Reason Is The King
we build a world civilization on shaky foundations? Can we erect the
palace of human prosperity on lies?
world is aching and its pain and anguish is augmenting day after day. The
cause of its tribulation is disunity, apathy and intolerance. The symptoms
of which are the wars that are taking lives, devastating families and
shattering dreams. This small planet shall never see one day of peace and
tranquility, until we learn to accept each other as humans and love each
other as if we were members of one family. Our peace and security shall
never be realized unless and until we abandon the doctrines that advocate
hate. How can you promote tolerance let alone unity when people follow
doctrines that ask them to hate?
is not preaching peace but war. It calls the faithful to wage wars against
the unbelievers, kill them and subdue them until Islam become the only
religion in the world. Islam is not a religion that could allow diversity
of thoughts and beliefs. It demands conformity and exerts control over the
thought of its subjects. Any deviation is punished severely. All
dictatorships are harmful but religious dictatorship is the worst of all.
All political doctrines, whether leftist or rightist, once proven false,
are abandoned, but religious fallacies endure, because they are believed
to be from God and therefore infallible. “The heaven and Earth can pass
but the word of God won’t”. Rational people are willing to accept its
irrationality and philosophers endeavor to rationalize and legitimize them
for intellectuals' consumption. But lies are lies, no matter how
elaborated they are and how long they have survived. General acceptance of
a lie, dose not make it truth, nor universal rejection of truth would
eclipse its splendor.
religions believe that snakes
and cows are sacred beings,
others believe in spirits. These seem illogical to those who don’t
believe in them. Muslims accuse Christians for their belief in trinity
that to them seems ludicrous. Yet they have no difficulty believing in the
absurdities of Quran like the Jinns, the creation of Eve from the rib of
Adam, the story of Noah or the splitting of the Moon. It is not clear why
all other unreasonable beliefs are wrong but theirs is right!
we do not use reason to distinguish which faith is the true one, how can
we pick the right religion? There are myriads of faiths that are all
irrational yet all say that their faith is above reason!
otherwise rational people are willing to accept the irrationality of their
religion. They give preference to revelation wherever their faith and
their reason collide. They maintain that revelation is the ultimate source
of the Truth. This is basically the thesis of all religious people. If
that were so, which revelation is the true one? Why do they differ? How
can one be certain that her religion is right and others are not? If faith
should be irrational, why should our irrationality be preferred over
through reason would we know which way is the right one. And when we test
the religions with reason you find many of religious teachings do not
conform. It requires a leap of faith and a great degree of mental
gymnastic to believe in them Limitations of Reason
reason is not the only means of learning. Intuition and inspiration can
take us where reason cannot. Some claim that through sudden flashes of
inspiration, gates of knowledge are flung open in front of them and they
can peep into a mystical world where they learn things they have not
dreamed of. But this is very much different with the claims of the
prophets who claim to have received revelations and demand that their
utterly irrational and fictitious concoction of fantasies be accepted as
the ultimate and undisputed truth.
inspiration is a powerful source of understanding, but this is not
reserved for selected individuals. Almost everyone can develop this
faculty and become the recipient of mystical knowledge. There is no
difference between the idea of how to build a better car and unraveling
the mystical realm. The source of all knowledge is one, we have
compartamentized it However what we learn through inspiration is never
illogical or irrational(it can be irrational and illogoical). If it is it
is not inspiration but hallucination. Many scientists and inventors
claimed to have received the answer to their questions intuitively. In
fact still it is reason that would determine whether we actually had a
true flash of inspiration or simply we let our imagination take over.
Religious people dismiss logic when it contradicts what they believe to be
the word of God. They say: "why rely on human logic that is proven to
be fallible when we can trust the word of God that is infallible?"
The problem is how do we know that the words we believe are from God and
how can we be certain that the god we believe in is the right one? How do
we find the right path? How can we be sure that ours, and not the beliefs
of hundreds of other sects, cults and religions that just like us claim to
be the only right path to the Creator is the right one? Which one should
we choose? To find that; we still have to rely on logic. But since we are
aware that human logic is unreliable, how can we be sure that we are not
following blindly a very wrong path?
have no doubt that people are sincere in their search for Truth. No one
chooses to be misled willingly. It is foolish to assume that people
instinctively know the truth and choose to rebel because they have pride
in themselves. As absurd as this thought may be, this is what Muslims
believe of those who do not believe in Islam. Muslims are convinced that
people are either ignorant of Islam or they reject it due to their pride.
