Insist that violent passages in the Quran only apply
to long-ago historical incidents (like the battle of Badr), but
then also insist that the Quran is a book of guidance "for
all times and all people."
Insist that Muhammad 's actions can't be judged by
today's more humane human rights standards, while at the same
time, insist that he is the perfect "Model for all
Mankind" today.
Insist that Islam is a "religion of
peace", while at the same time, brag about the great military
victories of Muhammad, Abu Bakr, Umar, Khalid bin Al-Waheed and
Insist that Islam is "not a missionary
religion", while at the same time publish endless articles
about "how to do dawah" on hundreds of dawah websites. (dawah
means invitation to Islam)
Insist that "truth stands from error" and
that Islam can stand on its own merits as the "one true
religion", while laboring endlessly to squash all criticism
and discussion of Islam.
Insist that the laws in Saudi Arabia, Iran and
Afghanistan are unIslamic while trying to get them implemented in
the west, India and other kafir societies.
Insist that women achieve TRUE liberation through
Islam! Never mind those pesky ideas about real equality with men
in all areas of life, men and women are so different, and shari'ah
"realistically" acknowledges these differences, unlike
those evil man-made law systems that suggest otherwise!
Insist how "liberating" it is for women to
wear a piece of cloth on their heads.
Insist that Jihad has nothing to do with violence.
It’s simply struggling with pen, tongue etc. at the same time
looking for atomic bomb to use in Kafir countries.
Insist that most of the scientific inventions were
foretold in Quran but no
one ever invented
anything out of Quran.
Insist that Muslims should enjoy all human rights
and make infinite number of mosques in western countries but ban
Kafirs from Mecca and Medina. Preaching of any other religion is
not allowed in any Islamic country .
Insist that women in Islam are privileged in an
unparalleled manner and their equality with men have never been
achieved in history like it was done in Islam, yet use every trick
in the book to show that they lack the wisdom and fair judgment of
men and consequently, men must reserve the right to BEAT them if
they go astray, of course as a "last resort".
Insist that Islam is against slavery and then
demonstrate how humanely Muhammad treated HIS SLAVES as proof of
Insist that Islam "Is a complete way of
life", not just a religion. But when others criticize things
like the burka and honor killings, say that it's the fault of
"culture", not Islam.
Insist that the Quran is the word of god, is
protected against corruption, and is unchanged since Muhammad's
death, despite the existence of multiple versions and histories
attesting to changes that were made
Insist in demanding for more rights and perks from
kafirs in kafir countries via freedom of religion, while condoning
the killing of the kafirs in Islamic countries and preventing them
from following their religion.
Insist that Islam liberated women when no Islamic
society treats them
Insist that Islam will one day dominate the world
when Muslim countries are sinking deeper in poverty and soon will
face massive starvation.
Insist that Muhammad was a perfect role model and a
Mercy of God among men and hide the fact that he lied, raped,
tortured, killed, robbed and was a pedophile
Insist that Qur'an cannot be translated into any
other tongue except Arabic, the language of God, when those who
say this themselves do not know how to speak Arabic"
Insist that Islam is a "way of life." but
never mind that this "way of life" is the way of life of
a bunch of savage desert dwellers of the 7th century.
Insist to subject oneself in full surrender to
Allah. Pray five times a day, fast for one month (sleep during day
and feasts at night), read the Qur'an every day, expend years
learning the "arts" of defecating, copulating and
cleanliness and other useless rituals and dream of conquering the
infidels and taking their money to compensate the consequences of
one's laziness and unproductiveness.
Insist that terrorist attacks in the name of Islam
are not perpetrated by Muslims, but the countries who are the
victims of the terrorist attacks deserve it because of their
foreign policy towards Islamic countries.
Insist on the evils of the Western culture and the
virtues of Islam but at the same time do everything possible to
immigrate to the West in order to escape oppression of the Islamic
Insist that Muslims are persecuted in Israel, India,
Philippines, Thailand, etc but continue expanding Islamic
terrorism around the world
Insist that Islam is a logical religion and everyone
with pure motives will become a Muslim while forgetting that their
own ancestors were forced to accept Islam and many were killed for
Insist that only Islam (Quran and Sahih Hadiths) is
the Absolute Truth and that every other religious book is
corrupted and unreliable, but at the same time try to 'prove'
Islam by referring to the same "corrupted" sources that
they decry.
Insist that some of the Sahih ('reliable') Hadiths
are actually not reliable at all but at the same time not
recognizing the problems this poses for the claim that Sharia is
the only valid legal system, as the Sharia laws are based for a
big part on those Sahih Hadith collections.
Insist that Islam has no superstitions while there
are prescribed prayers and rituals to combat black magic,
witchcraft, sorcery, evil eyes, stone throwing jinns etc
Insist that kissing a black stone, walking several
times around the kaba, throwing stones at a pillar and using
prayer-beads has nothing to do with superstition.
Insist that homosexuality is illegal in Islam and
execute the homosexuals but Insist pedophilia i.e. sex with boys
is not homosexuality, practice it and hope to have "pearly
boys" in Allah's paradise.