciting religious violence.
2014, 20th April. Abstracted “Khaarma”. Afghanistan: Taliban commander Mullah Sadiq was among five militants killed by an explosion inside a mosque in eastern Ghazni province of Afghanistan. The men were killed while they were making an improvised explosive device (IED) to carry out a roadside bomb explosion. Comment: Second mosque this month used as a bomb factory. Nothing new in that.
On Islamic tolerance and equality.
2014, 9th April. Abstracted “ABNA”. Malaysia. State authorities stand accused by Human Rights Watch of severe HR violations against minority (non-Sunni) groups. In particular the state targets the Shia sect of Islam, having labelled it “deviant” and “illegitimate”. Comment: it’s not enough to be Muslim, you must be the right sort of Muslim to avoid discrimination. Islam is not at peace with itself, never mind the rest of the world.
2014, 11th April. Abstracted “Dhaka Tribune”. Bangladesh. Shah Ahmed Shafi: “We are Muslims. We have no conflict with anybody. But the persons, who are living in the country of Allah, and taking different facilities to Him, cannot live in His country.” Comment: i.e. non-Muslims can’t be allowed to live in Bangladesh. So: “we’re peaceful Muslims but non-Muslims get out or we’ll kill you”?
2014, 13th April. Abstracted “Blazing cat fur”. Birmingham U.K. Last September Ladypool Primary school recruited new Head teacher Huda Aslam from al-Hijrah, an Islamic secondary school. Staff were surprised to be told by Aslam the run-up to Christmas: “No Santa, no presents, and no mention that Jesus is the son of God” in the Christmas assembly. Comment: Staff were surprised? Why?? Another fine example of Islamic “toleration” as per Pact of Umar.
2014, 16th April. Abstracted “MalayMail”. Retired judge Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah stressed that sculptures of non-Muslim deities should not be built in the open. “With such a huge statue, you’re showing that your religion is all mighty and powerful…When non-Muslims build such big idols, it hurts people’s feelings. Islam forbids images (of gods). Here [Malaysia], you allow images of Buddha in the country. That’s not consistent with Islam.” He added that non-Muslims had freedom of worship, but that such freedom must be exercised in a way where “Muslims don’t feel threatened”. Comment: so “freedom of religion” is allowed, provided Muslims don’t have to see it. Nice tolerance.
2014, 21st April. Abstracted “Morning Star”. Uganda. The Muslim father of two teenagers beat one to death and severely injured the other after discovering they had become Christians and attended a Church service. Comment : ah the beauty of islamic tolerance in all it’s glory .
On correct Islamic behaviour and attitudes:
2014, 6th Mar. Abstracted “Memri”. Palestinian cleric Younis al-Astal: “I would like to begin by quoting what Allah said: “The worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who disbelieve. They are the ones with whom you made a covenant, but they break their covenant every time…The obvious question is: What is the solution to this gang of people? The Al-Anfal chapter of the Koran provides us with the answer. After He said: “They are the ones with whom you made a covenant, but they break their covenant every time,” Allah added: “If you gain mastery over them in a war, use them to disperse those who follow them that they may remember.” This indicates that we must massacre them… We must restore them to the state of humiliation imposed upon them. They should be dhimmi citizens. This status must be imposed upon them by war. They must pay the jizya security tax.” Comment: although al-Astal is talking about the Jews, his words apply to all non-Muslims from his quotations. Thus in al-Astal’s view all non-Muslims are to be massacred in war (until they cease to resist) and then humiliated as dhimmis.
2014, 9th April. Abstracted “Malay Times”. Liberalism, the philosophy founded on liberty and equality, is the manifestation of Satan’s struggle to mislead mankind – according to preacher Mohamad Ismail, a leading member of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) said today. Comment: and who can doubt him? Perish the thought that Muslims should be subjected to anything more modern than 7th century Arabian thought.
