Sex Slavery In Islamic India – Enslavement of women, children and men

4 Responses

  1. Face_The_Truth says:

    Screen-name Surj_1936 says: The world has not learnt a lesson from the past history…


    In my conversations with both educated Muslims and educated non-Muslims including “Hindus” and Christians in the past, I observed a strong tendency of outright denial about Islamic slave-system, Islamic slave-trade and the systematic imposition of Islamic sexual slavery on non-Muslim females of all ages!

    From highly educated college-professors I often heard (hear) a sentence like “Every religion has bad things in it and Islamic history was NO exception.”

    Now, I hear some bold Muslim females saying that, Islamic sexual-slavery of non-Muslim females was (is) the way to absolutely humiliate non-believers of Allah and Allah’s final messenger!


  2. surj1936 says:

    The world has not learnt a lesson from the past history of Muslim’s /Islam

  3. Face_The_Truth says:

    Both Muslims and Islam-sympathizer non-Muslims try to evade, try to nullify and try to whitewash Islamic slave-system and Islamic slave-trade during medieval time and even to this day.

    But, Muslims are very proud people, because world’s Muslims believe that one and only Allah (or Jehovah or God the Father) did finally reveal to Muhammad the Arabian one and only true “religion” for all humans for eternity.

    Allah will never speak again, because Allah’s final messenger died in 632 A.D.

    Allah cannot speak to all humans on his own and, so, Allah needed a messenger!

    Which is similar to Jewish Jehovah who could not speak and do anything on his own and, so, needed Moses to speak to the people of Judaea.

    Which is similar to Christian God the Father who could not wash the “Sins” of mankind on his own, but needed Jesus the Nazarene Jew to commit suicide!

    However, the point here to be made is Allah in al’Quran sanctioned Islamic slave-sytem, Islamic slave-trade and overall or all encompassing mandatory Islamic sexual-slavery for all non-believing females of all ages during medieval period in any Islamic slave-market.


    ‘When an Islamic slave market is erected, which is a market in which are sold slaves and sex-slaves, which are called in the Qur’an by the name milk al-yamin, “that which your right hands possess” [Koran 4:24].

    This is a verse from the Qur’an which is still in force, and has NOT been abrogated.

    The milk al-yamin are the non-believing female sex-slaves.

    You go to the market, look at the sex-slave, and buy her.

    She becomes like your wife, (but) she doesn’t need a (marriage) contract or a divorce like a free woman, nor does she need a wali.

    All Islamic scholars agree on this point — there is NO disagreement from any of them. […]

    When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her.’




  4. Face_The_Truth says:

    I have met a few Indians — both “Hindus” and Muslims — who instantly deny widespread Sex-Slavery and Female Sex-Slave Trade routinely carried out by Muslim invaders of Indian subcontinent during medieval time.

    Today’s educated Indian Muslims try to deny that “Hindu” non-believer females of Islam were treated as Sex-Slaves during Islamic rules of various parts of Indian subcontinent.

    I wrote the words “various parts of Indian subcontinent”, because Muslim invaders could NEVER rule the entire Indian subcontinent as a whole at any particular time!

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sister-religions for having a very colorful history of Sexual Slavery and financially profitable Sex-Slave Trade of non-believing females.

    Judaism and Christianism have so far abandoned Sex-Slavery and Sex-Slave Trade of non-believer females.

    But, Islam has NOT.

    World’s faithful Muslims are proud of their bloody history regarding Sex-Slavery and Sex-Slave Trade of non-believer females and, when opportunity comes, world’s Muslims do not hesitate to do Sex-Slavery and Sex-Slave Trade of non-believer females to this day!

    Even in ultra-modern England today, Sex-Slavery and Sex-Slave Trade of non-believer females have been going on with the full knowledge of British Christians as the following LINK shows.
