




 Leaving Islam





Jihad terrorism is not over the policies of US, Israel, and India, or due to globalization, social change, poverty, economic deprivation or lack of self-esteem, but rather the ideology, the cognitive-behavior processes of Jihad Muslims. Terrorism, bombing, beheading and suicide murder are symptoms of a deep-rooted pathology stemming from their “addictive thinking” on Islam. The Islamic “addictive thinking” convinces jihad terrorists that attack on infidel would restore Islamic pride and prove to the infidel world that Jihad warriors are full of confidence and Islamic pride. The root cause of jihad terrorism is to be found in the defective, dangerous dogma that binds Jihad Muslims around the world together.  The Jihad Muslim’s thinking process and behaviors are sanctioned in Islam. What is less understandable is how and why mindless liberals fall prey to so much distorted thought.



Jihadis often seek to identify infidels as targets because of their ideological beliefs. They justify terrorism by rationalization and show no remorse, fear, guilt or shame on murdering infidels. For jihadi terrorist all infidels are legitimate target for terrorist attacks.  

Jihad terrorists have unique needs, and the emotional pressure to gratify these needs can greatly affect the way they think and feel. Their “addictive thinking” on Islam operates in every fundamentalist Jihad terrorists. The more we understand how jihad terrorists think and function, the less likely we are to be paralyzed by the shock of their criminal acts, and less likely we are to be taken in by their ingenious cunning and manipulation. A young adolescent boy or girl who is carrying explosives to commit suicide murder could not understand how he or she could be oblivious to the disastrous effects to see his or her criminal act. They are unable to see their own thinking or the magnitude of the destruction because they are influenced by the addictive thinking and by the Islamic indoctrination.  

Thinking patterns of Jihadi terrorists are different from the law-abiding population. Jihadis perpetually maneuvers to prop up an ever-precarious image of them as unique and powerful. In their ongoing attempts for self-promotion, they care not whom they hurt. To them, the world and its people are to be controlled like paws on their own chessboard. They use their dogmatic, criminal ideology as a way to shield their image by pushing the responsibility for their own terrorist behavior on to anyone and anything available to themselves.



Jihad Terrorists are followers of Islam, which is a control system, a closed dogma and it is designed to exclude dialogue, outside input, and forbid freethinking. Whatever Muslims do, wherever they go, Muslims are mandated to maintain status quo and the closed paradigm. Muslims are forced to neutralize new ideas by the power and control system of the clergy. Islamic states use force and other control mechanisms to maintain equilibrium and the closed Islamic thought system. Islamic states and Islamic religious leaders never tolerate dialogue, rational thinking, pluralism, secularism and religious tolerance. They behave like an evil empire and maintain absolute control and authority to crackdown free inquiry and secular ideas for the maintenance of the Islamic toxic order. For Muslims, maintaining the closed-system is more important than social progress, democracy, and free spirited discussion. As a result, Muslims get “chewed up” by the dogmatic system and are willing to sacrifice their life through suicide murder, terrorism and violence.  

Their goal is to make the world as Daral-Islam (the house of Islam)-where Islam rules-and the non-Muslim world as Daral-Harb (the house of war) that has to be conquered. The non-Muslim world should be terrorized, intimidated, oppressed and conquered for Muslims. 

In spite of rapid changes in science, technology and information system, Muslims spend their energy to reinforce their closed-system and make their society into “islands of no-change” where individual freedom and creativity are crushed. Islamic societies maintain their equilibrium through control, force, punishment and power. For Muslims living under closed system, don’t worry about modern education, women’s freedom, art, literature, philosophy and spirituality and ignore transcendental needs. They shut the door on science, technology and information if it is not deemed “relevant” to maintaining closed Islamic dogma.


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