2014, 9th April. Abstracted “Arutz Sheva”. German authorities banned a Muslim charity group “Waisenkinderprojekt Libanon” (OrphanChildren Project Lebanon) yesterday having discovered the group was actually funding the “Lebanese Shahid Foundation” an integral part of Hezbollah. Comment: given that 12.5% of Muslim charity (i.e. Zakat) is to go to Jihad, why was this a surprise?
2014, 11th April. Abstracted “Saharasamay”. India. Samajwadi (political) Party leader Abu Azmi: “Rape is punishable by hanging in Islam. But here, nothing happens to women, only to men. Even the woman is guilty. If rape happens with or without consent, it should be punished as prescribed in Islam…The final solution to rape is that if any girl, whether married or unmarried, goes with a guy with or without her consent, they should be hanged Comment: setting aside Azmi’s nonsense that “rape [can happen]… with… consent”, he’s actually saying that rape-victims should be hung. I bet that will do wonders for the report-rate!
2014, 26th April. Abstracted “MalayMail”. Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia’s (ISMA) president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman: “Islam is Islam. Ideologies are not part of Islam and all these ideologies are from the west..liberalism, liberty, equity and human rights are all agenda of the atheist. They are a godless and faithless ideology. There is no liberal islam or socialist islam. You are either a Muslim or a jahilliah (an ignorant).” Comment: so there you have it: Islam is Islam (i.e. there is no “moderate” or “extreme” Islam, there is only Islam) and “ liberty, equity and human rights” are godless and un-Islamic. I find myself in the curious position of agreeing with an Islamist.
2014, 29th April. Abstracted “MalayMail”. Malaysian Muslim medical practitioners’ group i-Medik chairman Prof Dr Azmi Mohammed Nor said “A Muslim doctor performs his task according to the Islamic medical doctor’s oath, which fully supports Islam as a way of life, and this includes fully supporting Shariah laws.” in response to the Malay Medical Association threatening to dis-bar any doctor who carried out amputations under Sharia rulings. Comment: clearly not the Hippocratic oath or any of it’s more modern successors then, even in medicine it would seem that Islamic Sharia overrules all else.
2014, 2nd May. Abstracted “Express Tribune”. Pakistan has airbrushed hundreds of non-Muslim figures out of it’s school curriculum since the 1970’s in the attempt to fully “Islamise” Pakistan’s history. According to minority leaders this has fuelled “hate speech, especially in the subjects of Islamic Studies, Urdu, English, History and Pakistan Studies….These textbooks present the religious minorities and their beliefs in a selectively negative manner. It becomes inevitable for a child to have a very negative image about religions other than Islam.” Comment: just as early Islam ignored or re-wrote material to do with “Jahilliyah” (lit. “ignorance” meaning anything outside/prior to Islam) so Pakistan follows suite.
On anti-Semitism.
2014, 27th April. Abstracted “MEMRI”. Al-Aqsa Mosque Imam Raed Al-Daan: “In Gaza, I see orphans who have sprouted wings. In Gaza, there are great and proud men, whose feet are firmly planted in the ground, who have realized that darkness and the Jewish state would vanish, and that the morning sun will rise on Palestine…We will return to the sea of Jaffa, to the sands of Haifa, to the palm trees of Beit Shean, and to the hills of Lod and Ramla. We in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque await the legions of the conquerors. We await the armies from Tunisia, from Jordan, from Egypt, from Iraq, from the Maghreb, and from the Hijaz.We await a Muslim leader, whose voice we yearn to hear, shouting to the liberating armies in the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard: You must say the afternoon prayer only in Safed, Haifa, or Jaffa. You must say the afternoon prayer only in Lod and Ramla.” Comment: yet another “destroy the Jews” speech.
2014, 15th may. Abstracted “Israel Today”. Al Aqsa Mosque Imam Raed Al-Daan said “the Jewish state will vanish, and that the morning sun will rise on Palestine.” Al-Daan went on to state that he and the other clerics who serve on the Temple Mount “await the legions of the conquerors. We await the armies from Tunisia, from Jordan, from Egypt, from Iraq, from the Maghreb (Morocco and Algeria), and from the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia).” Comment: yet another Imam calling for the extinction of Israel.
