




 Leaving Islam



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      Native peoples of Egypt and Persia , remnants of two great civilizations, forever bonded by their mutual experience with Islam about the same time. By design and necessity, most calling themselves Muslims in these lands have been denied even the knowledge of their own ancestry, let alone the particulars of what there female and male ancestors suffered at the hands Islam. These two separate accomplished civilizations were built by a skillful, educated, and hard-working great and proud people. Natives in these lands today unknowingly have many loving ancestors, obviously on the other side of the veil separating the living from the dead, who still care deeply about their prodigy. Their grand-parents, and other relations from prior generations, speak with one voice from the grave. They are joined by more recent ancestry, who have learned since death that they were lied-to and used, and also had their heritage stolen from them by Islam. Both the living and dead in these lands, especially native Moslems, have more to avenge for the way Islam harms their families today, and has hurt generations of their ancestors in the past. Many more ‘spiritual’ natives feel the cries, as if from the dust, yet are not quite sure how to respond to answer family promptings from the other side. Many sons and daughters still struggling in this life, find their hearts impulsively turning towards their fathers and mothers, as those same lost parents and grandparents hearts feel the tug to reach out across the veil to connect with their heritage. If these feelings and urges were given voice, the words they speak to loved ones are these, …escape Islam, escape hatred, escape violence, become worthy to join loving family in the next life and beyond. Stand true and faithful to your family, to your true heritage, and to your conscience. Offer no more loyalty to that pathologic madman, Muhammad, nor his deceived followers. Be true to your own heart, and your family.  There are no Moslems in the next life, there is no Ummah, there are only brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, truth, and inescapable justice. There is no Qur’an, no celestial sluts to satisfy physical or spiritual lusts, and absolutely no-one worships or respects one certain small withering spirit named Muhammad. That diminutive creature spends all his time wracked with the clear knowledge of his crimes, and avoiding facing his millions of victims.

    Some are beginning to understand that that many of their recent or distant ancestors entered Islam at sword point. As Arab dominance gripped cities and nations, most undoubtedly embraced Islam not only to survive, but to avoid payment of Poll Tax (Jaziya) and escape the humiliation reserved for the non-Muslims living under their Arab rulers. Undoubtedly nearly all of those so forced hoped and longed for the opportunity to escape the grip of Islam at the time of their induction, but the grip of Islam on families, neighborhoods, and nations is very tight. Dreams of freedom became sad resignation, and after a generation or two none remember or recite the old hopes and dreams. It’s interesting to take note that much of Islam today is made up from what essentially is a conscripted army. Islamic efforts to make that army tow the official line and become more responsive and obedient warriors (Jihadists) continue to this day. Calls to arms and Jihad seem constantly issued from various sources, and there seems to be a new crop of recently indoctrinated energetic young people ready to answer the call to prove their devotion, and to make teachers and family proud. Properly incited, they depart on their dangerous journeys knowing nothing of the root causes and circumstances of their ancestral parents forced conversions. Their father’s father’s father, an entire previous lineage of many peoples, cry from the dust lamenting the choices of their prodigy, but can not speak to hearts filled with the same hatred and blood-lust that first subdued their parents. It is a huge tragedy and travesty spanning generations. An enlightenment, or awakening, is feared and fought against by Islamic fundamentalists as they fight to ensure the continuation of their rightful place as overseers of conquered peoples deliberately and carefully kept in the dark.

     If Islam really were a great and peaceful religion, we might expect peace, prosperity, and enlightenment to break out all over in lands it has governed for so long. Instead, everywhere Islam goes, all the locals get is poverty, oppression, corruption, murder, rape, and thievery. The facts on the ground confirm this, notwithstanding the vigorous, often threatening denials of Islamists. “How beautiful the Emperors robe”, they exclaim, while the rest of the world sees the ugly nakedness of the violent culture consuming all in its path to serve today’s Islamic elite. “Islamophobic bigot!” they scream, as they sharpen their blades and plan their next vile act in the name of their hateful God Allah. Today's Middle East is a region where even words have been systematically corrupted, making progressive discourse problematic. Dictatorship is called "nationalism", stealing is called "Jizya", terrorism is called "holy war", murder is called "martyrdom", and terrorists have become “insurgents”. In truth Islam is a hateful cult all about dominance of the weak, and destruction of anything outside of it's own putrid shell of bigotry. Islam’s shrill rhetoric is dangerous for sure, but the cries from loved ones long lost pierce to the very soul of long lost children. These quiet whisperings offer both sorrow and healing to the children of Egypt and Persia , and are also a force to be reckoned with.


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