




 Leaving Islam




The Enemy Can Be Just Down the Street:
Immigration Can Destabilize A Society: Muslims In The Dutch Country

J. Grant Swank, Jr 

That’s what Newsweek writer Stryker McGuire wrote. "Europeans talk of ethnic tolerance. But events in the Netherlands show how dangerously they are divided "

The Muslims have poured into the Netherlands. Now they are sitting in one separate camp while the local Dutch sit in another. Threats fly through the air. A Muslim school was attacked. A church was attacked. It’s tit for tat going on. The police are on edge. The local citizenry is on edge.

What’s going to happen next? Where’s it all going to end? The government authorities don’t know. The neighborhoods don’t know.

Theo van Gogh, a filmmaker, made a movie, "Submission," in which he revealed the Muslim male torture, rape and murder of a Muslim female. Then, while on a bike ride in a busy thoroughfare, he was knifed to death, his throat slit for final measure. A Muslim and accomplices are held in custody.

Some criticize the political authorities for doing this or that. They should have said this. They should have done that. So there’s confusion within the public as to what reaction should have been taken, what reaction should presently be taken. It’s an upside-down societal situation in which Muslims fear for their futures. The Dutch fear for their society.

McGuire points out that immigration gone sky-high can destabilize a society.

When society becomes aware of the killing-texted Koran held to by Muslims, then society has a right to feel fright. There is no other religion in the world that dictates that non-devotees be slaughtered. Yet Allah calls for the extinction of all non-Muslims. Therefore, enthusiasts see it through, even if it means their suicides.

"The drama is in some ways peculiarly Dutch, but it has sent shock waves through the rest of Europe. The violence is clear evidence that immigration, if badly managed, can be a destabilizing force even in the most seemingly settled of European societies. . . And it shows that the war on terror is sometimes just down the street. . ."

Spain realized that the enemy can "be just down the street." Russia experienced that the enemy can "be just down the street." Manhattan realized that the enemy can "be just down the street." Now the Dutch are awakening to the reality that the enemy can "be just down the street."

US President George W. Bush has been saying that for years now. It became a worn litany in the presidential election. Dems didn’t believe it. Kerry considered the enemy but a "nuisance." But the red states in their voting block put back into the Oval Office the president who warned the globe that the enemy could "be just down the street."

Putin thanked the red states voting block for putting GWB back in the White House, saying that the election proved that the United States was not going to go easy on Muslim killers international. He should know. They’re in his back yard.

Now European leaders are coming together to say they need to work closer with the President. Why? Because their blockbuster attitude during Iraqi Freedom Operation didn’t pan out to be realistic. Now they want to play back the record and get tough on the Muslim internationals who have infiltrated everywhere with a killing religion.

"With 16 million inhabitants, including 1 million Muslims, the Netherlands is Europe's most densely populated country. . .

"Tensions over what to do about immigration have risen sharply in recent years. By the 2002 national elections, immigration had taken center stage — the heart of a Dutch identity crisis.

"Populist politician Pim Fortuyn called for Holland to rethink its policies. His simple slogan — "Holland is full" — resonated enough with ordinary Dutch that his party quickly became the most popular in the country. Then a radical environmentalist assassinated him. Ever since, unease over immigration has defined the nation."







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