On homophobia.
2014, 21st Mar. Abstracted “Huffington Post”. U.K. Dr Mohammad Naseem The chairman of Birmingham Central Mosque: “Human beings do have weaknesses and tendencies which are not socially acceptable and so they try to have a control over them and do not give in. A compulsive murderer, paedophile etc. could present the same logic [as a homosexual] and ask for accommodation by the society.” Comment: the “good Doctor” thinks that homosexuality between consenting partners is criminal on the level of murder and paedophilia, and yet 53 year old Mo having sex with nine year old Aisha suggests paedophilia isn’t such a problem in Islam. Curious.
2014, 12th April. Abstracted “JollOfNews”. Gambian Imam Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty “Homosexuality is disgusting and filthy. If a human being comes up with a practice that can cause esoteric diseases then that person is a big terrorist. In that case, nobody will reproduce and existing people will be damaged. We are heading to the destruction of our lives. We should all stand behind our governments and support them to uproot this evil practice. This practice destroys the world. If it is happening everywhere and people do not act to stop it there is high risk of incurring Allah’s anger. When it comes to Shariah the ulema [scholars] are not unanimous on the mode of punishment. Some assign the same punishment as on adultery. If they are married, death, and if unmarried lashing. And Prophet Muhammad said the one doing it should be killed and the one to whom he is doing it should be killed.” Comment: another “death to gays” Imam. The eponymously named Fatty also seems to think that STDs are caused by homosexuality (one wonders if he knows that those unfortunate Muslima who undertook “sex jihad” to Syria returned to their home countries with every STD known to man).
On Islamic Politics.
2014, 16th Mar. Abstracted “Daily caller”. Iranian Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani: “When Imam Zaman [‘Mahdi,’ the last Shiite Imam] comes, he will behead the Western leaders… however, Imam will not harm the oppressed [Muslim, or Shia] nations.” Comment: how to win a political debate – Islam style, we’ve all heard of “talking heads, Islam believes in “no longer talking heads”.
On the status and treatment of women.
2014, 27th Mar. Abstracted “Gulf News”. Saudi Arabia. An urgent call requesting a Saudi Red Crescent ambulance from a single woman requesting emergency transport to hospital was denied when the Red Crescent operators learned she had no “Mahram” (suitable male relative) with her. The society is investigating the incident. Comment: as ever Islamic laws trump human (or a least female) life. But the RED CRESCENT? (which is the Islamic “parallel” to the Red Cross), I would like to say I find this unbelievable – but that would be a lie, sadly it’s all too believable.
2014, 30th Mar. Abstracted “Dawn”. Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl Peshawar assembly member Fauzia Bibi [yes, she’s a woman] justified domestic violence towards women by giving different cultural and religious perspectives whilst speaking in opposition to a bill that would have outlawed wife-beating. She ended up saying the passage of the bill would “westernise the society”. Comment: I’d have more sympathy if she was a masochist, but I suspect she is merely brain-washed.
2014, 11th April. Abstracted “Wall Street Journal blogs”. Saudi Cleric Abdullah Al-Dawood: “If we keep silent about the step of adding PE classes to girls’ schools then we are giving the Shoura Council a green light to continue the steps of Westernisation and these steps will end in infidelity and prostitution.” Comment: so if a Muslima is physically fit she will be unfaithful and end up as a prostitute?
2014, 12th April. Abstracted “LhrTimes”. Daharki, Pakistan. A local panchayat (unofficial jury) ordered the killing of a woman accused of illicit sex in the name of ‘honour’ on Wednesday. It also ordered that two under-age girls, daughters of the man accused of illicit sex be forcibly married to members of the woman’s family Comment: so the two commit adultery and she’s to be honour-killed? Worse, two under-age girls are handed over to be raped and otherwise abused under the guise of “marriage”.