What a foolish thought! To what extent of irrationality these people are
willing to go to beguile themselves and keep their irrational faith alive
is beyond me. The fact is that people everywhere, sincerely and honestly,
take wrong paths and clash with each other, are willing to sacrifice their
own lives for it (except for Muslims who prefer to sacrifice the lives of
others first) because they do believe that they have found the Truth. Then
one may ask: "If they are all sincere why don’t they all follow
the same religion?" It is because their understanding is different.
They rely on their own logic (or they rely on other’s logic). Since they
are humans and their logic, just like yours and mine, is defective, they
choose wrong paths, they follow a wrong guru, and they pray to a wrong
god. If every one else is prone to such mistakes why should you or I be
exempt? This is an important question. This humbling realization that the
Truth is much greater to be understood by an imperfect human being like me
makes me accepting of other people, listen to what they have to say, be
less arrogant and more aware.
Of course, if I had to choose between following a clear, defined laws of
an all Knowing and Wise God on one hand and charting my life on my own
single-handedly and without any guidance, on the other, I would not
hesitate to follow God. I am aware of my limitations, I know that I may be
wrong, I struggle to find the right way and despite all my pure intentions
at the end I discover that the road that I chose wasn’t the best. So why
not leave my affairs in the hand of God and why not follow his religion?
The answer is that unfortunately, in practice, the choice is not that
clear. If it was so clear why there are so many sects, cults and
religions? The question that still remains is which God to follow? Though
people say that there is only one God, they do not agree that all ways
lead to him. So even if I admit that it is preferable to have a
Supper-mind telling me what to do, I still have to find Him.
cannot believe people based on the intensity of their beliefs. Everyone
has faith in his own religion, but not all of them can be right. So what
should I do? Even if I want to find the true God I have to use my own
logic. I have to question, and make sure that I am not being misled. This
is an important decision, if I have to give my entire control and my will
to a god, shouldn’t I ascertain that he is the right one? How can I do
that if I don’t question and use MY OWN logic? I say my own logic
because I am responsible for my own life and I cannot follow another human
being blindly for he too may be following someone else blindly. However,
when I bring into the equation my logic to evaluate these sects and
religions to find the true God, I realize that none of them can withstand
the test of logic.
so-called prophets claim that it is not up to man to test God but it is up
to God to test man. But if we don't question the validity of their claims,
how are we supposed to know that they are not impostors? How would we know
whether these self-proclaimed prophets are not con artists and swindlers?
Yet so many, otherwise intelligent people, let themselves be fooled by
this bogus intimidation. In
the old and new testament it is considered wrong to follow false prophecy.
The point is that those who follow false prophets are not aware of it.
scary as it may be, we are left alone to chart our own lives and make our
own decisions. Do we make mistakes? Of course we do. But we correct them
and we move forward. On the other hand imagine the incalculable harm that
would befall us if people followed blindly, not your God, who is of course
the "true one", but another version of deity preached by another
cult, (e,g, Sun M. Moon, Children of God, Temple of Sun, etc.). Which
route is safer? When I choose to follow God (assuming there is a God who
has send me a messenger to show me the right way) I am playing the Russian
roulette. And since there are thousands of denominations, each selling
salvation, all of them but one leading to perdition, my chances of finding
the right one is pretty slim. You see why logic is the king? You have to
test your god with logic first before submitting yourself to him. And
since no religion or doctrine has presented a god that can hold firm to a
good logical probing, I reject all of them as fancies of human imagination
and products of our own making.
evolution of the human society is not unlike the evolution of one of its
members. We evolved through adaptation and nature’s
test and trial . Genes are constantly changing and each change brings
a new mutation. Most of these mutations fail, but those few that succeed
are the triumphs of Mother Nature. The same thing happens in our society,
we make laws based on our particular needs, and change them when they are
no more needed. Some laws are good, some are not. But they are made by us
and they are for us. Religious laws are made by men who lived eons apart
from us. They did not have a clue of the needs of our time. Their social
teachings look repressive to us and the rest of their message is
illogical. Which one is better? Which one to follow? Unless you prove,
through logic, that your religion is different, and your god is the real
one, you are also following a cult.
The truth is one although it has infinite facets. Because each person’s
mental capacity, social and cultural background is different, that same
Truth for each person has a different flavor. The variety is not in the
Truth but in its containers. Who can decry the facet that someone holds
true and dear to his heart?
Take for example the rays of the sun. It is all pure white. But when it
hits the Earth it manifests itself in millions of colors. The differences
are in the capacity of the objects reflecting the rays of the sun. If you
mix together all these colors of light, you get back the pure white again.
Likewise, the Truth manifests itself in the world of humanity in different
hues. When we become united, not adopting one color as religions propose,
not under the banner of a religion or belief, but maintaining our
individual hues, the brilliant light of Truth will shine in humanity and
humankind will be illumined with the light of God
Ali Sina