2014, 19th April. Abstracted “FrontPageMag”. Canada: Sheikh Omar Subedar “If the problem still does not get resolved then as a final resort Allah has permitted the husband to discipline his wife by striking her, however this does not imply that Allah is promoting domestic violence. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has made it very clear that the beating should not be agonizing in any shape or form.” Comment: so beating a woman isn’t domestic violence if it isn’t “agonising”?
On child abuse.
This is a new category that I am opening due to the increasing number of reported cases of child abuse by Imams, mosque teachers etc. that are surfacing. Everybody is aware of the child-abuse scandals in the west, but Muslims often claim that “no Muslim does such things!” Hmm…
2014, 10th Mar. Abstracted “IbTimes”. Saudi Preacher Fayhan al-Ghamdi has been released from jail after just 5 months after conviction for the rape and murder of his five year old daughter. At the time of his conviction a social worker gave evidence that the girl’s back was broken and that she had been raped “everywhere”. Comment: Even for a pious Mussalman, this is pushing it – he should have waited until she was about nine “fi sabeeli Mohammedi” (“In the way of Mohammed”). I should note that according to sharia law, a father or mother is not “liable” if they kill their offspring, thus the jail-time was presumably for raping an (even by really Islamic standards) underage girl.
2014, 18th Mar. Abstracted “Daily Mail”. U.K. Islamic teacher Suleman Maknojioa repeatedly molested a terrified girl of 11 as he taught her the Koran escaped a jail sentence “because his wife’s English is so bad”.
2014, 21st Mar. Abstracted “RawaNews”. Afghanistan may be the worst in the world for state-sanctioned paedophilia with girls as young as 6 (six) years old being married off to and are the victims of frequent sexual abuse from older men, sometimes within their own families. Afghan law which states the age of consent is sixteen is rarely respected or enforced and does nothing to protect women and girls from the sexual depredations of men. Women and girls are commonly victimized and those that speak out are likely to be blamed [leading to HBV], regardless of age differences. Child marriage is an ancient practice for the region and it is part of the dominant [Muslim] culture. Comment: And Muslims are always droning on about the “depravity” of the West.
2014, 25th Mar. Abstracted “Osun Defender”. An 32-year-old Islamic cleric, Kazeem Jimoh, on Monday appeared before an Ota Magistrates’ Court in Ogun, charged with the rape of a 12-year-old girl.
2014, 26th Mar. Abstracted “”. Senegalese Imam, 75 year old Amadou Diallo Yaya has been tried for the rape of a 10 year old girl. Sentence will be passed soon. Comment: On the downside, she does not have four male witnesses to her rape; on the upside, Senegal’s criminal legal system is not Sharia based.
2014, 28th Mar. Abstracted “Al-Arabiya”. A Saudi teacher has been caught on camera whipping 13 pupils with a stick. Dr. Ibrahim al-Shedi, of the Saudi Human Rights Council, said, “Clearly these students were abused.”
2014, 30th Mar. Abstracted “IndiaTVNews”. India: Sangrur police on Thursday arrested the headmaster of a Madrasa, Mohammad Amjad Khan, on charge of raping a 13-year-old girl and molesting four other girls inside the madrasa premises.
2014, 8th April. Abstracted “Dawn”. Pakistan. A 70 year old man has been arrested for buying a 13 year old “wife”. Family members and the guests invited by the elderly groom staged a protest against the arrests. Comment: more child-abuse legitimated by the Sunnah of Mohammed.
2014, 13th April. Abstracted “The Nation”. Pakistan: Maulvi Ghulam Murtaza reportedly strangled to death a 12-year-old girl student after gang-raping her along with three other accomplices in one of the rooms in the mosque. Doctors confirmed she was killed after violent sexual assault. Comment: gang-rape then murder – or was it an ‘honour killing’?
2014, 14th April. Abstracted “Premium Times”. Lagos, Nigeria: Islamic scholar Muideen Bilau, has been charged with the rape of a three year old girl inside a mosque, covering her mouth with his hand (so her screams would not be heard).
2014, 20th April. Abstracted “24hrinfo”. France: former Mosque leader Abdeslam Bahiad, who had previously served time for a string of offences related to human trafficking and pimping has gone on trial in France from trafficking young Moroccan girls into France and then forcing them into prostitution.
2014, 30th April. Abstracted “Dawn”. Pakistan. To settle a dispute an eight year old girl has been forcibly “married” to a 26 year old man by Maulvi Ghufran Shah. The “marriage” was commanded by the local Jirga (Council of Muslim Elders). A Police complaint has been lodged against the Maulvi and 12 others. Comment: one small slice of good here, the Police actually seem (at present) to be taking an interest, but a complaint does not mean a prosecution of course .
2014, 30th April. Abstracted “The Columbus Despatch”. Afghanistan – Afghan police have arrested the parents of a 14-year-old girl after they attacked a religious cleric and cut off his nose and ears in retaliation for what they say were a series of sexual attacks on their daughter.
2014, 2nd May. Abstracted “Kharma Press”. A Mullah Imam of a mosque was arrested in connection to the rape case of a 10-year-old girl in this province. The victim has been hospitalized due to severe bleeding. The victim was reportedly drugged with anesthesia by the Mullah Imam and was then raped. The United Nations Human Rights Office says, “This ugly crime is an everyday occurrence in all parts of the country.”
2014, 14th May. Abstracted “Express Tribune”. Pakistan. Two men, including a seminary teacher, reportedly raped a college-going girl in Mansehra, police said on Tuesday. The accused have been arrested. [The girl] was returning after sitting an exam at Sky International School on Monday morning when her friend offered to drop her [home] in her fiancé’s car. At first she refused, but on her friend’s insistence she got in the car which had tinted windows. Two men were seated in the front while the girls sat at the back. The seminary teacher, shifted to the back seat and raped [the victim] first while the other kept driving. They then picked up another guy who also raped [her].
2014, 16th May. Abstracted “Express Tribune”. Pakistan. A prayer leader was caught while (allegedly) attempting to molest a minor girl on Thursday. Police and eyewitness said the eight-year-old was on her way to school when a prayer leader from the village mosque took the girl to the mosque after tempting her with sweets. When he tried to molest her, the girl reportedly started shouting and crying which attracted the attention of passers-by who barged into the mosque and caught the culprit red-handed. After beating him, they called the police who arrested the prayer leader.
2014, 18th May. Abstracted UK “Mail Online”. Their faces scratched and bleeding, the pitiful remains of their once-smart school uniforms ripped and filthy, the two [Christian] teenage girls were tethered to trees, wrists bound with rope and left in a clearing in the Nigerian bush to die by Islamist terror group Boko Haram. Despite having been raped and dragged through the bush, they were alive – but only just – in the sweltering tropical heat and humidity. Comment: once ‘captured’ Kaffir women nad girls are “ghanima” – spoils of war – and sex slaves for their Muslim masters. These must have been difficult to be left to die by such pious orthodox Mussalmen.
2014, 19th may. Abstracted “Detroit Free Press”. A Muslim leader [has been] convicted of raping three young girls in Detroit, a Wayne County jury found Mohammad Masroor, 51, guilty of 15 counts of criminal sexual conduct in 2000 against three female relatives who were 10, 12 and 13 years old at the time. Prosecutors said Masroor used his influence as a religious leader to take advantage of the girls while he was tutoring them in Islamic studies. Eight victims testified in the case, all of them relatives. In Canada last year, he was acquitted of sexually assaulting five other relatives while he was imam of a mosque in Toronto. Comment: incest and paedophilia – what a “delightful” combination.
On Slavery
21014, 29th April. Abstracted “BBCNews”.Some of the schoolgirls abducted by militant Islamists of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria are believed to have been taken to neighbouring states, a local leader has told the BBC, raising fears that group is adhering to the ancient Islamic belief that women captured during war are slaves with whom their “masters” can have sex.
2014, 5th May. Abstracted “YahooNews” and others. Nigeria: Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, “I abducted your girls, [they] will remain slaves with us. By Allah, I will sell them in the marketplace. They are slaves and I will sell them because I have the market to sell them.” This is a modern example of the ancient Islamic custom of enslaving women captured in a “holy war” (Jihad), who then can be used as sex slaves. Christians amongst the girls have been forced to convert to Islam. Comment: Sekau is claiming to have slave-markets (a feature of Islamic Countries in the recent past) set up ready for these girls. Given their youth, they will be sold into sex-slavery and he is making an oath in the name of Allah to do this.
2014, 15th May. Abstracted “Express Tribune”. A 12 year-old girl, who had lost her parents in an accident was sold [into sex-slavery] a year ago to a distant relative by her brothers for Rs40,000 (~£ 400). The girl has accused her “owner” and his 18-year-old nephew of sexually assaulting her. Police have arrested both men. Comment: whilst it’s good the paedophiles have been arrested, I have to say that arrest does not equate to prosecution, much less conviction. Of course, the real problem here is that the girl is a Muslim – and non Muslim should enslave another.
Ordinary Muslims don’t support these views! … Do they?
2014, 5th April. Abstracted “BosNewsLife”. Islamic militants of the Syrian opposition overran a Christian town, killing some 80 people, and forcing thousands of local residents to flee. At least 13 Christians were beheaded, churches were desecrated and homes looted. Comment: these are the people that the West are generally encouraged to support.
2014, 9th April. Abstracted “The Daily Sun” (Malaysia). A Hindu boy has been kidnapped from his mother by a (muslim) relative of his Muslim father. The mother had been granted custody of the child by the courts at the end of a custody battle in the civil courts. The father had been granted custody by a Shariah court. Comment: again we see how Muslims regard Sharia as a “higher law” than a Country’s law.
Not categorised or multi-category.
2014, 20th May. Abstracted “Zee News”. Pakistan. The head of the Pakistani Taliban, Maulana Fazlullah, has called on Pakistan’s government and military to surrender to “Allah’s writ” and vowed to continue fighting until Islamic law was fully enforced in the country: “Our jihad will continue until sharia is enforced or we embrace martyrdom. All fidayeen (suicide bombers) should be ready to face the guns and tanks of the devil forces [Pakistan’s Muslim military]. We have accepted the writ and power of Allah, and the Pakistan army, intelligence agencies and government will have to accept Allah’s writ.” Comment: yet more “tolerance” Islamic-style – here for those “not Muslim enough”.
Mostly for laughs.
Its not all doom and gloom in the Dar-ul-Islam. Some things are just too funny for me to ignore …
2014, 8th April. Abstracted “The Telegraph”, “LibertyGB” and “FAHRENHEIT211” Fiyaz Mughal, the founder of “Tell Mama” – the group set up to record “Islamophobic” attacks in the U.K. Has lost his case against The Telegraph which had said he exaggerated the scale and nature of attacks against Muslims both before and after the murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich. Mughal has also sought the prosecution under ‘racial harrassment’ charges of Liberty GB’s Tim Burton for calling Fiyaz Mughal a ‘mendacious grievance-mongering Taqiyya artist’ and a “little Muslim scumbag”. Given that “mendacious” means untruthful and that exaggeration is a form of untruth; that a “grievance monger” is someone who contrives a grievance – by, for example, exaggerating the grievance; that Taqiyya is a form of religious dissimulation – i.e. the telling of lies or part-lies for a religious reason; I’m not sure what Mughal can be objecting to except perhaps “little Muslim scumbag”. UPDATE: 10th April, abstracted “Liberty GB”. Burton also cleared of all charges.
I read the Gladstone report. Moderate indoneisa has again and again ruled at the federal level all religions (the 6 official ) are equal. But Islam is just a little more equal. The thugs called “Islamic defenders front” riot at any perceived slight and a few years ago TOLD churches they would be protecting them at Christmas. Of course the churches said any help is appreciated, or they would be bombed by these thugs.